I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 319 Discovery

Adrien's eyes widened as he stared at the two security guards he had just thrown with an invisible force.

Those who were there also looked at him with dumbfounded expressions and shock. Including Billy and two security guards who were beating him.

Then Adrien's gaze turned to the ring on his middle finger.

The ring was still emitting a silvery light that was quite bright. But not too bright to blind his sight.

"D-Did he just uses Magic, sir?" one member of the security officer asked in a trembling tone of voice. Maybe because of shock and maybe even fear.

Adrien and Billy were still wearing those black balaclavas so neither of their faces could be seen. It made those who couldn't see their entire face speculate that maybe they weren't human.

"That is not important right now!" the leader of the squad shouted. "Attack them!"

The leader of this squad doesn't seem very wise in making decisions.

He ordered his men to attack the person that had just used Magic to blow away their two members.

"Attack him with the stun gun!" exclaimed the leader, adding to his order before.

They all then grabbed the stun guns that were on their waists in a hasty motion. Including the leader.

"Use your Magic to smash them again, Captain!" Billy shouts amidst his pain.

The shout made Adrien realize that he had to act fast. So he sent his will once again to the ring.

Adrien still doesn't fully understand how the ring works. He just did what he was doing.

The light of the ring became a little brighter than before. Adrien then made a punching motion and sent all his strength toward the security officers who had already pointed their stun guns at him.


Almost simultaneously with the order shouted by the squad leader, an invisible force came out from the tip of Adrien's fist towards them.

The force knocked all of the security guards with extraordinary power until they were all pushed against the wall.

The two security officers who were standing right in front of the door were pushed out of the room and crashed into the wall behind them.

The two security officers who were still in front of Billy stared in disbelief.

Because they were hit by too much shock, they didn't realize that Adrien had changed his target to them.

Adrien ran up to them and unleashed the invisible force on them. The two unprepared security officers were instantly thrown backward and slammed into the far wall.

Adrien glanced around at the security guards. They are still conscious. But their faces bleeding from broken noses wore expressions of obvious pain.

Adrien noticed that there was a deep dent in their armor.

Apparently, the power of the Magic that Adrien had just let out was so strong and wide enough that it could injure their faces. Not only causing damage to their body armor.

'Must have at least suffered a broken rib and nose.'

After feeling certain that they were no longer a significant threat, Adrien approached Billy.

Billy lay on the floor with his head bleeding. His face was grimacing in pain too.

"That was amazing, Captain," Billy said. He even had time to smile a little at Adrien when there was pain throbbing in his head.

"Shut up, Brook. Now, can I use this Magic to heal like Aurdis?" Adrien said.

"You think you can heal wounds the first time you use Magic?" Billy asked rhetorically.

Adrien didn't answer. Instead, he began concentrating again on channeling his will to heal Billy into the rings

on his fingers.

After the ring had lit up a little brighter Adrien stretched his hand toward Billy's head. Adrien seemed unsure of what he was doing. But he did it anyway.

A moment later Billy felt his pain begin to disappear. It was then that he realized that the healing Adrien had done for the first time was successful.

Billy widened his eyes to look at Adrien. "You did it, Captain!"

"Really?" Adrien stared at Billy in disbelief.

Adrien continued what he was doing for another minute or so. Until finally the wound on Billy's head was much better.

"You can move?" he asked.

"Yes. It still hurts a little, but it's much better than before," Billy answered.

"Good. Let's finish this quickly and get out of here."

"Will I be able to do Magic too?" Billy said while looking at the ring in his hand.

"I guess you can," Adrien replied.

"By using my will?"

Adrien nodded firmly with conviction. "Yes. Turns out it's simpler than I thought."

They proceed to destroy documents and all kinds of data that they see as important.

Billy did it while imagining the time he actually used his Magic.

'If there is a new enemy, I will definitely use it,' Billy thought with excitement.


Erend went back into the hole created in the large concrete field.

He looked around. He saw no one in this corridor. Maybe because this corridor was already devastated so that everyone either fled or was buried under the rubble.

Erend continued walking. He dismantled all the rubble and ruins in his way with ease. He had deactivated all of his skills and was wearing a black balaclava.

Sometime later when he walking down the destroyed corridor, he heard the sound of many running footsteps.

"Search for them! Don't let them escape or destroy more than what they have done!"

The voice of a man shouting an order was heard. Erend immediately knew that they were the security guards who were moving here.

Erend picked up a metal beam lying on the ground for him to use as a weapon. He was trying to reduce the usage of his Skills.

After all, if it's only against humans, Erend is confident he can beat them without using Skills.

The security guards stopped when they saw Erend. Realizing that Erend was one of the intruders, the squad leader immediately ordered them to attack him.

"It's him! Go"


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