I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 92 – If This Was A Battlefield

Eunuch Cao turned the fight between me and peaked cap guy into a great story and spread it throughout the school. Anyone who’s only heard his story, but never seen me, would think I was a mass of rippling muscle with six arms and three heads or something.

Loud Mouth was a kindred spirit since she knew that we didn’t even fight, cause my clothes did not even have a speck of dirt. Thus she asked how I was able to settle it without a fight?

“Ye Lin, not only are you great at fighting, but you’re also great at talking! You were able to make those hoodlums give in with just your mouth, your talking abilities are almost as good as Naruto Uzumaki’s!”

The class leader who was beside us asked: “Who’s Naruto Uzumaki?”

I can’t believe she doesn’t know the protagonist of ‘Naruto’, her life outside of school must be so boring! Probably after cooking for her brother, she would follow the rules and finish her homework. Afterward, she would think about any improvements she can make for the class, then she would end the day by writing her thoughts in her diary!

Little Smart heard our conversation and coldly replied: “Naruto belongs to Sasuke.”

No wonder she’s a fujoshi! Regardless if it’s 2D or 3D, she would never forget to remind others about BL!

I would never tell them that the hoodlums ran away because they were afraid of contracting AIDS from me.

I half-heartedly told them about the fight and skimped on the details. I told them that if they were interested in the details, they should go listen to Eunuch Cao’s story.

“Don’t mention him!” When I mentioned Eunuch Cao, Loud Mouth got upset, “When the class leader lead us back to school, he constantly tried to squirm in between the three of us! Look at how shameless he is! Isn’t he just afraid of being seen by a few hoodlums? If this was a war, he definitely would have used us as shields!”

I had to imagine a scene where they were on the battlefield under a shower of bullets. The class leader was the leader who carried a rifle, Loud Mouth would be carrying a bazooka on her shoulders, Little Smart would be responsible for traps and landmines, and Eunuch Cao would sell out his teammates.

If they don’t get rid of Eunuch Cao, then he would definitely cause the three girls to die. Afterward, he would continue to live his wretched life without an ounce of remorse.

In that scenario, wouldn’t the class leader be the first one to die? She wants to lead the troops and she wouldn’t be willing to leave her teammates behind, so she would definitely be sold out by her teammates. She would want to be left behind if she gets shot, then she would take herself out along with incoming enemies with a grenade.

Is my imagination too cruel? Why does the class leader have to be blown into smithereens? Was I afraid that the traitor, Eunuch Cao, wants a whole corpse?

But it’s not an unnecessary worry. Eunuch Cao can do anything since he’s a super pervert.

I suddenly thought if I was a part of this squad, what role would I play? Obviously, I would want to be like Stallone from ‘First Blood’, where he would ride solo and wipe out the enemy’s den. But reality is cruel, I don’t know anything about firearms. At most, I could hold a jungle knife and fight in close quarters.

The first thing I would do after joining the squad is to get rid of Eunuch Cao. Or at least tie him up in a place where the enemies can spot him and let nature run its course.

If the class leader stubbornly wants to keep Eunuch Cao alive, then I would eventually have to collect her corpse (assuming she didn’t blow herself to smithereens).

Since we’re all classmates, I won’t let your corpse be defiled by the enemies. I’ll take responsibility and bury you somewhere far away from all the smoke and fire.

For anyone reading this who thought that I would have vile thoughts about the class leader’s remains, like Eunuch Cao, then they should be dragged out and face the firing squad.

Although my family does sell H manga with similar scenarios, I’ve separated myself from these vulgar ideas and I’m not easily corrupted.

When I started to YY about the class leader’s death, the usually stern class leader spoke to me.

She thanked me for helping her brother and she wanted to apologize for the words she said to me under the bridge. Although according to her words, I can assume that Shu Zhe didn’t tell her that he was with his girlfriend when he was bullied.

He probably only told her that he was saved from some hoodlums after the class leader interrogated him.

The class leader also said: she wanted her brother to say thanks, but he didn’t want to come and said he already thanked you. Is that true?

Did Shu Zhe thank me? I don’t recall him saying “Brother Ye Lin, thank you for being a hero that stands up for justice!” or anything along those lines. Though he was prepared to give his sister away as a present of gratitude.

Well not exactly ‘give’ per se, but ‘sell’. Looks like Shu Zhe and Eunuch Cao are different yet extremely similar in certain areas.

He didn’t want to come with his sister to thank me was probably because he was afraid of me revealing his plan of selling his sister.

But I can’t really say these things in front of the class leader. If Shu Zhe was a part of the squad, he would be as useless as Eunuch Cao. However, if I suggested getting rid of Shu Zhe, the class leader would off me in an instant, whereas there would still be room for discussion if I wanted to get rid of Eunuch Cao.

But if we kept a traitor like Shu Zhe, even if he didn’t cause his sister’s death, he would definitely try to present his sister to the enemy’s high ranking officers while asking for wealth and glory.

Although I thought through multiple scenarios, I didn’t say it out loud. I just told the class leader that her brother already apologized, so she should forget about it.

Based on the class leader’s hesitant expression, she probably believes that she owes me a ton since I saved her brother.

“Why so glum! Can’t you return the favor easily? Next time when I’m skipping class, don’t block my way!”

I half-jokingly suggested.

“No, no way!” The class leader resolutely refused, “I can’t abuse my powers!”

Her frightened expression was as if I asked her to perform a striptease.

After a slight pause, she said: “As long as it doesn’t violate the school rules, I can help you out... but it also can’t be illegal and immoral!”

I looked at her with dead fish eyes, doesn’t that mean you can’t do anything. According to your sense of morals, watching ‘Naruto’ before finishing your homework would probably be a serious violation of conduct.

During the lunch break, when I was contemplating life while sitting in the garden, I spotted the class leader spying on me from the corner of the school building.

I was surprised, this didn’t seem like something that the honorable class leader would do. I turned around to take a closer look, then I realized that the person had short hair. Once I focused my attention, that person scurried away.

Wasn’t that Shu Zhe? Those siblings’ eyes have a 99% similarity, even their whole face has an 80% degree of similarity. It wouldn’t be strange if I confused the two of them through my peripheral vision.

But the class leader’s aura is something that Shu Zhe can not imitate. The class leader’s gaze is as resolute as an eagle, but Shu Zhe’s gaze was dodgy, hiding weakness and craftiness.

God really has bad hobbies since he let Shu Sha and Shu Zhe become siblings. Although they look similar in appearance, their inner selves are complete opposites. If they weren’t siblings, they might even end up as enemies due to their conflicting views.

What bad idea did he think of this time? Did he manage to take nude photos of his sister? But since I stole his panties last time without paying, is he trying to guard against me while finding a new buyer?

This brat! Don’t let me catch you! If I caught you selling nude photos of the class leader, I’ll tie you up to the cafeteria’s ceiling fan and beat you!

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