Ice Age Apocalypse: I Hoard Billions of Supplies

Chapter 36: Vicious Women

Chapter 36: Vicious Women

With the water pipes frozen, the community faced a severe water shortage.

The only way to get water was to brave the outside temperatures of minus seventy degrees Celsius to fetch snow from the ground floor.

But even bringing back the snow posed a problem: how to melt it.

The temperature in the building was even minus fifty or sixty degrees, turning the ice as hard as cement.

Driven by thirst, some residents tried licking the ice, only to have their tongues stuck and severely injured by the cold.

During these days, Zhang Yi noticed through his surveillance cameras that Chen Zhenghao’s thugs came to spy every day.

They believed Zhang Yi would eventually come out to fetch water and planned to ambush him then.

However, after many days, they never saw Zhang Yi leave his home.

They couldn’t imagine how well-stocked Zhang Yi’s house was.

In his fortified home, he could live comfortably for the rest of his life without worrying about food or drink.

“Is Chen Zhenghao still alive? He’s quite tenacious,” Zhang Yi mused.

Chen Zhenghao had been shot in the leg. Without proper treatment, his leg would be useless, and infection could even claim his life.

In such extreme cold, any injury could lead to a fatal fever. Surviving was a miracle.

“Maybe the cold is too extreme for the virus to survive, and that’s why he hasn’t died yet?” Zhang Yi pondered, not well-versed in medical matters.

However, he didn’t care much whether Chen Zhenghao lived or died; it wouldn’t significantly impact him.

Chen Zhenghao’s death was merely a matter of time.


The next morning, Zhang Yi woke up, still groggy, and grabbed his phone.

Checking the chat groups and forums for news was now his primary source of entertainment.

Seeing others struggle desperately in the extreme cold while he lived in comfort in this apocalyptic world brought him immense satisfaction.

This stark contrast quelled his boredom and occasional loneliness. Compared to those freezing or starving to death, he was incredibly fortunate.

Opening his phone, he was surprised to see messages from Fang Yuqing and Lin Cainin.

Fang Yuqing wrote, "Zhang Yi, I’m sorry. I was too cold yesterday, and my emotions were out of control. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you."

"You were right. I was too naive and ignorant before, not recognizing who truly cared for me."

"Now I realize you’re the one who treated me the best. I actually have strong feelings for you."

"Can you forgive me? Let’s live together from now on."

"I want to be your woman. You must be lonely living alone during this apocalypse."

"I can come over to keep you company so you won’t be alone."

Zhang Yi sighed. The once arrogant Fang Yuqing had finally shed her dignity and pride in the face of disaster.

Despite his merciless taunting, she had to swallow her pride and beg him.

"Tsk tsk tsk," Zhang Yi shook his head. In his past life, he had been foolish.

He could have had her easily if he had known she was this kind of woman.

Women like Fang Yuqing, pretending to be pure goddesses, were utterly worthless.

Zhang Yi replied, "A bad apple can quench thirst, but I’m not that desperate."

In his interdimensional space, he could help himself and plenty of high-end products from Japan.

It wasn’t that Zhang Yi desired them, but Walmart’s warehouse had everything.

After closing Fang Yuqing’s chat, he opened Lin Cainin’s messages.

This woman was even bolder. Perhaps knowing she wasn’t as attractive as Fang Yuqing and thus at a disadvantage in competition, she sent him suggestive selfies.

These would have caused a scandal in the past, but now, she was desperate.

Zhang Yi quickly replied, "I feel nothing, not even a stir, just laughter."

Then he ignored her. He knew that after seeing the comforts of his home, these two women would stop at nothing to get in.

They had already discarded their dignity and would soon resort to any means necessary.

But what did it matter? Zhang Yi had fortified his home into a steel fortress to handle any situation.


Fang Yuqing and Lin Cainin, upon receiving Zhang Yi’s responses, erupted in anger.

They had thrown away their dignity, begging him humbly.

Lin Cainin, in particular, sent every possible suggestive selfie. Yet Zhang Yi said her photos made him laugh.

A great humiliation!

Even though she couldn’t put on makeup or dress up, she was still a woman, wasn’t she?

Both women grew increasingly resentful. Their current lives were hellish, enduring both hunger and extreme cold. Zhang Yi’s home was their last hope.

Fang Yuqing gritted her teeth, her eyes filled with venom.

“If worse comes to worst, we’ll break into his house!”

“I must live in his home. I can’t endure this suffering anymore!”

“If necessary, I’ll kill Zhang Yi!”

She was willing to do anything to stay in Zhang Yi’s home. However, as a woman, she knew she couldn’t overpower Zhang Yi.

Thinking this over, Fang Yuqing’s cold gaze turned to the neighboring apartment.

She and Lin Cainin had already fallen out, their former fake friendship shattered.

But now, Fang Yuqing needed help.

She went next door and said to Lin Cainin, “That damned Zhang Yi is watching us starve and freeze without letting us into his home.”

“We can’t just sit here and die!”

“That apartment is too good for him. Let’s find a way to take it from him!”

Lin Cainin’s eyes gleamed with greed at Fang Yuqing’s suggestion.

If begging Zhang Yi didn’t work, they’d have to deceive or rob him.

“Alright, I agree!”

“Why should that bastard Zhang Yi live in such a good house?”

“He should be thrown out to freeze and be eaten by wild dogs!”

“We’re the ones who should live in his home!”

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