I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C148 End of Hydra

C148 End of Hydra

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 



In the infirmary, Peter watched as Peggy sat beside Bucky, who still remained frozen and asleep in the pod. The room was filled with a quiet tension, the hum of the medical equipment providing a soft background noise. It had been hours since the operation had finished, and the adrenaline had long since faded, replaced by a weary calm.

On the other side of the room, the twins, Wanda and Pietro, were fast asleep in their hospital beds. Their faces, now more peaceful, still bore the traces of their recent ordeal. 

The Jedi healer had confirmed what Peter had suspected: they had both been subjected to severe deprivation of food and water, a cruel tactic to keep them weak while Hydra's scientists conducted their experiments.

Peter felt a pang of empathy for them. He remembered the early days after he first arrived in this world, struggling to survive in a similar situation, though he had been spared the horrors of experimentation…

At least now, with the healer's assurance, he knew they would recover. They just needed time to rest and rehabilitate.

Turning his attention back to the cryogenic pod where Bucky lay frozen, the sight of the forgotten Winter Soldier stirred a mix of emotions in him. 

Annoyance, regret, and a promise to himself never to overlook such crucial details again. After all, what if he had enacted some plan that endangered Bucky and got him killed? 

Peter wasn't Bucky's biggest fan, but he wouldn't want to get him killed either. 

Peggy’s hand rested gently on the pod, her eyes filled with a sorrowful hope. She had spent the last few hours keeping vigil beside Bucky, refusing to leave his side. 

Seeing her like this, Peter thought, ‘Maybe I should fish out the Capsicle as well...’ He knew how much Steve meant to her, which had to be why she was so attached to Bucky right now.

Peter approached her, his footsteps quiet on the infirmary floor. "Peggy," he said softly, not wanting to startle her.

She looked up, her eyes tired but determined. "Peter," she acknowledged, her voice soft but steady. "How are Wanda and Pietro?"

"They're going to be fine," Peter replied, glancing over at the sleeping twins. "The healer said they just need to rest and build their muscles again. They’ll recover in no time."

Peggy nodded, a small smile of relief touching her lips. "Good. They’ve been through enough."

Peter sighed, running a hand through his hair. "How’s our resident popsicle?"

Peggy chuckled ever so slightly. "He seems to be alright. We’re just running tests before unthawing him. I don’t want to risk anything..."

“Smart…” Peter nodded, glancing down at Bucky curiously. "So, who is he to you?" he asked, his tone gentle but probing. "I noticed this seems to be personal for you. You called him by name when you were unloading him earlier, and you’ve been sitting by his side ever since we got back."

Peggy let out a deep sigh, her gaze fixed on Bucky's frozen form. "Bucky Barnes was a Sergeant in the army," she began, her voice soft and filled with a mix of nostalgia and sorrow. "He was presumed dead nearly 50 years ago, after falling off a train during a mission against Hydra in World War II. But somehow, he hasn’t aged after all these years."

Peter listened intently, noting the weight of her words. "You knew him personally?"

"Not well," Peggy admitted. "I only met him a few times in passing. But he was a close friend of the man I planned to marry once the war was over."

Peter noticed the shift in her tone, the way her expression grew more somber and melancholy at the mention of the man she loved. "Planned to marry?" he prompted gently.

She nodded, her eyes distant as she recalled the memories. "Steve Rogers. Captain America. He died back in World War II, sacrificing himself to save countless lives. Bucky was special to him, like a brother. So, in a way, Bucky is special to me too."

‘Alright, I'm definitely fishing out Captain America before I leave this planet... Well, that is, if he's still alive in this universe.’ Peter decided, feeling a pang of empathy for Peggy. He tried to comfort her, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Peggy. It must be hard for you, seeing him like this."

She gave him a small, grateful smile, though Peter could see the pain she was trying to hide. "Thank you, Peter. It is hard, but I want to help him as best as I can. For Steve’s sake, and for Bucky’s."

Peter nodded, understanding the depth of her commitment. "We'll do everything we can to help him. You're not alone in this."

Peggy’s smile widened slightly, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "I know. And thank you. For everything."

“No problem,” Peter squeezed her shoulder gently before glancing back down at Bucky, his eyes tracing the distinct metal arm and the scars lining his body. "But I do think we should be careful… That arm looks military grade," he observed, pointing it out. "And those scars... they aren’t from sleeping for 50 years."

Peggy nodded, her expression shifting to one of concern and suspicion. "I noticed them too. Who knows what Hydra did to him..."

Peter considered the implications, his brow furrowing. "Maybe we should remove the arm and contain him before waking him up. Like you said, we don't know what Hydra did to him. He could be a completely different person now."

Peggy fell silent, mulling over Peter's suggestion. The thought of Bucky being turned into something unrecognizable by Hydra was troubling, but it was a possibility they couldn't ignore…

Just as she was about to respond, a group of Shield scientists and doctors entered the room, their presence breaking the contemplative silence.

"Director Carter," one of the scientists began, "we’ve finished our preliminary tests. We can begin thawing and waking Mr. Barnes now if you’re ready."

Peggy didn't answer immediately, keeping a thoughtful look on her face. The scientists exchanged glances, puzzled by her hesitation.

"Would you like us to begin waking him now, Ma’am?" one of them asked, their voice tinged with uncertainty.

Peggy glanced at Peter, seeking his silent confirmation. Peter gave a slight nod, affirming his earlier suggestion. She turned back to the doctors, her resolve firm. "No," she said clearly. "First, remove that metal arm of his. We need to secure him before anything else. We don’t know what he’ll do when he wakes up."

The scientists looked at each other, then back at Peggy. One of them stepped forward, his expression serious. "Understood, Director. We’ll proceed with the removal of the arm and ensure he's securely restrained before we wake him."

"Don't use any flimsy restraints," Peter added. "We don't know if he's been enhanced or not. If anyone has to be in the room, secure him with thick metal clamps. Otherwise, you can use the Red Room's prison to hold him."

The scientists turned to Peggy, seeking her approval since Peter wasn't part of the Shield hierarchy.

"You heard him," Peggy barked. "Now, get to work!"

As the doctors and scientists left to prepare, Peter turned to Peggy, his expression serious yet reassuring. "You made the right choice."

Peggy nodded, though worry still clouded her eyes. "I think so too, but I just hope we can help him."

Peter smiled softly. "Even if there's something wrong with him, fortunately, you have the most powerful force in the galaxy here to help."

Peggy looked up at Peter in confusion, prompting him to clarify. "The Jedi. We have all sorts of ways to help. Not to mention the mutants as well."

A small smile crept onto Peggy's face. At least she had a way to help Bucky if there was anything wrong with him. She just hoped Hydra hadn’t messed him up too badly.

As they continued talking, the door to the infirmary swung open, and Fury and Coulson came pacing in, urgency in their steps. "Director, you’re needed in the control room," Fury called out.

Peter looked at them, his interest piqued. "Is it finally time?"

Fury nodded. Peter smirked, a sense of anticipation lighting up his face. "I'll meet you there," he said, striding out of the room.

Peggy watched him go, then stood up, her gaze lingering on Bucky for a moment longer. She gave one last look to the man in the pod, her expression a mix of determination and concern. 

With a deep breath, she turned and walked out, Fury and Coulson following closely behind.

Peggy walked briskly through the corridors of the Red Room, her mind focused on the task ahead. Fury and Coulson flanked her, their expressions equally determined. As they approached the control room, the door slid open, revealing a bustling hub of activity.

The room was filled with screens and consoles, each manned by their various allies, all working in unison to coordinate the final stages of their operation against Hydra. At the center of it all, a camera was set up, broadcasting to every Shield base across the world.

Rocket was at the controls, his small hands deftly moving across the panels. He looked up as Peggy entered, his eyes sharp and focused. "You ready?" he asked, his voice carrying a serious tone.

Peggy took a deep breath, steeling herself. "Yes, let's do this."

"Good luck," Peter remarked from the side, leaning against the wall with Natasha by his side.

Rocket nodded and initiated the broadcast. The camera focused on Peggy, and her image appeared on every screen in every Shield base across the globe. The atmosphere in the room was tense, knowing the importance of this moment.

Around the world, Shield agents, who had been left in a state of alert and confusion after the sudden attacks, now gathered around screens, their faces etched with worry and curiosity.

Peggy began to speak, her voice steady and authoritative. "Agents of Shield, this is Director Peggy Carter. I know many of you are confused and concerned about the recent operations that have taken place. I am here to explain and to assure you that everything is under control."

She paused, allowing her words to sink in. The faces of the agents watching her on the screens were a mix of apprehension and relief. "Over the past few weeks, we have been conducting a covert operation to identify and dismantle a significant threat within our own ranks. Hydra, a dangerous and insidious organization, had infiltrated Shield at every level."

Murmurs of shock and disbelief rippled through the agents, their eyes widening at the revelation. Peggy continued, her tone firm but compassionate. "I understand this is difficult to hear, and I apologize for not warning you sooner. However, had we revealed our plans, it would have tipped off the Hydra operatives among us, jeopardizing the entire mission."

She took a deep breath, her eyes resolute. “But, I’m pleased to announce that as of this moment, we have successfully identified, eliminated, and apprehended all Hydra agents, and our operation has officially concluded.” She paused, letting the feeling of victory sink in. “Moving forward, I ask for your understanding and cooperation as we work to restore trust and integrity within Shield."

Peggy's image, broadcasted across the globe, conveyed a sense of strength and reassurance. The agents watching her began to feel a renewed sense of purpose and solidarity.

"Together, we will rebuild Shield, stronger and more resilient than ever. Thank you for your dedication and bravery. Carter out."

A/N: 1973 words :) 🚨🚨

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