Ileus: The Dark Prince

Chapter 218 - Meeting Adrianna And Dmitri

Chapter 218 - Meeting Adrianna And Dmitri

Surrounded by the royal guards, the couple walked outside to the gardens. "The main wing is in the north," Ileus explained.

They walked into the garden they had entered last night via portal and a draft of chilly hair touched her skin.

Anastasia saw the palace in its full glory. The cobblestone path in the middle of the garden was lined by leafy green trees that had vines of orange blossoms climbing up and hanging like garlands from high above. At regular intervals there were marble statues that had plinths below them, which were inscribed with arcane symbols.

Soft snow had settled over the statues but strangely when it wanted to settle over the trees and the plants, the branches would just shake it off. She realized that it was the enchantment of the wizard palace. She expected nothing less.

From where she was, she could see that the piece of land where they were walking was suspended high in the air because just beyond the garden's wall was a city that sprawled ahead.

Fascinated, she had an urge to go and see it from here the various dips and flows of the valleys and hills. White colored structures gleamed under the sun and she realized that it was the pristine snow that had fallen on the roofs that sparkled in the sun. The scene reminded her brief summers in Vilinski when she would run out and play with snow along with her friends as a child, when her land was free… Past the city were high mountains the peaks of which disappeared behind clouds.

They rounded off a corner and took a path leading to the north wing. As Anastasia walked, she couldn't help but be hyper aware of her wings that dragged behind her and which she wanted to tuck tightly. She was trying her best to tuck them tight by using all her energy and muscles in the shoulder blades. Her heart pounded against her ribcage so hard that she thought that everyone around her could listen. Her head felt a little dizzy and she wondered what would happen if she fainted in front of her mother and father-in-law. Both of them wouldn't be happy to receive her. However, Anastasia was determined that she would try her best to change all that.

Suddenly Ileus stopped. He took a deep breath and exhaled it. Then he turned to look at her and said, "Anastasia, your heart is thumping so loud that it is not settling well with me. Please calm down." He looked up at the others and they all spread away from the prince and princess. He resumed talking. "I wanted things to happen in a different way, sweetheart. Under different circumstances, I would have brought you to Draoidh with celebrations."

"I know, Ileus," she replied in a low voice. "And I am not complaining. I am so glad that Haldir is here and so is Murtagh." She blushed and continued, "I had the entire night to be ready for this meeting."

"Please sweetheart, don't be so anxious, okay?"

She licked her dry lips. "Really, I am trying my best."

A half smile appeared on his face. "We have together gone through things worse than meeting your in-laws." He picked up her left hand and kissed her gold band. "This is what we are—husband and wife. And no one in this life, or the next, can part us." He curled his finger beneath her chin and then slanted his head to kiss the corner of her mouth before converting it into a full-blown passionate kiss.

Anastasia heard Kaizan muttering amusedly, "They have to do this everywhere!"

When he pulled away from her, Anastasia felt reassured. She stared in his golden orbs and it took her breath away. Her husband was… handsome.

With renewed energy, she said, "Let's go."

Ahead of them a row of blue-colored blossoms that reminded her of roses in her garden in Vilinski. The blossoms struck a familiar chord in her heart. A mild scent wafted in the air as they swayed in the chilly breeze. A tiered fountain that had a statue of a deity over it greeted them. Pink roses rambler climbed the statue as the water gurgled and splashed around it.

The path ended in stairs that led to an elegant white marble building that had golden inlays on the borders. The tall arched windows were covered with white gauzy curtains. They climbed up the stairs and walked into a central circular hall that had a domed ceiling of glass, which was at least three stories high. There were three vine-covered corridors branching out of it. Ileus took her to the one that was furthermost. As they walked, Anastasia noticed a lush green garden on either side lined with tall ivy-covered walls. The Eynsworth Palace was beautiful. It wasn't as big as Kralj Palace, but was perhaps the most mesmerizing building she had ever seen.

They stopped in front of giant oak doors that were gilded in gold. Once again there were no guards and they opened on their own. Ileus placed his hand on the small of her back and guided her to walk to a chamber right ahead of them. There were guards this time. Covered in armor from top to bottom and spears in their hands, they saluted their prince as soon as they saw him and then opened the doors. Her heart pounded once again when she heard muffled conversation coming from the inside. Her steps faltered as a thousand questions bounced in her head. What if Adrianna would just cast her out? Would she be able to bear the shock that they were unable to find Iona? She took in a deep breath to calm her thrumming heart. She weighed her odds: Why would Queen Adrianna and King Dmitri like her? She has married their son without their consent. She had failed in her attempt to find Iona. The Queen's people held her responsible for all the attacks on their kingdom, and she was here to stake claim as their future queen…

Ileus tugged her inside a beautiful well-lit room and her gaze went directly to two people who were sitting on a couch.

Queen Adrianna and King Dmitri.

The queen was wearing a light green silk gown with a diamond choker and matching earrings. Surprisingly, she wasn't wearing her crown. She was everything the legends had woven—very beautiful, awe-inspiring and strong. Her raven black hair was open and cascaded to her waist. So that's where Ileus got his hair from. Right next to her was a man with striking features and Anastasia knew where Ileus got that straight nose and square jaw from. The two looked elegant and commanded so much respect that it was difficult not to bow in front of them.

Adrianna was drinking tea when they entered. She froze when she saw her son and Anastasia noticed a whirl of emotions swirling in her eyes and face. When the group approached in front of them, everyone bowed. Anastasia's breath was hitched. Her palms became clammy in panic when she dipped in a bow.

"Mother, Father." Ileus said with courtesy.

Adrianna placed her cup on the table in front of her. Her eyes became glossy and her chin shook with a stuttering breath.


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