I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 1011: Bussiness Comes Knocking

Chapter 1011: Bussiness Comes Knocking

Early in the morning, when Yuga came to invite Aunt Caroline to breakfast, May came over holding a Swablu to thank him. However, behind her, there's little Maxw who wore a look of envy at her, eagerly want to closer to Swablu.

"It's really nice, big sister's Swablu is so nice. I'm so envious, I wonder if someone will give me one in the future..." Max stretched out to touch Swablu, while continuously glancing at Yuga, looking quite funny.

Yuga immediately understood Max's hint, but he pretended not to understand.

Seeing Yuga ignoring him, Max became anxious, "I also wish to receive a Pokémon in the future!" He deliberately raised his voice, hoping to grab Yuga's attention.

Yuga continued to ignore him. Max raised his voice even more, emphasizing his request.

Watching Max impatiently hopping around, Yuga found it very funny, but he finally relented when Max seemed overly anxious.

Finally, Yuga chuckled and said, "Alright, alright, when you reach your ninth birthday, I'll also give you a Pokémon."

"Really? I'll get one too?" Max's face lit up instantly, filled with anticipation.

"Really, but you have to wait until your ninth birthday," Yuga ruffled Max's fluffy head.

"Oh, the ninth birthday, that's so far away!" Max suddenly felt a little disappointed. He was only six years old now, and reaching nine seemed like an eternity away!

Originally, May didn't understand Max's intention, but after she heard Yuga's words, she immediately realized what was going on. So, she immediately shouted, "Mom, Max is trying to trick gifts from Big Brother Yuga!"

Max, being young and unaware of the value of a high potential Pokémon. But May, who was almost ten, knew it. She felt Max behavior was wrong, so she immediately told her mother.

Hearing her sister call their mother, Max instinctively covered her sister's mouth. It wasn't the first time his sister reported on him to their mother, and it never ended well for him.

However, Max was too short to reach May's mouth.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Caroline immediately leaned out of the room upon hearing the commotion.

So May straightforwardly told her mother all about Max's behavior. After listening, her mother glared and shouted, "Max!"

Seeing his mother angry, Max knew he was in for it, so he ran off.

It must be said that May was very proficient in reporting on Max. She was quite an expert at it, and so the morning in the courtyard of the gym was a scene of chaos.

After a while, Caroline dragged Max by the ear to Yuga's side, "Quick, apologize to Big Brother Yuga. All the things said earlier were just jokes!"

Max, holding the ear that his mother was pulling, grumbled: "Why can my sister do it, but I can't!"

Caroline glared harshly, "Say it again!" He had so many mischievous ideas at such a young age, if She not corrected him now, it would only worsen in the future. Caroline was very angry.

Finally, Max reluctantly apologized to Yuga and promised that his previous words were all jokes. Yuga just smiled without saying anything.

But following that, Caroline took Max into the room. I don't know what they discussed, but when Max returned, he had regained his usual demeanor, lost his reluctance, and sincerely said "I'm sorry" to Yuga again.

I have to say, Caroline and Mr. Norman are really good at educating children, understanding the importance of correcting incorrect behaviors, attitudes, and mindsets from an early age.

After breakfast, Caroline took May to tour the Verfanturf Town. Yuga didn't have time to accompany them, so he ask Chatot and Audino to go with them.

When it comes to familiarity with Verfanturf Town, this native might not be as knowledgeable as Chatot, who wanders through every nook and cranny of the town, aware of all the fun and delicious spots. It's almost like Chatot is the ruler of Verfanturf Town.

The reason for bringing along Audino is because Audino is more attentive and better at taking care of people.

Chatot is quite the charmer, very persuasive with sweet talk. In no time, he had Caroline dizzy and had classified Chatot as her best buddy.

May is a foodie; the temptation of delicious food is irresistible to her. Hence, she greatly appreciates Audino, who is skilled in making delicious dishes. Yesterday's dinner and today's breakfast had already elevated Audino to a "God of Cook" in May's eyes.

So, the mother and daughter, with Chatot and Audino, left in high spirits.

After Caroline and May left, Yuga stayed home, waiting for visitors.

Half a month ago, Yuga's Day Care introduced a new service: a discreet channel for Pokémon sales, catering exclusively only to Yuga's acquaintances.

Currently, YoYo Day Care offers for sale high potential Pokémon such as Medidite, Gligar, Trapinch, Carvanha, Clauncher, Vullaby, Ponyta, Misdreavus, Swablu, and various Grass-type species.

However, due to scale reasons, some Pokémon types are not available for continuous sale but are occasionally leftover, like Flabebe, Spritzee, Litleo, Horsea, and the like.

Thus, Yuga came up with this discreet sales channel, which is kept secret from the outside world and only available to Yuga's acquaintances. The Pokémon sold through this channel aren't listed publicly, and they will not violate the established rules of the YoYo Day Care that has been set before.

As Yuga doesn't have many acquaintances, occasionally selling this Pokémon won't affect the Pokémon population, especially since acquaintances have know each others very well, saving the trouble of evaluation time and significantly reducing the YoYo Day Care's business workload.

Yuga notifies his acquaintances individually about this service, because it will requiring them to do advance reservations. He only accepts reservations only when there are Pokémon available for sale.

After half a month of offering this service, Yuga received only one order from Wallace. But It's not for Wallace personally; he claimed it was for a relative.

Yuga waited in the shop for over an hour when Wallace finally arrived, sauntering in like a high-class lady, followed by a young girl, presumably the relative he mentioned.

"Wallace, it's been a while. Your daughter has grown so much, huh?" Yuga looked surprised, glancing at the girl behind Wallace. It'a not surprising he teased Wallace; they looked uncannily alike.

This girl had the same green long hair and green eyes as Wallace, making it clear that they were related.

However, the girl seemed somewhat look gloony, and her emotions seemingly low.

In response to Yuga's comment, Wallace jokingly punched Yuga's shoulder, "You know how to making fun of me. Even if I had a daughter, I couldn't compare it with how much trouble you have made in Rustboro City."

Yuga: ...

After a brief explanation, Yuga learned that this girl was Wallace's niece, the daughter of his sister, named Lisia. She, like Wallace, had recently become a Coordinator, having just debuted in the stage.

Yuga had no idea Wallace had a sister, let alone that his sister had a grown-up daughter. It seemed like there was a significant age gap between the siblings.

Yuga pulled Wallace aside and asked in a low voice, "The young girl doesn't seem very happy. What's wrong? Doesn't she want to buy a Pokémon from me?"

Wallace sighed in response, "Ah, it's not that. It's about... " He briefly explained why Lisia was feeling upset.

As it turned out, Lisia had a Pokémon that had been with her since she was young, but due to its low potential, it was now required to retire.

Situations where a Pokémon, nurtured by a Trainer but unable to keep up with the team due to its potential, are quite common.

However, such instances usually occur among trainers of average background. For kids that comes from large families like Wallace and Lisia, their starting point was higher. Their initial Pokémon were meticulously selected, at least it will start with green potential, making such situations uncommon.

But Lisia's situation was different. The Pokémon who retire held a special meaning for her.

When Lisia was young, she was a mischievous child who often sneaked out alone to play in the nearby woods.

The woods near Lisia's home were usually quite safe, with no dangerous Pokémon inside. However, one day, an Ariados moved in at an unknown time and was stumbled upon by Lisia.

Most Pokémon found near human settlements aren't usually fierce. Unfortunately, the Ariados was in its breeding season, and choosing this place for safety to lay its eggs.

A Pokémon in its breeding season becomes extremely sensitive and suspicious. Consequently, when Lisia inadvertently intruded into its nest, the Ariados felt threatened and launched an attack.

Being very young at that time and usually well protected by her family, Lisia had never experienced such a situation. She was scared stiff, watching the Ariados pounce towards her.

It was a Pikachu that saved Lisia in the nick of time.

This Pikachu was a long-time resident of the woods and had often observed Lisia sneaking into the woods to play. Therefore, it recognized her.

As Pikachu had lived a solitary life in the woods, it held affections for Lisia, wanting to be her friend. However, being very shy and timid, it never dared to approach her.

When Lisia entered the woods that time, Pikachu followed her. Seeing Lisia in danger, it instinctively rushed out.

Pikachu wasn't powerful, and the Ariados wasn't particularly strong either; it was a tie. However, influenced by maternal instincts, the Ariados fought harder than usual and quickly defeated Pikachu.

Fortunately, in the moment of victory, the Ariados regained back its senses, it then runaway in panic with its big belly, and fled. This saved Lisia and Pikachu.

Even so, Pikachu was still severely injured and fell into a deep unconsciousness.

"I wonder if I can be friends with her," was Pikachu's last conscious thought before losing consciousness.

Lisia returned home in tears. Seeing the severely injured Pikachu in her arms, her family was shocked. After hearing Lisia's choked explanation, they were extremely grateful nothing worse had happened.

After careful treatment, Pikachu quickly recovered. Since then, it stuck by Lisia's side. When Lisia became a Trainer, she chose Pikachu as her starting Pokémon.

Lisia's family, even Wallace, initially objected to her decision. But Lisia persisted, and with Pikachu's life-saving act, they had no choice but to agree.

They thought that if Lisia were to face hardships in the future, she would naturally understand why they disapproved.

At the beginning, selecting Pikachu as her initial Pokémon seemed fine. Lisia had invested a large sum to develop Pikachu, so even if Pikachu was just a yellow potential Pokémon, it was still much stronger than other yellow potential Pokémon.

However, over time, as Lisia's other Pokémon levels rose, Pikachu's shortcomings became evident. It lacked stamina, no matter how hard it trained, unable to keep up with the progress of the other Pokémon.

Only recently, after participating in several Pokémon Contest, did Lisia truly realize why her family initially opposed her choice of Pikachu as her initial Pokémon.

Whenever Pikachu was on the scene, she found it challenging to secure a victory. Even if Pikachu managed to get her to the finals, its lack of stamina caused her to miss the ultimate win.

Would Lisia regret choosing Pikachu as her initial Pokémon? She didn't regret it because Pikachu meant something different to her. It was not only her life-saving benefactor but also her childhood companion and best friend.

Her sorrow was that Pikachu couldn't fight alongside her anymore. Only she knew how hard Pikachu trained to be able to compete in the Pokémon Contest with her.

In this world, there were indeed many treasures that could change a Pokémon's potential. But each was a treasure, not something easily obtained with money. Lisia searched for a long time but didn't find anything suitable for Pikachu.

It took a lot of mental preparation for Lisia to agree to re-purchase an excellent potential Pokémon for training. Yet, when she reached the place, she couldn't help but feel sad.

Even with the new Pokémon, Pikachu could still accompany her, but she knew this mental gap would make Pikachu very sad. The longer she stayed with Pikachu, the more upset it would become. Then, what should she do?

After hearing Wallace's simple narrative about Lisia's situation, Yuga pondered for a while and said, "Perhaps I have a way to solve your niece's problem."

Wallace was surprised and asked, "A way? What way?"

Suddenly, he seemed to realize something and exclaimed, "Could it be..."

Yuga nodded in confirmation.

At that moment, Yuga thought of his newly developed product — the Potential Potion.

Since he had decided to pursue this business, naturally, he needed a few prestigious individuals to promote his product. And who was more suitable than Wallace, the big star?

Seeing Yuga's nod, Wallace ecstatically embraced Yuga, saying, "This is great, brother! You're my savior!" God knows how much hair he's lost worrying about his niece's situation. Hair is more important to him than life!

At this moment, Wallace though Yuga had something like a treasure that can change Electric-type Pokémon potential.

"Good brother, let's discuss it. You can give me a discount; I've been a little tight on cash lately," Wallace said with a wry smile.

In Wallace's mind, any item that could change a Pokémon's potential was exorbitantly expensive.

Yuga, eyeing Wallace suspiciously, asked, "Are you short on money again?"

Wallace quickly nodded.

Yuga smirked and said, "If you perform well, I might not even charge you." After all, I still need you as my spokesperson!

Wallace was amazed, "No charge? That's amazing! But how should I perform? I refuse to sell myself."

Yuga nodded, "But be prepared, my method has a certain probability of failure."

Lisia's Pikachu was a yellow potential Pokémon, and the chance of evolving it into a green potential Pokémon with the Potion was only 40%. The success rate was less than fifty percent, depending on Pikachu's luck.

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