I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 132: Mastery of Skills

Chapter 132: Mastery of Skills

"Florges, Misty Terrain!"

Inside the Ecopark, as Yuga's voice echoed, a multitude of pink mist surrounded Florges standing in the flower Terrain. The mist added an aura of mystery to her beauty.

Florges had learned the Misty Terrain skill for some time now, but she had made no progress in fully developing its potential.

No matter how she tried to communicate with the Fairy-type energies in the Misty Terrain, she couldn't control or harness them in the slightest, let alone use them to her advantage.

Yuga found the Misty Terrain skill quite peculiar. It didn't possess the broad utility of other Terrain skills yet possessed unique attributes.

In terms of frequency, Florges used the Grass Terrain skill much more often than the Misty Terrain skill. However, she wasn't a Grass-type Pokémon and was less attuned to Grass-type energy than to Fairy-type energy.

Sometimes Yuga wondered if he had gone wrong in developing this skill. But he believed the journey was just beginning, and giving up too easily wasn't the right choice.

Apart from the lack of progress in Florges's Misty Terrain, Yuga's other Pokémon had made significant advancements.

First was Absol. As his understanding of the Future Sight skill deepened, his perception became sharper. Even when sparring with much stronger Flygon, he displayed a poised and composed approach, knowing when to advance and when to retreat.

Vivillon was becoming increasingly adept at using the Quiver Dance skill. While she couldn't achieve constant "dancing," there had been considerable improvement.

Vivillon's ultimate goal was to integrate her dancing into every moment, whether in flight, battle, or evasion, making it instinctual.

Lastly, there was Chimecho. As a support type of Pokémon, her innate lack of offensive strength was her greatest weakness. Although Vivillon faced a similar challenge, certain abilities like Quiver Dance alleviated the issue.

Moreover, in comparison to Vivillon, Chimecho's skill set was rather limited, with only three skills: Psychic, Gravity, Heal Pulse, and Heal Bell. Three of her skills were utility-based.

Yuga, having trained his Pokémon for a while, had begun to view their training differently.

Many trainers teach their Pokémon a variety of skills to broaden their combat repertoire, enhancing their versatility and adaptability through skill quantity.

However, Yuga believed that mastering a single skill was more important than learning ten skills.

Similar to humans, we don't need to excel in everything, nor can we be masters of all trades. The simplest path to success is through specializing in one particular ability.

For instance, Absol's combat style was straightforward and direct, focused on offense without much consideration for retreat. So, Yuga helped him specialize in the Future Sight skill, improving his five senses and enabling him to handle battles more adeptly.

As for other skills, they were just supplementary means for his battles, and as long as they could be used skillfully, there wouldn't be significant issues.

Vivillon followed the same principle. Her expertise lay in the Quiver Dance skill, which she used as her core ability. The other skills served as her means of attack, allowing her to have an advantage in various situations.

For Florges, Yuga's current consideration for her specialization was the Misty Terrain skill, but it still required effort as it was currently challenging to develop.

With Chimecho, whose skill set was relatively small, Yuga tentatively chose Gravity as her core skill. This skill was rather unique; its primary function was to restrict the movements of opponents. However, it demanded high levels of mental strength and skillful use of psychic energy. Chimecho still had room for growth.

If developed well, Gravity could be highly useful. It created a gravitational field around the user, restraining the opponent's movements, making it an excellent control skill.

In Yuga's memories from his previous life, the Gravity skill allowed Ground-type moves to hit Levitating and Flying-type Pokémon. But in this world, the skill's effects were much more versatile.

"Florges, is it still impossible to achieve?" Yuga inquired toward Florges within the Misty Terrain.


Florges shook her head.

"Well, it seems it's still not working today. Let's put this aside for now. Practice your other skills, and I'll check on the other Pokémon," Yuga sighed and instructed Florges.

"Florges!" Florges nodded and began practicing Grass Terrain and Magical Leaf.

Yuga checked on his other Pokémon and found their training to be progressing smoothly. Then, he went to see the 50 Miltank he had brought back earlier.

The new Miltank had seamlessly integrated into their new life. They learned skills daily alongside the original six Miltank, practiced caring for baby Pokémon, and even helped Audino make Pokéblocks.

While assisting with the Pokéblocks production, the new Miltank mainly handled the simpler tasks, such as cleaning and cutting fruits. The more intricate tasks were performed by Audino. More complex tasks were beyond their capabilities.

Apart from Budew, who was always by Yuga's side, the other 30 baby Pokémon had started training alongside Murkrow, Vulpix, and Houndoom.

With the nourishing Moomoo Milk and the protective effects of the Guardian Orbs, these baby Pokémon were growing at a much faster rate than ordinary Pokémon.

Using his Insight skill, Yuga checked their levels and found that since their birth until now, their levels had unknowingly reached around level 15. Their growth speed was undoubtedly impressive.

Since the Flygon leader trained his people daily according to Yuga's instructions, several of the Trapinchs in the sub-ecopark had evolved into Vibrava. The levels of over twenty Flygon had also risen several levels imperceptibly.

The situation was the same in the territory of the Gligars, and both groups had gradually seen the birth of new lives during this period. Especially now, with the well-fed and cared-for Gligars, their numbers were increasing.

Everything in the Ecopark was developing very smoothly, and Yuga felt proud and accomplished.

After finishing the morning training with his Pokémon and exiting the Ecopark with Budew in his arms, Audino was wearing an apron, setting breakfast on the table.

It was a pity that Audino could only look but not eat these delicious breakfast dishes. It had only a few Pokéblocks placed in the plate not far from it.

Watching Audino's mouthwatering expression while looking at the food, Yuga sometimes wondered if he was being too cruel. However, considering how it would misbehave when he was away, he believed these punishments were necessary. Otherwise, it might do it again next time.

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