I Practice Farming While the Rest Cultivates

Chapter 293 - 291 Gathering Conch 1

Chapter 293: Chapter 291 Gathering Conch 1

Translator: 549690339 |

Void Nether Island.

Early morning, as the red sun began to rise, a colorful aurora spread across the sky, the sea surface undulated, and a salty sea breeze blew.

Lu Xuan got up early to check the growth of each Spirit Plant in the Spirit Field.

Water Glow Grass had already sprouted slender shoots, the tender leaves were light blue in color, and twinkling fluorescent lights spotted on the leaves, resonated in the distance with the deep blue sea.

More than a hundred stalks of Water Glow Grass occupied most of the area of the Spirit Field. Growing in the lushly water-spirited environment of Void Nether Island, although they weren’t as robust as those in Sky Sword Sect, each stalk of Water Glow Grass was plump and moist.

Lu Xuan’s spiritual power surged within him, and a thin cloud appeared above the Water Glow Grass. Fine strands of Spirit Rain fell slowly, landing on the light blue leaves.

The fluorescence on each leaf became stronger, as if greedily absorbing the Spirit Rain. The gentle flicker made them look like the glimmering surface of the sea in the daylight.

After cultivating more than a hundred stalks of Water Glow Grass, Lu Xuan continued to inspect the other Spirit Plants in the Spirit Field.

Ten stalks of Second-grade Ordinary Sword Grass had already broken through the soil, resembling ten slender small swords inserted into the soil standing upright. He could feel the sharp ambitions emanating from within each plant. Next to them, although Third-grade Starlight Sword Grass was planted earlier, due to its higher rank and Lu Xuan’s basic mastery of the Starlight Sword Secret, their growth rate wasn’t much different from Ordinary Sword Grass.

As for the fourth-grade Sword Thousand Owls, they were still buried beneath the layer of Spirit Soil, absorbing Spiritual Power to maintain vitality.

Although still seedlings, Starlight Sword Grass was already noticeably different from Ordinary Sword Grass. The grey-black plant surface possessed sparse starlight, operating on an inconspicuous trajectory, exhibiting a profound significance.

The more Lu Xuan looked at it, the more he liked it. He grinned, drew back his finger, and flicked it at the three inch tip of the Starlight Sword Grass.

A faint metallic sound stirred.

The seemingly fragile Starlight Sword Grass refused to bend, remaining upright. Under Lu Xuan’s manipulation, it rocked back and forth for a long time before finally settling down.

Seeing this, Lu Xuan couldn’t help but find it amusing, occasionally flicking the tip of the Starlight Sword Grass.

“Chirp chirp-”

A clear chirping sound echoed as Wind Falcon, flapping its muted blue wings came darting from afar, a First Grade demon bird grasped in its claws.

“Coming to Void Nether Island, you’re the most delighted one.”

Lu Xuan looked at the eager-to-please Wind Falcon which flew in, dangling the demon bird in front of him, and said cheerfully as he rubbed its soft belly.

In Sky Sword Sect, the Inner Sect was surrounded by Formation Restrictions, Lu Xuan was worry that Falcon may unintentionally touch it, so he always kept it on the mountain peak to breed.

For the Wind Falcon, known for its speed, this method of breeding constrained its nature and occasionally made it uncomfortable.

After arriving at this island, Lu Xuan let him soar freely over the nearby sea. Although it hadn’t grown to second grade yet, it unquestionably had aerial advantage and was renowned for its speed. Lu Xuan, therefore, was not concerned about its safety issues.

“Senior Lu!”

A clear, young voice reverberated from outside the yard.

Soon, Song Yun appeared before Lu Xuan, holding a food box in his hand, containing Spirit Fruits, Spirit Brew, and often variously cooked Void Nether Spirit Fish.

After spending some time with Lu Xuan and finding him easy to get along with, Song Yun regained some of his youthful nature. He is not as constricted as he ‘ was at first.

As usual, Lu Xuan tested and guided him on his swordsmanship.

“Good, your swordsmanship is becoming more and more exquisite. If you maintain this rate of growth, you stand a good chance of getting accepted into the Sky Sword Sect.”

He casually praised.

“It’s all thanks to your diligent guidance, Senior.”

Song Yun replied modestly. Noticing the healthy Spirit Plants not far away, his eyes glowed.

“Senior, I have a younger sister who, like you, has a fondness for Spirit Plants and Spirit Beasts. Apart from her cultivation, she spends her time raising these creatures and nurturing these plants.”

“Oh? Really? Take me to see.”

Upon hearing this, Lu Xuan became somewhat curious.

Since he arrived on this Void Nether Island, he had kept to himself, only having taken a leisurely stroll upon his arrival to familiarize himself slightly with some Spirit Plants and Spirit Beasts unique to the island. Hearing Song Yun’s words, he now had the idea to look around.

“Yes, Senior, please follow me.”

Song Yun led Lu Xuan in a roundabout path to a courtyard.

After calling out twice, a girl in the bloom of youth emerged. Her round face featured delicate features that were charming and cute, characteristic of her age.

“Lu…Senior Lu!”

Upon seeing Song Yun, the girl first cast an annoyed glance, but her expression changed upon seeing Lu Xuan behind him, greeting him respectfully.

“Senior Lu, this is my younger sister, Song Si Ning.”

Lu Xuan nodded gently in acknowledgment.

After Song Yun explained his purpose for being there, Song Si Ning led the two of them into the courtyard.

To Lu Xuan’s surprise, the courtyard contained a large pool that extended for over ten feet in both length and width, and various types of Spirit Woods were planted along the edges.

Inside the pool grew many silver-colored seaweeds that resembled thick clusters of hair, which were the Silver Thread Algae that Lu Xuan had previously seen at a Loose Cultivator’s stall.

“Senior Lu, this is Silver Thread Algae. It can be used to feed a variety of sea fish and sea beasts. When collected, dried, and crushed, it can also serve as a material for Elixir refining,” Song Si Ning quickly explained, seeing Lu Xuan’s gaze on the silver-colored algae in the pool.

That is First Grade Spirit Plant, Blood Coral. When mature, it can be used to refine low-rank Magic Artifacts.”

“That is…”

There were several different types of Spirit Plants planted in the pool, all of which had a close relationship with water as their growth condition, which opened up Lu Xuan’s eyes.

Of the Spirit Plants that he had previously nurtured, only the Pure Snow Lotus that he had first cultivated in the market required a Spiritual Spring for it to grow, while the Earthfire Heart Lotus grew in blazing lava, and the Dragon Bone Herb, which he had not yet been able to cultivate.

Besides these, the rest of the Spirit Plants all grew in Spirit Soil.

Sensing Lu Xuan’s considerable interest in the Spirit Plants she had nurtured,

Song Si Ning took out a pinch of golden sand from her Storage Bag. The sand emitted a very weak wave of spiritual energy.

She scattered the golden sand onto the edge of the pool, and before long, a gigantic sea snail emerged from the bottom of the pool.

The sea snail extended a gray tentacle to ingest all the golden sand remains on the edge of the pool.

“What is this? It eats sand?” Lu Xuan asked curiously.

“To answer Senior Lu, this sea snail is called Gathering Conch. It feeds on all sorts of strange sands and rocks. If you come across one in the sea, it’s likely to contain rare and unusual sands and stones,” Song Si Ning answered.

After ingesting these sands and stones, the Gathering Conch keeps them in its body, where its unique organ slowly grinds and refines them, thereby producing sand and stone that have a higher concentration of spiritual energy and fewer impurities.”

“Many Cultivators raise Gathering Conchs in order to forge magical tools with different types of sand and stone.”

Song Si Ning explained in detail.

“In some sense, it’s like natural-born labor.”

“Thinking it has gained precious sand and stone, it’s actually just fodder for the Cultivators behind the scenes. When it’s mature, they simply harvest it, leaving it with both a loss of wealth and its very life.”

Lu Xuan looked down at the Gathering Conch at his feet busily consuming the golden sand, quietly musing to himself.

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