I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 122: Tyson (Team Rocket)

Chapter 122: Tyson (Team Rocket)

Following those words, another man in Team Rocket uniform emerged from the nearby bushes.

Unlike the three lackeys in black Team Rocket uniforms who were defeated by Yuga, this man wore the elite uniform that only distinguished Team Rocket members could wear. It was the same attire worn by Musashi and Kojirō in the original series.

However, what Yuga didn't anticipate was that the first thing this Team Rocket elite did upon appearing was to try and recruit him. It had to be said, Team Rocket was truly desperate for new talent.

"Lord Tyson, we have failed."

Seeing the newly arrived Team Rocket member, the three defeated lackeys quickly recalled their defeated Pokémon and ran over to him, bowing in respect.


Yuga did recall this name. He had encountered him in the original anime when Professor Oak encountered him during his journey in Sichuan. Tyson was responsible for triggering the evolution of the Red Gyarados using Team Rocket's Angry Device.

Although Yuga couldn't remember what Tyson looked like, he remembered his name quite clearly.

"I'm not interested in joining Team Rocket, and I don't want to provoke you either. However, I hope you'll let us go," Yuga declined Tyson's proposal as soon as he spoke.

Hearing Yuga's refusal, Tyson's expression immediately darkened.

"In that case, there's no way I can let you go today. Blame that girl for seeing something she shouldn't have." Saying this, Tyson released a Fearow.

Seeing something she shouldn't have? Yuga glanced at Whitney, who was not far away.

Whitney caught Yuga's gaze and vigorously shook her head, indicating she hadn't seen anything.

"It seems a battle is inevitable today," Yuga had just finished speaking when Florges, who was standing nearby, stepped forward to confront the Fearow in the air.

Seeing Yuga's stubbornness, Tyson snorted and said, "If you won't accept a drink, you'll have to face the punishment. Fearow, Steel Wing!"

Using his Insightful Eyes, Yuga examined the Fearow.



Type: Normal/Flying

Ability: Keen Eye

Gender: Male

Potential: Yellow

Level: 41

Moves: Agility, Peck, Leer, Pursuit, Fury Attack, Aerial Ace, Quick Attack, Steel Wing.


Although this Fearow had a higher level than Florges, the considerable difference in potential meant their overall strength wasn't significantly disparate.

"Florges, Vine Whip!"

Faced with Fearow's Aerial Ace, Yuga employed the same strategy he used against Golbat earlier, attempting to use Vine Whip to toss it aside.

Two Vine Whips instantly ensnared Fearow's wings. With a strong tug, Florges redirected Fearow away from its original attacking trajectory, preventing it from successfully hitting Florges.

This Fearow, which had used Aerial Ace, outstripped the previous Golbat in both speed and power. However, Florges's strength only managed to divert its attack trajectory rather than deal effective damage.

"Fearow, Drill Peck!"

Benefiting from the momentum of its high-speed assault, the Fearow that had just stabilized itself in midair immediately received its trainer's command. The pointed beak of the bird shone with intense Ground-type energy as it lunged straight toward Florges.

"Florges, Moonblast!"

Florges's Moonblast took form swiftly, transforming into a silver beam that shot toward the oncoming Fearow.

Florges's movement speed wasn't exceptional, and it lacked defensive moves apart from the single Flower Shield, which was only effective against Grass-types. Therefore, when battling, Yuga employed the strategy that the best defense was a good offense.

In the midst of its high-speed charge, Fearow was unable to turn or evade. It collided head-on with Florges's Moonblast.

After the intense explosion, the disheveled Fearow burst out from the smoke formed by the explosion, emitting an unpleasant screech.

Fearow was known as one of the most irritable and easily angered bird-like Pokémon, often getting into conflicts with other Pokémon in the wild due to its fiery temperament. The significant setback it suffered at the hands of Florges had pushed it to the brink of fury.

However, Tyson seemed to understand Fearow's volatile nature quite well. He addressed the ferocious-looking Fearow in the air, saying, "Fearow, don't hold back, go all-out!"

Upon hearing Tyson's command, Fearow's wings illuminated with a bright white light. It utilized its Steel-type move, Steel Wing, once again, charging fiercely towards Florges.

"Florges, Moonblast!"

Watching the unwavering Fearow charging forward, Yuga employed the same strategy as before, trying to interrupt Fearow's attack with Moonblast.

However, when the Moonblast's beam of light approached Fearow, the Pokémon abruptly folded its wings together. It utilized the Steel-type energy accompanying its Steel Wing to block the Moonblast's attack. After a brief pause, it continued its assault on Florges.

Seeing Fearow closing in on Florges in an instant, Yuga urgently shouted, "Florges, use Vine Whip to entangle that tree and dodge!"

Thinking she was about to be hit, Florges's eyes brightened upon hearing Yuga's command. She instantly swung out her two Vine Whips, grabbing onto the nearby tree and flinging herself out of the way, narrowly evading Fearow's Steel Wing.

"Florges, Fairy Wind!"

Even before touching the ground, Florges received another command from Yuga. Swiftly changing her trajectory mid-air, a pink gust of energy emanated from her, heading towards Fearow.

Due to Florges's successful evasion, the Steel Wing that Fearow had unleashed missed its target. Since Fearow was still mid-air and hadn't regained stability due to inertia, it was caught off guard by the sudden Fairy Wind, causing it to plummet to the ground.

"Florges, press the advantage and use Moonblast again?"

With Florges now standing firmly on the ground, Yuga issued another command. Without hesitation, a powerful Moonblast shot out from Florges, striking the grounded Fearow. This time, Fearow didn't manage to get back up into the air.

"Underestimated you. I didn't expect your strength to surpass my expectations. It's a pity you won't join Team Rocket," Tyson muttered, recalling the incapacitated Fearow and wearing an unsightly expression.

Having achieved his first victory, Yuga's mood was good. He smiled and said, "You don't need to worry about us, worry about yourself."

"Tyson, Tyson, where are you?"

As he stored the fainted Fearow back into its Poké Ball, Tyson, who had intended to send out another Pokémon, suddenly heard a voice. His expression changed, and he promptly turned to the lackeys standing not far away, urgently saying, "Run!"

After glancing at Yuga, he disappeared into the bushes.

Though the three lackeys didn't comprehend what was happening, their superior had given orders, so they quickly dashed into the bushes.

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