I'm Pregnant with the Villain's Child

Chapter 323 – Did she really give up that resentment, or did she hide it too deeply, so she couldn’t see it? (3)

Chapter 323 – Did she really give up that resentment, or did she hide it too deeply, so she couldn’t see it? (3)

“Mrs. Lu, don’t worry. I’ll do my best to persuade him. If there’s nothing else, you can leave first to attend to the other guests. Don’t worry about me.”

Ye Zhen deeply looked at her then smiled and said, “Then I’ll be going.”

Shen Weiyin moved to the side. It looked as if she had really let go of her former enmity and grudges. She watched Ye Zhen leave and then knocked on the door.

“Open the door, it’s me.”

Shen Weiyin stood outside and waited for a while. And then with a click, the door opened a crack.


The guests that came to extend their condolences didn’t leave until late evening. As they departed, their countless sighs dissipated into the cold and empty air.

The candles in the mourning hall hadn’t gone out yet.

After settling Zhouzhou down to sleep, Ye Zhen came to the mourning hall. She worked hard all day, and she was sure that Lu Beichuan must have worked even harder than her.

Sure enough, when she walked to the mourning hall, Lu Beichuan was the only one left keeping a vigil in front of Old Master Lu’s photo. The other people that had been stationed in the mourning hall during the day had left.

It was drafty in the mourning hall. There was a howling wind in the courtyard, causing the branches of a large tree to constantly sway under the dim lighting.

Ye Zhen added incense to the incense burner for Old Master Lu, then she knelt down next to Lu Beichuan and held his cold hands.

“Mom is watching Zhouzhou. They’re already asleep. You haven’t eaten all day. I prepared food for you in the dining room. Go eat. I’ll stay here to keep vigil for you.”

Lu Beichuan’s dad, Lu Shaoren, was a useless jerk. Therefore, Lu Beichuan had grown up under the knees of Old Master Lu. His every word and action was influenced by Old Master Lu’s teachings. Perhaps, Old Master Lu had slightly different thoughts about him. Regardless, he had been meticulous and paid a price in his cultivation of his grandson.

On the road of Lu Beichuan’s growth, Old Master Lu had played a pivotal role.

Ye Zhen understood that regardless of Lu Beichuan and Old Master Lu’ss prior disputes and hostility, his grandfather’s position in his heart remained unshakeable.

“I’m not hungry. Go to sleep. I’ll keep the vigil for Grandpa.” Lu Beichuan’s voice was indescribably tired and hoarse.

She had heard gossip when she was attending to the guests in the living room.

Everyone else had cried their hearts out in the mourning hall. Lu Beichuan was the only one that didn’t shed a tear. He was someone that grew up under Old Master Lu’s knees. They gossiped that he had a heart of stone.

She knew the truth. It wasn’t that Lu Beichuan didn’t want to cry, but that he couldn’t allow himself to cry. The heavy burden of responsibility on his shoulders didn’t allow him to show weakness in front of others.

Seeing the lack of inner peace in Lu Beichuan’s eyes, Ye Zhen tightly gripped his head and quietly said, “I’ll keep you company.”

Lu Beichuan’s gaze slightly moved. He had been as still as a rock for a long time, and it took effort to turn his head to look at Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen didn’t want him to refuse her offer. “I want to do this last act of filial piety to Grandpa.”

Lu Beichuan’s Adam Apple rolled up and down. He wanted to say something, but in the end, he stayed silent.

The wind in the courtyard grew louder, and the candles in the mourning hall flickered.

It was too cold in the mourning hall. He couldn’t resist the pervasive cold by himself.

Lu Beichuan reached out and pulled Ye Zhen closer. He kissed the top of her head. “Okay, let’s send Grandpa off together.”

Ye Zhen clung to Lu Beichuan and firmly held his cold hand. She passed the heat of her palm to his.

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