I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 338: Who Is The Man From The Future?

Chapter 338: Who Is The Man From The Future?

I activate Mystical Space Typhoon!

A card appeared in front of Yuei Vu, and a dark whirlwind rolled up out of thin air, and the turbulent storm swept towards the deep and dark surrounding area.

Destroy the Field Spell Malefic World!

Paradox was a little surprised.

Whats going on? Do duelists these days get the upper hand by Typhoons? So irritable?

Of course, Paradox himself was aware that Malefic World was the weakness of his deck, so he has already arranged the counter method.

Counter Trap Dark Bribe! Paradox waved his hand, and the set card beside him had already been flipped over, Negate the activation of a Spell/Trap and destroy te, then the opponent can draw a card.

The unscrupulous whirlwind was immediately restrained by the effect of the trap. The storm seemed to be struggling for a while, but in the end, it still couldnt escape the fate of being disintegrated and dissipated.

So this Mystical Space Typhoon failed to solve the Malefic World.

But it didnt matter, after drawing a card due to the side effect of Dark Bribe, Yuei Vu still has six cards in his hand, which was equivalent to filling a pit with zero cards, and it was not a loss at all.

And he still had many means.

Activate a Spell Card from my hand: E-Emergency Call!

Yuei Vu played the Spell Card, and immediately a huge projection with the letter E appeared in front of him.

This card allows me to add any Elemental HERO from the deck to my hand. I choose Elemental HERO Avian.

Yuei Vu picked out Avian from the deck and then revealed it together with the other two cards in his hand.

Activate Spell Card Polymerization! I fuse Elemental HERO Avian and Elemental HERO Wildheart in the hand! Fusion Summon

Elemental HERO Wild Wingman!

The winged hero turned into a green whirlwind, and the muscular wild hero turned into a golden light beam. The two met on the ground, and a whirlwind of wilderness visible to the naked eye erupted from the vortex formed by fusion magic.

Falcon-like sharp claws protruded from the storm, and the green whirlwind seemed to be cut. The hero with a solid body flapped his snow-white wings, and the feathers fluttered all over the sky when he appeared on the stage.

[Elemental HERO Wild Wingman, ATK 1900]

Among the many Elemental HEROes, as a three-for-one fusion monster, the Wild Wingman only has an attack power of 1900, which may indeed be far from being powerful.

But he was precisely the hero who can give the opponent a fatal blow in the current situation!

The effect of Elemental HERO Wild Wingman! Yuei Vu said, Discarding a card from my hand, destroy a Spell/Trap on the field! I discard a card and destroy the Field Spell Malefic World!

As one of Yuei Vus cards was stuffed into the GY, the heroes on the field spread their wings at the same time. The flapping of the wings whipped up a colorless storm out of thin air, and the wings flying all over the sky seemed to have received an order to charge in an instant in the wind, and scattered them out in all directions with a swoosh.

Paradox was startled again.

Do you want to blow up my Field Spell so much?

I havent even mentioned the effect yet, how did you know you should blow up my field?

But even so, he has a second line of defense.

Open the set card! Trap Card Skill Prisoner!

Paradox yelled, and the trap at his feet quickly flipped.

Target a card on my field. During this turn, all monster effects that target the selected card will be negated!

Paradox said, raising his hand and pointing to the sky.

The one I want to choose is Field Spell Malefic World! During this turn, all monster effects targeting Malefic World will be nullified!

The storm ceased in an instant, and countless feathers were instantly bounced off as if hitting an invisible barrier. The power released by the trap turned into black and invisible energy that restrained the Wild Wingman. The hero fell from mid-air involuntarily, half-kneeling on the ground, and gritted his teeth for support.

Yuei Vu had to admit that Paradox was indeed very cautious, and he actually added a double defense to his Malefic World.

Now Malefic World was protected by Skill Prisoner, even if there were still cards left in his hand, Yuei Vu couldnt continue to activate the effect of Wild Wingman to destroy the Field Spell.

Yuei Vu: You have defended against the two typhoons beautifully. However

What are you going to do with the third one?

Here, Yuei Vu drew another card from his hand. It meant that he would go directly to the Elemental HERO Crystal Man

Ah no, its Stratos.

After spending countless crystals on him, the hero whose cost has broken through the sky finally ushered in his debut!

High-tech blue armor, transparent goggle, a huge metal hang glider on his back, the two turbos were fully powered and buzzing, the hero hovered in mid-air with his arms folded.

[Elemental HERO Stratos, ATK 1800]

When Elemental HERO Stratos Normal or Special Summoned, I can choose one of the two effects to activate. Yuei Vu said, I chose to activate the first effect: Destroy Spells/Traps on the field, up to the number of HERO monsters I control, except this card.

He raised his hand and pointed to this dark and deep world again.

What I want to destroy is the Field Spell-Malefic World!

Paradox gritted his teeth: As I said, according to the effect of Skill Prisoner, in this turn, the effects of any monsters targeting Malefic World are all invalid

Thats not necessarily true. Yuei Vu smiled.

Even though you are a man from the future you dont understand the awesomeness of Crystal Man at all!

Paradox saw Stratos flying high with his arms folded chicly, and the two turbines on the hang glider accelerated to run. There was a roar as if about to be overloaded.

The white whirlwind whizzed through the air and blasted out domineeringly. The whole space was crumbling under the storm summoned by the hero. The walls around the dark world began to crack like glass.

In a blink of an eye, this awesome field was completely shattered under the storm rolled up by Stratos.

Lost the shackles of Field Spell, Rainbow Dragons spirit also broke free from control with a roar. The Malefic Rainbow Dragon on the Paradox field let out a soaring roar, followed by the colorful rainbow light bursting out of its body, it exploded from the inside and exploded into debris.

Tch, when there is no Malefic World present, all the Malefic monsters must be destroyed

Paradox gritted his teeth and looked at Yuei Vu with even more awe.

Why the Malefic World was destroyed by Stratos despite the protection of Skill Prisoner In fact, Paradox knew the reason.

Hes not a duelist from the DM era after all, hes from a future where dueling monsters have been developed and perfected long, long into the future. At that time, the text descriptions of the effects of many cards were already very standardized, and the rules on many details were also popularized, so he naturally understood.

The question about the non-target effect was also one of the most confusing places in Yu-Gi-Oh. However, after Consortium K standardized the effect text in recent years, it was easier to distinguish than in the past.

According to the current norms, only the effect on the card surface that clearly says you need to target a certain card to activate could be considered as a target effect.

And if the effect on the card says This effect can be activated when certain conditions are met, choose a card on the field to do something, then it was regarded as a non-target effect.

To make it easier to distinguish, only if there was an action of selecting an object before the word activate, it was considered to be target effect.

Take the sky hero Stratos as an example. The effect of Stratos was as written, Destroy Spells/Traps on the field, up to the number of HERO monsters you control, except this card, so this effect did not select the target, therefore would not be invalidated by Paradoxs Skill Prisoner.

And if Stratoss effect read, Target Spells/Traps on the field, up to the number of HERO monsters you control, except this card. Destroy those cards., then this effect would be target effect and would be invalidated by Skill Prisoner.

Paradox frowned, and couldnt help but look more cautiously at Yuei Vu.

He originally thought that the game of dueling monsters in this era had just started, and even the Duel King would have a limited understanding of the rules of the game due to the limitations of the era.

But the depth of understanding of this Duel King named Yuei Vu far exceeded his expectations.

No, not only that.

Obviously, Paradox should have appeared in front of Yuei Vu for the first time, showing his Malefic deck brought from the distant future for the first time, but the opponent targeted his Field Spell as soon as it came up. Its almost as if he knew the decks weakness a long time ago, prepared countless times in advance

At this time, Paradox could not help but fell into deep contemplation.

Who is the man from the future, me or him?

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