I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 1028: Jangmo-o

Chapter 1028: Jangmo-o

Different from the irritable and combative Tyranitar, most Kommo-o are not prone to initiating unnecessary fights and certainly do not bully the weaker. Their characters are shrouded in righteousness.

Thus, upon settling in the Dragon Den sub-Ecopark, the two Kommo-o didn't incite disputes. Instead, recalling Yuga's introduction about the Dragon Den Sub-Ecopark, and they intended to find a cave at the base of the cliff for Jangmo-o.

The caves on the cliff at the Dragon Den are the nests for most Dragon-type Pokémon here, with the flying ones residing on the upper and middle parts, and those unable to fly at the bottom.

The number of caves is abundant, with many left unoccupied. Hence, the Kommo-o couple could freely choose with Jangmo-o.

The environment of the Dragon Den sub-Ecopark pleased both the Kommo-o and Jangmo-o, as the faint energies floating in the air made them feel extremely comfortable.

Most of the Dragon-type Pokémon in the Dragon Den are capable of flying, except for non-flying Pokémon like Horsea, Seadra, and Kingdra's clan (residing in the Dragon's Lake). Therefore, the two Kommo-o and Jangmo-o had no immediate neighbors.

Once settled, the Jangmo-o happily dashed out of the cave to play in the nearby grassy area, rolling, tussling, chasing each other...which reveling in the ten Jangmo-o youthful and naive side.

Seeing the well-adjusted Jangmo-o, the two Kommo-o smiled with contentment.

Although they'are not the biological parents of the Jangmo-o, but the shared kinship instilled a strong sense of responsibility in them. They had been diligently taking care of the younger ones from Alola to the Hoenn region throughout this journey.

Without disturbing the playful Jangmo-o, the Kommo-o couple went to a nearby Berry Tree to gather Berry, preparing to feed the young ones after their playtime.

However, just because the Kommo-o couple avoided trouble didn't mean trouble wouldn't find them.

The residents of the Dragon Den, such as Flygon and Altaria, were long-term residents of the Ecopark, so they living in harmony with each other very well. However, there were always a few characters that difficult to deal with, namely Aerodactyl and Salamence couple.

Due to its partnership, Aerodactyl moved in to Dragon Den Sub-Ecopark together with Noivern, although Yuga later revived some Pokémon with a fossil resurrection machine, most were assigned to the new Ecopark, leaving Aerodactyl as the sole exception in the Dragon Den.

After pairing up with Noivern, Aerodactyl didn't settle down; its restless nature made it always look for trouble.

However, the other Dragon-type Pokémon in the Dragon Den were not interested in dealing with it. Therefore, Aerodactyl turned its attention to the Salamence couple sent by the Draconid People.

Pokémon like Salamence, naturally proud and easily agitated, coupled with the Draconid People's ill intentions, the Salamence they sent to Yuga was the one who is more volatile.

The proud Salamence couldn't tolerate Aerodactyl's leaping around in front of them. Consequently, the two sides soon clashed. However, being outnumbered, Aerodactyl was swiftly dealt with by the Salamence couple.

After facing this defeat, Aerodactyl immediately thought of its wife, Noivern. If the Salamence couple could team up, why couldn't it? Even it not, at the very least, it still had brother and sister in law, the Hydregion and Salamence couple, to be asked for help.

However, Noivern was quite laid-back and certainly wouldn't help Aerodactyl in a fight; that was simply not going to happen, not now, not ever.

Furthermore, the Salamence and Hydregion couple followed the teachings of their mentors Dragonite's mother and Druddigon. They having more broad perspective, usually avoiding interactions with other Dragon-type Pokémon and never engaging in frivolous fights.

After being rejected by Noivern, Aerodactyl felt bitterly disappointed!

The Salamence couple, having grown more aggressive since handling Aerodactyl, frequently engaged in brawls, causing ruckus in the Dragon Den sub-Ecopark.

As there was no designated manager in the Dragon Den Sub-Ecopark due to the presence of Dragonite's mother, the Salamence couple had their sights set on taking control as the manager of the Dragon Den Sub-Ecopark.

They began provoking other Pokémon live in the area. Although Dragonite's mother was aware of the Salamence couple's actions, she chose not to interfere in the "children's" quarrels and turned a blind eye.

Unfortunately, Great Flygon, who could've subdued the Salamence couple, usually lived outside due to patrol duties, creating a situation where the "tiger" was away, and the "monkey" began to rule. While comparing the Salamence couple and Dragonite's mother to a tiger and a monkey might seem unfitting, the essence of the situation was the same.

The unregulated Salamence couple began provoking other Pokémon, but the other Dragon-type Pokémon refused to engage with them. The couple didn't want to act alone and were hesitant to force other Pokémon into a confrontation, leaving Aerodactyl as their punching bag.

Imagine Aerodactyl, tormented daily by this troublesome couple – wouldn't it be infuriating?

However, over time, the Salamence couple managed to slightly soften Aerodactyl's initially aggressive nature, making it more well-behaved, and thus, Noivern continued to overlook the situation.

One day, Aerodactyl heard about new residents entering the Dragon Den, described as tall and powerful. So, it clandestinely sought out potential allies.

Aerodactyl found the Kommo-o couple and witnessed the Jangmo-o playing in the grassy area before making its move.

Surprisingly, Aerodactyl, once a hothead, found the sight of the Jangmo-o rolling and playing unexpectedly heartwarming. It pondered that if it and Noivern had babies in the future, they'd surely be as cute and lively as the Jangmo-o.

If Noivern knew about Aerodactyl's current feelings, it would definitely suspect a switcheroo. Its partner couldn't possibly be this sentimental.

Before being together, Noivern saw Aerodactyl as tall, strong, and exceptionally handsome. But now, without the rose-tinted glasses, it realized its partner was just a big, playful goofball.

Yet, Aerodactyl's sentimental feelings didn't last long. It soon heard two familiar roars approaching, and to its surprise, who else but the arch-enemies, the Salamence couple?

The Salamence couple learned of the new resident arriving at the Dragon Den today and eagerly flew over to show off their prowess. They just hadn't anticipated meeting Aerodactyl.

Though not the brightest, the Salamence couple discerned Aerodactyl's intentions. Encountering a punching bag, they immediately prepared to "entertain" Aerodactyl.

The two Salamence folded their wings and landed opposite Aerodactyl, took a deep breath, sucked in their bellies, then let out the most resounding roars of the day:



After two roaring calls from the Salamence couple, they were not yet satisfied. The situation became awkward for a moment. Suddenly, the Jangmo-o behind Aerodactyl grew quiet, then all sat down and began crying loudly.

(′⊙ω⊙`) Salamence Couple: ... What's happening?

The loud crying alarmed the Kammo-o couple, who were picking Berrys from a nearby tree.

They abandoned the Berrys and ran towards the grassy area where the Jangmo-o were and witnessed Aerodactyl and the Salamence couple menacing the babies.



Upon seeing their babies being bullied, Kammo-o couple's scales vibrated, emitting a series of crisp metallic impact noises.

Anyone familiar with Kammo-o knew that their vibrating scales signaled that they were locking onto their opponents.

Utilizing their lightweight body, Kammo-o couple swiftly darted forward. Glowing with radiance on their fists, they were charging up their signature Fighting-type move, Focus Punch, while running towards their foes.

Watching the furious Kammo-o couple charging over, Aerodactyl's hackles rose: What does this have to do with me?

Aerodactyl who was too slow to react, was hit on the head by the male Kammo-o and lost consciousness before collapsing.

Before falling, Aerodactyl could only curse: Dammit!

The Salamence couple managed to fly into the air in time, but as they ascended, they heard a different noise coming from Kammo-o couple's bodies, unlike the clear vibrating sound from before.

This noise was filled with a chilling aura.

Affected by this noise, the Salamence couple staggered mid-air, even their consciousness blurred.

The skill used by Kammo-o couple was their unique ability, Scale Noise.

Witnessing this, Kammo-o couple lashed their long tails, striking both Salamence. After two loud thumps, the Salamence couple crashed to the ground, leaving unsightly craters in the lush grass.

The Salamence couple, who had been enjoying themselves lately, received a sudden beating from Kammo-o couple, feeling enraged. They tried to counterattack, but Kammo-o couple had already mounted them, raining down punches on their heads.

The Salamence couple has been long fostered by the Draconid People and never really valued by them due to their poor potential, so they couldn't possibly match the battle-oriented Kammo-o couple.

The habitat of the Kammo-o clan was just recently discovered, and as a result, the adult Kammo-o inside were quite wild, including the Kammo-o couple given by Yuga. Despite their upright appearance, once provoked, they transformed into fierce warriors.

If it hadn't been for the Totem Kammo-o within their habitat has been subdue by the Alola people first, it might have been difficult for them to subdue the other adults inside.

The Totem Kammo-o wielded absolute control over the others of its species.

After a series of punches and kicks, the Salamence couple convulsed a few times but was unresponsive (not dead).

Following the pummeling of the Salamence couple, the female Kammo-o suddenly clutched her stomach in agony, groaning. Witnessing this, the male Kammo-o's heart skipped a beat—something must be wrong.

After a while, amid her groans, the female Kammo-o laid a tiny Pokémon Egg.

The fact that the female Kammo-o had been pregnant was known to the couple, but they had kept it secret, even from the people of Alola who brought them to Yuga's Ecopark.

The couple had never anticipated the birth would happen on the day they got so angry.

Gazing at the small Pokémon Egg, the female Kammo-o had a look of tenderness, but the male Kammo-o furrowed its brow: "This egg is too small..."

The male Kammo-o had seen the offspring of its kind before, and their Pokémon Eggs were much larger than their own, different from the tiny one before them.

Could it be premature?


When Yuga heard Chubby hastily approaching to inform him that Kammo-o had given birth, he was stunned for a moment.

"Are you sure it's Kammo-o that gave birth? Not some other Pokémon?" How could Kammo-o, which had just arrived at the Ecopark, produce an egg so quickly?

By the time Yuga rushed to the Dragon Den Sub-Ecopark, the unconscious Salamence couple and Aerodactyl had already wake up and left. Following this incident, they dared not cause trouble again in the Dragon Den Sub-Ecopark.

Inside the cave where Kammo-o couple resided, Yuga indeed found a Pokémon Egg, not much larger than a fist, with the distinct pattern of a Kammo-o's egg.


"Were you already pregnant?" Yuga inquired of the female Kammo-o.

Kammo-o didn't deny its pregnancy. It hadn't intended to hide it from anyone. The species typically had a large, robust physique, so pregnancies didn't show obvious signs. Hence, without their disclosure, it was challenging for others to notice. They didn't change their habits just because of pregnancy. They carried on with their normal activities.

Yuga didn't expect such good fortune, as this meant getting an adorable Jangmo-o for free. But the concern arose from the unusually small size of the egg—would it hatch successfully?

Both Yuga and the male Kammo-o were worried about the egg's size. Yet, fortunately, the concerns didn't come to pass. The Jangmo-o hatched quickly, grew robust, and appeared extraordinary.

Time passed swiftly, and the new year approached without notice. During the New Year, Arata Sena and Akihito who traveled in other region had returned, along with Luna who studying outside and trainee forest ranger Rand, also come back. The New Year celebration at the YoYo Day Care was as lively as ever.

Not only the YoYo Day Care but also the growing Verdant Town was bustling with New Year's festivities.

The Jangmo-o was hatched just a month after the New Year.

Initially, the newborn Jangmo-o was very small but didn't exhibit any of the weaknesses that Yuga and the male Kammo-o had been worried about.

It was lively and adorable, always frolicking with its elder siblings. Besides being a bit mischievous, it was in excellent health.

However, as time passed, the Jangmo-o began to change significantly. It grew stronger and bigger each day, eventually showing signs of surpassing its elder siblings in size.

Initially, Yuga thought it was due to good nutrition. But over time, he began to think differently.

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