I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 51 – New Arrivals

Chapter 51 – New Arrivals

This time, we are not sneaking around the city covered in cloaks and in the middle of the night, so we just stroll through the streets like normal people. I must look like some rich noble bringing home more slaves. The new girls glance all around the buildings and stuff as we walk. Only the harpy looks very nervous and perhaps a bit scared, trying to position herself in the middle of the group all the time.

Fortunately, no one finds an issue with our peculiar group and we reach the mansion. The tieflings are most amazed by its splendour from the outside. I mean, who can blame them? You wouldn’t expect to see something like this after getting bought by a brothel owner, no matter how sweet and promising their words were.

We make our way into the building and Elea moves ahead, turning herself towards me.

“Master, let me take our new friends to the bath first. I’ll call others and we will take good care of them.”

I nod my head. “Okay. Get them some decent clothes after,” I say and also turn around to face the gawking demi-humans and my cute dwarf. “Sirgia, can you cook something up for them?”

“Of course. Leave it to me, Master,” she replies and trots towards the kitchen.

“For now, listen to this elf, Elea. After you get properly cleaned, she will lead you to the dining room. We will talk about everything after that. Feel free to ask her or others anything,” I inform them in Common and then repeat in Orcish for the one girl that isn’t good with the former.

“Human has meat? Garrena didn’t eat meat for long! Bad humans fed Garrena only bread!”

A smile makes its way onto my lips. I’ve read and mastered the Orcish language, but hearing it in person is a completely different experience. And I’m able to confirm for myself how weird it actually sounds. 

Contradictory to the first impression, Orcs aren’t so stupid as to not be able to build extensively coherent sentences. No. This is just how their language works. Short messages with straight to the point content. They convey what they need and that’s all. No unnecessary words or grammatical structures. It might seem crude, but it’s effective and that’s what’s the most important. I might need some time to get used to it though.

“Yes, Garrena, I’ll let my cook know to prepare something meaty for you,” I answer.

“FINALLY! Make elf guide to bath! Hungry!” She throws her fist into the air and starts enthusiastically walking towards Elea.

The three tieflings bow to me a little and follow the tall woman. Only the harpy is left alone. I did notice her almost doing the same, but she stopped herself while glancing at others’ backs anxiously. It doesn’t seem she trusts the strangers she found herself with enough to rely on their judgement and her doubts are still stronger.

I walk closer to the visibly uncertain girl and she moves her attentive gaze onto me. She is a tad shorter than me. It looks kinda cute when she gazes up at my face with her timid and visibly worried expression. I have an urge to pat her head, but that would only worsen the current situation so I try to smile at her kindly.

“What’s your name?” I ask.


“I see. That’s a cute name. There’s no need to be so vigilant. Are you perhaps regretting your decision?”

Her eyes dart around the hall and back to me in turns. “I… I don’t know…”

“I can’t know what you went through in the past, but I can at least assure you that no one here will hurt you in any way. As long as you don’t try harming others, of course. However unbelievable the story you heard from my little dwarf seems, it’s definitely all true. You girls are now under my care. You can relax. I’ll make sure only good things happen to you from now on.”

I slowly reach my hand towards her as I speak, making sure that she sees the movement clearly. Nebu observes it intently until I stop close to her face. I fully expected her to start cautiously moving away halfway there, but she somehow manages to keep herself in place while looking me in the eyes.

We stand in the middle of the room in slightly awkward silence, with my hand hanging in front of her face. I don’t go all the way because I want Nebu to be the one who makes the decision here instead of me just forcing it on her. It’s of course just wishful thinking. I have no confidence in her actually doing it. But. Miraculously, it works.

She very carefully brings her cheek closer and brushes it against my palm. My smile grows wider and I gently graze over her skin with my thumb. Slow and steady. Reassuringly. I keep the soft caresses until she visibly drops some of her tension and closes her eyes. 

With that, I move my fingers up and start brushing through the hair on the side and back of her head. The brown, shoulder-long threads seem to be slightly different in touch than the usual ones. The texture feels close to that of a feather but not exactly. It’s hard to put in words. But well, there are many things in this world that I am and will be unable to describe with my otherworldly dictionary.

Nebu opens her eyes again, slightly less anxious now, but still with noticeable cautiousness. Feeling lucky, I gently pull her into a hug and move my hand to the top of her head to start giving her some pats. She doesn’t resist. A moment later, her wings actually hug me in response and cover my back.

“Go take a bath with others. You deserve it. Then we will talk. I would love to learn more about you. Will you give me that pleasure?” I speak to her softly.

“Okay…” She nods into my chest.

Looking over my shoulder, I notice that everyone has already left, so I step back from Nebu and guide her to the place myself, walking by her side and brushing through her hair the whole time. 

I’m slightly worried about how she would take working as a prostitute with such a timid personality, but then I remember that Harpies basically do it with any male they find around during their mating periods. Of other races and species of course. There are no male Harpies here. As far as I know, they even sometimes kidnap men just for that purpose, but they let them go right after. She should be fine after we talk a little.

But, imagine explaining to your wife or girlfriend you are late for dinner because a horny bird-woman swept you from the ground like an attacking falcon and then proceeded to jump on your dick for hours, returning you to the previous spot after she was done with you. God, now I can’t get that picture of a diving, horny Harpy out of my mind.

We arrive in the dressing room and I instruct Nebu to join others, reminding her that she can talk with them about anything and that I’m also here for her. With that out of the way, I drop by the kitchen to give Sirgia a kiss on the cheek and mention Garrena’s request. She acknowledges it and goes back to work with her two elf helpers.

While one group is bathing and the other preparing food, I take this opportunity to check on Cornelia. There’s no answer after I knock so I open the door and walk inside. She is standing in the middle while glancing at the wall full of paper notes and scribbling something in a notepad. As expected, too focused to even notice me. I decide against spooking her this time.

“Yo. How are you doing?” I ask from behind.

Cornelia jerks a little and stops moving her pen. Instead of answering, she drops both arms down and her shoulders slump. Turning around, she walks to me like a lifeless zombie and crashes into my chest, groaning and moaning in an annoyed fashion. 

I chuckle a little and start patting her back. It doesn’t look like it’s going too well. I pull her up, position her face in front of mine and join our lips in a soft and gentle kiss. Cornelia instantly follows the motion and we stay like that for a moment.

“Thanks for the refill,” she says with a smile after we separate.

“Always at your service.”

She leaves one more peck on my lips and pushes herself away. “There’s progress but I’m currently in a small hole. The main part about making the sperm lose its fertility. No matter what I try, I just can’t make it work like it’s mentioned in the descriptions. It’s like I’m missing something. The formulas don’t react with the rest of the spell.”

I ponder for a moment. “How much do you know about how sperm and eggs work?”

“Uhhhh… Well… Basically, sperm is like water. A fluid. It’s made out of very small droplets that when making contact with an egg in a woman’s womb have a chance to join together and make a baby?” she answers.

“Okay, so you guys are more or less aware of this. Good. But what about their structure? Which parts are directly related to fertilization?”

Cornelia raises an eyebrow. “Erm… Don’t they just like, come together and start growing into a person?”

“Guess it’s time for a short biology lesson.” I smile at her and sit with Cornelia by her desk.

Now, I might be a teacher, but that doesn’t mean I know literally everything from every single field of science. And e-marketing isn’t any close to this stuff. But, pretty much every educated person back on Earth knows the very basic parts and so do I. If someone asked me to list every small detail about those cells, I wouldn’t be able to answer obviously.

I draw clear pictures of the sperm cell and the egg cell, marking the most crucial part in both, which is of course the nucleus. Besides mitochondria in the former, I honestly don’t remember the correct names of all other auxiliary parts of both. But, this will be enough. 

After finishing, I explain in simple words how the little swimmer tries to make its way inside the egg, pushing through the external membrane, and pretty much shoots its nucleus inside the other cell, where the whole fertilization magic then happens with both nuclei present. I wouldn’t be able to talk more about the other, smaller steps in this long process anyway.

Cornelia listens attentively while studying the sketches I made and nodding her head along the way. Either Humans didn’t manage to delve this deep into molecules and such or she just didn’t come across books about the topic. It’s not like this knowledge would be as commonly known as back on Earth and she is an ice magician, not a surgeon.

“Fascinating… So, all the other parts besides the core are just to help both of those cells meet, pretty much. And as for the egg, it’s to create the environment for the joined cores to develop properly. I see… This clears up a few things… I think the original creators of the spell were aware of this. I need to reread everything and focus on those details. Especially the cores. Thank you! This helps a lot!”

She summarizes the new information and then gives me a hug with a small peck on the cheek. Modern knowledge for the rescue! Or is it ancient if they were aware of this in the past? Honestly, that came as a surprise to me, but hey, people were like, stronger and smarter back then, right? Or something.

Anyway, I pamper my devoted researcher for a little longer and then excuse myself out. I know better than to distract her or Sirgia too much while they are in their passionate knowledge pursuit or artifact making. I sense Elea and two other elves in the bath so it seems that they are still taking their sweet time. It’s okay. I bet she is filling our new girls’ minds with pro-Alastair propaganda right now. And I can’t really do anything about it.

While deep in thought, I arrive near Teffith’s room just as she is about to enter it, returning from wherever she was. Perfect timing. We haven’t spoken much besides a sentence here and there during work or training.

“Mind if I join you for a moment or are you busy?” I ask.

“Of course not. I was only planning to read a book.” She reveals it to me, bringing up the item from behind her side. She must have been in the library. “It’s not something I can’t postpone for a bit.”

She holds the door for me and we walk inside. It hasn’t changed much. Actually, I’m not sure why I was expecting anything different. It’s not like the girls have many ways to personalize their rooms as of now. She sits down on the bed and I plop down on a chair by the desk. Let’s touch on that topic since I’m already on it.

“So, anything you would like to change in this room? Something to get you? Replace?”

Teffith glances around. “No, I don’t think so, thank you. It’s already very comfortable and spacious. You know that I’m used to living in tents and such so this is quite a bit nicer than my usual environment.”

“Glad to hear that. If anything comes to your mind, let me know.”

She nods and silence fills the room. We both gaze into space or random objects lying around. It’s quite… awkward. Well, let’s try to break it then.

“How are you recently? Everything fine?” I bring out the most overused question in existence.

“I’m good. No issues here.”

And, I have no idea what I expected from such a conversation-killer, but fitting exactly what it is often called, the question doesn’t work in the slightest. We are back in the soundless vacuum. It’s a bit different from what I got used to recently. Literally every other girl would speak to me a lot out of their own volition if we met.

Ah. Maybe this is the problem. I see. Well. Worth giving a shot.

I take a deep breath and stand up. “Okay. Time to get this straight. I’m well aware of how the situation looks. Pretty much most girls here excluding our new additions have, boldly speaking, been nailed by me. And it’s clear that a few of them are to some extent in love with me. And it’s also quite apparent that I will most likely be having sex with the new girls at least once too.”

Walking around the room back and forth, I start my little talk. Stopping for a moment, I glance at the dragonewt to judge her reaction to my words. She patiently waits for me to continue and I do exactly that.

“With all that in mind, I just want to clearly say that however I act towards you, I am not doing so to try and get into your pants. Whatever I do or say is just how I am, and scoring every beautiful girl from various races and species that somehow ends up in this establishment is not some kind of a life goal of mine. I admit I would be more than willing if the other side was up for it, but it doesn’t mean they have to. And why am I saying all that so suddenly? Because I don’t want things to be awkward between us. Yes, I am curious about your body, especially those mesmerizing scales, but whenever I’m nice to you, I’m not doing so to gain your favour in hope of getting touchy later. If you will ever be okay with it then great. If not, we can just stay as friends like now and still have fun together without any pressure, which I bet you are getting plenty from all those other girls. Hell, if you are even frustrated but some Human dick is not to your taste, I can always get you a thing or two to help with that. Anyway, before I get sidetracked too much, just know that not every girl here has to sleep with me, period. This is a working environment. I employ people. Not seduce them. Was that clear?”

I end my long lecture with my hands spread and looking down at the smiling Teffith. She stands up, walks up to me and lightly taps my chest with her fist.

“Crystal clear, boss.” She chuckles. “You worry too much.”

“Yeah, I’m told that quite a lot,” I reply with a smile of my own.

“Thanks for the speech. I admit that it does feel weird at times with pretty much everyone around me fucking you, but I’m okay with that. I think. It’s not really my business, to be honest. They do seem happy.” She turns her back to me, takes a few steps and stretches. “And I’m quite happy too. Even though I pretty much knew that you aren’t aiming for me, thanks for saying it out loud. I’m sorry if I feel awkward. I’m not really a talkative person, and well, I would lie if I said that I wasn’t slightly anxious around you at times. But I see that this mindset was partially my mistake too. You want to touch it that badly?”

The sudden question makes me move my eyes up and our gazes meet. I might have slightly spaced out while watching her long and beautiful tail serenely move around. Teffith shows a knowing smirk while looking at me over her shoulder.

“Ah, my bad, it’s just… still something very new to me. Especially from this close. Where I’m from, only Humans live. Sorry for staring,” I apologize.

“Hummm… Not even demi-human slaves? Must be a weird Human town I guess.” She ponders for a second. She doesn’t know about my real home yet. “Well, anyway, it’s okay. We are supposed to make things less awkward, right? Here, you can check it out.”

Teffith walks back to me again and shows me her back, or more specifically, her tail. With such an invitation I don’t hold my curiosity back and pick it up into my hands and start brushing it carefully. It’s quite thick. The part where I squeeze a bit barely lets me surround it with my fingers. The surface is tough but the muscle itself seems tender and very flexible. The sensation is very pleasant, smooth and slightly cold.

“Fuuuuuuuuuhhhhh…” Teffith releases a long sigh.

“You good there?”

“Yes. I just haven’t had it touched by anyone for quite some time,” she answers calmly.

“I hope I’m not breaking some customs or taboo of your people with this.”

“No, it’s okay.” She points at her head. “Our horns are a no-go zone for strangers, not tails. Basically, we only allow our mates to touch them.”

“Dammit,” I curse playfully and chuckle, making her reply with the same laugh.

Not wanting to make Teffith feel too weird, I release her tail and step back. “Thanks. It’s nothing like I ever touched. Very amazing and beautiful. And strong enough to send me flying across the whole main hall.”

She chuckles again. “I’m sorry about that. I was a little nervous at the moment.”

I wave my hand in dismissal. “Nah, it’s understandable. I’m glad to have someone as strong as you as my guard. We’ll need to work on that naginata soon.”

A smile finds its way back on her lips. “Thanks. I can’t wait. Although, I don’t think it will see much use.”

“Maybe for now. But don’t forget we are registered adventurers. One day you might be able to go out without much worry for a quest or two during a free day.”

We have a friendly chat only for a few minutes more and I leave to allow Teffith to dive into the book she found in our library. It really feels not right though. I mean, none of the girls ever bring up anything related to their stay here. I know it’s quite good, but they are still pretty much locked in the building for most of the time. It feels kinda unrealistic if I were to say.

Sirgia catches up to me in the corridor and brings me to the dining room, informing me that everything is ready and the new girls will soon come down, alongside some other people who wanted to join our early dinner. Good. More contact between the two groups, residents and new arrivals.

All of the elves, Safi, Emi and Astrea join us. The green, overenthusiastic slime gets comfortable on my lap very quickly, before my little dwarf has even a chance to steal a glance of that spot. Sirgia sits on my right with a slightly dejected expression. I do my best to shower her in pats.

Soon, the new squad arrives under the leadership of Elea and she sits everyone down at their spots. I guess our little chef sent her instructions via Whispers. Seriously, do they really have to sound this sexual? Anyway, we all dive in and start enjoying various dishes our kitchen masters prepared.

The tieflings receive the same as every resident present, which is a deep plate of white borscht. It’s very tasty. I’ve heard that Dwarves love their borscht and this certainly supports that claim. I lean to the side and give my thanks to Sirgia, leaving a peck on her cheek. She grows too flustered to eat from the sudden compliment and every one of my girls keeps staring at her with a smile.

Garrena gets two huge chunks of meat. From the smell and size, those must be the legs of some wild, monstrous boar. She wolfs down through both at once with ferocious enthusiasm. Who can blame her though? Her kind is known for overblown feasts with lots of meat. It’s not the only thing they eat, but can be considered a staple part of their diet. A strong body needs meat.

As for Nebu, I was actually the most curious about her eating habits. I know that Harpies are omnivores, but I have a hard time imagining them eating something in a different way than catching prey with their claws, maybe roasting it over a fire, and then chomping down on it with their strong fangs. I mean, they have no hands and we are in a ‘civilized’ house.

But, it looks like Sirgia thought of everything, and our harpy was given a bowl of various fruits and vegetables. While she has no hands, I mentioned before that her kind can still grab things like a person in an oversized hoodie, using the further edges of their wings. And that’s exactly what she does, picking one and then carefully taking a bite while sneaking glances at everyone present. Most of them are earned by me and Elea. I can guess why. It looks insanely cute to watch her timidly eat like this.

After finishing my portion, which was slightly reduced by the need to feed a few spoons to my clingy bundle of jelly because she was curious, we agree to talk separately. I would have to repeat stuff in different languages anyway and Elea notifies me that Nebu might not be as comfortable speaking about this stuff around the others as they are. I leave the lovely birdie for the last and firstly pay a visit to the tiefling trio.

When I enter, one of them is sprawling herself over the whole bed, another is taking in some sights of the city through the window, and the last one is actively going through all the drawers and wardrobes with a curious expression. They notice me and quickly gather on the mattress together. I climb onto it too and sit down in front of them.

“So, I bet you already know this, but my name is Alastair and I will be your master, or rather your boss, from now on. Can I know your names?” I start.

The crimson-skinned one with horns going up and then arching to the back nods her head. “My name is Mafaris. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Master.”

Then, the dark purple girl with horns going up but slightly to the sides and then curling once, ending the spiral with the tips facing upwards, speaks next. “I’m Shawure.”

And for the last, the blue-skinned beauty with horns going almost straight up like those of an Oni, but much thicker, finishes the introductions. “And I am Zalia.”

I nod at each of them. “Thank you. Are you perhaps close to each other?”

Shawure takes the question. “If you are asking about us knowing each other before the capture, then no, we were enslaved at different times and places. We landed in adjacent cells at some point though so we aren’t complete strangers.”

“I see. I know we’ve already agreed on this back at Selina’s, but are you completely fine with working as prostitutes?” I ask once more.

They glance at each other and nod in unison.

“Okay. Do any of you have any experience in sex?” It might be a blunt question, but quite an important one.

“I had three boyfriends back in Dul’rhenne. We had fun together quite often. Sometimes as a group too. So, I think I do have some experience? Humans aren’t that different from us when it comes to that, right?” Zalia takes the lead.

“Oh. That certainly is a lot by Human standards. And yeah, physically there aren’t that many differences. It mostly comes to the additional erogenous zones you guys possess due to the tails, horns and such. Say, don’t you miss them?” I pry a little further.

She shakes her head. “Maybe a little in the past, but that was four years ago. They definitely found new partners in less than a year after I disappeared. It was fun, but nothing too deep. Which certainly can’t be said about my pussy.”

I snort at her obscene remark and playful grin. This one will definitely be fun to deal with. Looks like I don’t have to worry about her. I move my gaze to the other two.

The crimson-skinned woman captures my attention. “I had only one partner in the past and we did it a few times, but then I realized I prefer doing it with girls rather than him and he felt hurt, leaving me in the end. Ah, but I have nothing against sex with men, it can be very enjoyable too. I just have way more fun with the same gender. And these two know very well what I mean.”

Zalia and Shawure giggle at her words and the latter sends me a wink. So far so good. They all seem really open. And while we aren’t yet considering female clientele, who knows what may change in the future. Mafaris would definitely volunteer to take care of them if I judged her correctly.

The purple tiefling then clears her throat and shares her part. “I actually had many partners. I can’t even remember all of their names. I come from a bloodline with a very strong libido and it’s just uncomfortable for me not to take care of it. And unfortunately, playing with myself only increases the sensation. So, I’m kind of cursed to seek a dick when I get almost in heat like a Beastkin, hahaha.”

“Oh yes, you have no idea how hard it was to help relieve her back there, Master,” Mafaris comments. “Somehow, no matter how hard we pounded her pussy with our fingers or even fists, she still would crave for a penis afterwards. And imagine that, they intentionally set her in a cage between the two of us so that no male got close to her through the bars.”

Oh boy. I might have scored a jackpot with them. I was aware that Tieflings are a bit more sensual than Humans and seek pleasure more often, but here we have one that, boldly speaking, craves for a cock now and then, one that is into getting gangbanged and one that realized another pussy tastes better than a dick but still is up for both. What the hell is that setup? And they didn’t know each other before? It feels almost like the Goddess herself placed them together in those cells. Was I really that delusional about other races' women? Am I making it way more complicated than it really is? One way to find out,

“I see. Thanks for being honest with me. What about having sex with Humans or other races, although I don’t expect many to show up here anytime soon?”

Another wave of looking at each other and Zalia is the one to answer. “I mean, it’s Humans who are usually against it, not us. All this talking about not going to fuck a monster that killed their ancestors in the past. At least, that’s the majority, right? I would be stupid to believe that there are none who pretty much rape their demi-human slaves in secret.”

Shawure and Mafaris nod and the former continues. “Sex is sex, dick is dick, race doesn’t really matter for us. Unless we are talking about some pure-blood Beastkins. No way I would have fun getting my tight pussy destroyed by a Bearkin’s massive log. I’m not into that.”

“I mean… maybe if he was gentle…” Zalia adds.

“A gentle Bearkin? They are as gentle as water is dry. When those freaks fuck in the open, they bring home a wagon of lumber from all the trees they topple in the process!” the purple girl rolls her eyes and shouts at the blue one.

“Okay, thank you, girls. No need to get into more detail there.” 

I stop them before the images in my head get much more illustrative. I’m already getting slightly warm in a certain spot from all this lewd talk. And they don’t miss that detail with my cross-legged position.

“So… Are you going to check our bodies now?” Shawure shows a playful smile and walks closer to me on all fours.

“I’m pretty sure Elea had a good look at you back there and she would have notified me if there are any issues to take care of. And you seem quite experienced so it’s not exactly necessary,” I answer with a wry smile.

She makes a slightly sad expression as her tail, which is somewhat thinner than Teffith's, starts to slowly coil around my arm. “As the owner of this place, shouldn’t you make sure that the goods are of the best quality yourself?”

I chuckle. “Why so eager? Is it that time for you?”

Zalia arrives on my other side. “Your elf maid has pictured you as quite the passionate person. And judging by how lovey-dovey the girls we met act towards you, it does seem quite believable. It would be a lie to say that at least two of us aren’t interested in checking that rumour out.”

“Hey! I’m also curious how so many different women could have fallen for his dick! Don’t hog him all to yourselves!” Even Mafaris joins the assault and I end up surrounded by three colourful and enticing women.

I don’t dislike the idea of my first ever foursome with such amazing and vibrant ladies, but there are two other women waiting for their auditions. I smile at each of them and shake my head with a sigh.

“Guess I will have to verify if you are not lying.” Their eyes sparkle a little. “But, I have to talk with the orc and the harpy first and I feel like you girls would drown me in pleasure for too long if I let you, so this will have to be enough for the moment.”

From right to left, I give each of them a small kiss. Zalia, being the last in the queue, has enough time to process what is going to happen and tries to sneak her tongue into my mouth, but I squeeze it with my lips and don’t allow it to pass through. She starts jokingly hitting my shoulder until I let her go.

“No cheating.” I chuckle and stand up. “You are free to explore the mansion. Just don’t leave. Please. I’ll deal with your seals later.”

Saying that, I leave the room hearing something about how it can be so sweet. Zalia must have gotten a taste of my saliva most likely. This damn Class changes even that. With them done, I mentally ask Elea about Garrena’s location and head to the adjacent room. They are all next to each other from what she tells me.

I enter the chamber and find the quite tall woman with greenish skin, chest-length brown hair and a very muscular and chiselled body sitting on a chair in front of the desk. She is balancing on its back legs, with her own feet placed on the furniture, while trying to spin a pencil with her fingers. 

She must have watched the guards do that. She obviously fails to recreate the action and when the tool finally falls to the ground from her fingers, Garrena notices my presence and loses her balance, leaning too much to the back and tumbling onto the ground with a groan. She quickly stands up and fixes the chair into its proper place.

“Garrena sorry. Chair is fine. Not broken.” She scratches her head while glancing at it and then at me. “Garrena thanks human for meat. Errrr… not human… forgot name… Master?”

I smile a little. And feel a little bad. I was expecting her to be way ruder even though I’m the last person who should judge by stereotypes.

“I’m glad it was up to your standards. And I’m Alastair. Al for short.”

“Ala… stair. Alastair. Hard name. Garrena can use Master?”

“Yes, you can call me however you want, I don’t mind.”

“Good. We talk now, right?” she asks and I nod. “If Garrena understood Master correctly, Garrena can be free after a year if she does good work, yes?”

“Simply speaking, yes. But it’s not like I will extend that time when something bad happens or you make some mistakes. And if you will have a really hard time living here and working, I may let you go earlier. Do you have a place you want to return to?” I explain more and ask.

She makes a thoughtful expression and rubs her chin. “Hmmmm… Garrena not sure. Didn’t see village in three years. Garrena's tribe very aggressive. Might had war with others and not exist now. Have to think. Don’t know way back.”

That can certainly be noticed from various scars over her body since the shirt and short pants don’t cover all of it. She definitely was a warrior of some kind.

“I could try to help you find your village after our promise ends. But you can also stay here for as long as you want. You have lots of time to think about everything and see how it is here.”

She nods a few times. “Good. Garrena thanks Master. Master gives tasty meat, Garrena thankful and happy. Master’s hut big and nice. Comfy bed. Very pleasant. Garrena also likes. Good food and good home. That’s important to an Orc. Garrena will miss fighting though. Fighting also important.”

“Oh, that won’t be a problem. After I take off your slavery seal, you will be able to fight,” I say with a smile.

She gets a bit more lively and hits her fists together. “Garrena can fight too?! Hahaha! Great home! Garrena already likes very much!”

“Yes, you can. My other girls are quite strong too. I don’t know how much when compared to you, but we have an arena underground and they often spar with each other there. They would definitely love to train with you. And we have a healer, so if they agree, you may even go wild a little. It’s up to them though.”

She throws her fists into the air and releases a sound roar. I’m pretty sure it conveys excitement and thrill. I instantly receive a few Whispers asking if everything is fine though. With a wry smile, I quickly reassure everyone with a bulk message and refocus on Garrena again.

“Moving onto our main topic, will you be fine working like this? Do you have any experience?” I ask.

Garrena hits her chest with a loud thump. “HA! Garrena body tough! Puny Human dicks won’t hurt! In village, Garrena was strongest fighter! Orcs love strong! Many males wanted to copulate with Garrena! Only chose strong, too. But Garrena fine with Humans. Will Humans want to have sex with Garrena? Humans call Orcs monsters. Scared of us. Scared of tusks.” She points at the two protruding teeth. “Master not scared of tusks?”

I chuckle. “I’m not scared of how you look, your tusks or your muscular body. I am a little scared though. Of how strong you are. I can feel and see it. Weak should fear the strong, isn’t that right?”

“Ohhhh. Master thinks almost like an Orc! Garrena agrees. But. What about babies? Won’t be a problem if Garrena gets pregnant? Humans and Orcs can have babies together. Female Orcs easy to have a baby.”

I’m honestly surprised by her question, but again, contradictory to their crude way of speaking, most Orcs are pretty much as smart as your usual Human. People tend to forget that due to all the love for strength and adrenaline in their communities and the simplistic way of speaking.

“It will be fine. My friend is working on a spell that will prevent that from happening. And well, if the two of us do it, I can actually control if I want to get a woman pregnant or not.”

She laughs heartily. “Haha! Master’s friend is smart! No-baby magic! Sounds fun! No problems then! Garrena thinks Master’s place is great! What now?”

I stand up, come closer to the tall woman, I guess something around 190cm in height or a little bit more, and cross my arms in an X-shape in front of my chest. Garrena’s eyes widen a little and a smile soon arises on her face. 

She then pulls back her fist and hits the intersection of my forearms. It’s a heavy punch and I can certainly feel it, but it’s just a greeting amongst most Orc tribes, so she isn’t aiming to send me flying. Then, she does the same as me and I throw my punch. She doesn’t even budge. It’s like I hit a stone wall. Ouch. This makes her laugh heartily again and slap my shoulders in amusement.

I explain that I have to visit one more person and then I will most likely take care of all their seals. Of course, she is allowed to explore too, and we will most likely have lessons similar to the ones I had with Safi and Emi about Human anatomy before they start working for real. In their case, we have to wait for Cornelia’s research results first anyway.

Okay, looks like the Mafaris, Shawure, Zalia and Garrena’s cases went much better than expected. Now I just hope everything will go well with Nebu too. It definitely won’t be as easy, judging by her personality. But, she also agreed to work after having it explained by Sirgia, so she should be at least a little comfortable with it.

Hopefully, she still is similar to her kind deep down and will get more comfortable after opening up to me. She might just be a young one, without much experience. I've read that their first hunt for a mate is like stepping into adulthood and it's sometimes assisted by the young Harpy's mother if the girl isn't too confident in herself, and they grow much bolder later. Or I just found a very shy and timid one.

Time to have a talk with the cute Nebu.

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