I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 136 Battle At The Meadow

Aurdis swallowed her saliva which suddenly felt so heavy.

What she saw in front of her eyes right now was something she was very worried about.

Aurdis had been worried about that since the start of this journey.

What if it turns out that the enemy knows the purpose of her journey, then sends an assassin to kill her?

Even though Aurdis knew from the start that there was a risk, she tried to keep her mind away from it as much as possible.

But all the events that she went through on the way made Aurdis' travel speed greatly reduced than she had expected.

The result of that was, rather than be somewhere farther away than Wyldwood. She still had to be here.

If she managed to travel further, Aurdis could find a more friendly forest she could use to hide from her pursuers.

But in this place, there was nothing she could use to hide.

As far as the eye could see, Aurdis only saw a meadow with low grass.

This meadow is so vast that even Aurdis doesn't see the end of this sea of ​​grass.

At this rate, Aurdis had no choice but to fight head-on with them.

Aurdis was sure that they only had a goal to stop her.

Most likely they were given orders to kill her on the spot.

From the visible features, they seemed to be Dark Elves. They have pointed ears. And a bit of skin showing around their unmasked eyes, revealing dark skin.

"(Who are you guys?)" Aurdis asked. She had to buy time until she finished preparing herself.

"(Princess Aurdis,)" one of the Dark Elves spoke. From his voice, Aurdis could tell that he was a male. "(We came with orders to kill you.)"

Aurdis felt fear start to run through her body. But she still tried to put on a face and posture that looks firm and strong.

"(Really? Just five of you? You think that's enough to kill me?)" Aurdis replied.

The five of them laughed. From the laughter, Aurdis could hear a feminine laugh. One, or two, of them, are female.

"(By now I guess you already know who we really are,)" the man spoke again.

"(A group of Dark Elves? So what?)" Aurdis replied with a disdainful expression.

The male Dark Elf who seemed to be their leader snorted.

"(You now seem to be just pretending to be tough, princess. But you already know what are we capable of doing to you.)"

The Dark Elf leader started walking. His subordinate immediately followed behind with definite steps.

Each of their steps caused a tremor in Aurdis' chest. The tremors of fear increased and made her body feel weak.

'No! I have to steel myself!'

Aurdis tightened her jaw. Her grip on Star's reins tightened until her veins bulged.

Aurdis began to flow Magic energy into her bracelet and ring. The bracelet and ring lit up with a soft silver glow.

Aurdis stared intently at the five Dark Elves. Those were the eyes of someone ready to fight.

Then without saying anything else, Aurdis stretched her arms towards them.

The five Dark Elves instantly noticed Aurdis' attack move.

But they couldn't escape as quickly as they hoped.

Dozens of spears protruded from the ground simultaneously.







The earth spears pierced the bodies of the Dark Elves. However, Aurdis knew they wouldn't die with just that.

A moment later their bodies turned into puffs of black smoke and disappeared into the air.


Suddenly an arrow that emitted green smoke shot toward Aurdis.

But the arrow was stopped by the invisible dome surrounding her.

When viewed from afar, the arrow seemed to just stop in midair.

Aurdis stretched out her hand towards her right, where the arrow had come.

Then a firebolt shot out from Aurdis' hand towards the Dark Elf who was floating in the air.


The Dark Elf stretched his arms forward. A dark green Magic shield appeared in front of him and bounced Aurdis' firebolt away.

Meanwhile, from her left, a Dark Elf came with a dagger in hand.

A purple glow appeared on the dagger's blade. The Dark Elf moved very fast and within seconds she was beside Aurdis.


The Dark Elf swung her dagger at Aurdis who was still riding on Star.

The dagger hit Aurdis' invisible dome. But Aurdis immediately noticed that the dome was starting to crack.

Aurdis prepared to move her hand towards the Dark Elf. But before she could launch her attack, the Dark Elf had disappeared.

'This is really bad!'

Aurdis clicked her tongue. Then she spurred Star to run.

"(You can't run, princess!)"

The leader's voice sounded again from somewhere.

Aurdis didn't have time to find the source of the voice now.

She knew she couldn't run. But at least she could keep her distance so as not to be surrounded by them now.

Star's presence here would only hinder her. So Aurdis jumped down from Star and let the stallion run away.

"(You sacrificed yourself so your horse could run?)" one of the female Dark Elf sneered.

"(Who said that I have to sacrifice myself?)" Aurdis replied.

Aurdis moved her hand in a gentle motion. Silver light appeared in her hand and Aurdis started making movements as if weaving the silver light.

She could take advantage of the rain and wind that was still pouring heavily.

Once again, Aurdis sent some of her Magic energy into the surroundings to merge with the rain and wind.

The five Dark Elves approached from various directions with bloodthirsty eyes fixed on one target.

They started to use their respective Magic. Purple, green, blue, red, and orange light began to emit from their bodies.

This a sign that soon, they will simultaneously issue a barrage of Magic attacks at Aurdis.

Aurdis' own body was also covered in silver light. But it looks thinner than the Dark Elves.

Aurdis opened her palm. Then spread her arms to the sides.

Suddenly, the falling raindrops just stopped.


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