I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 384: Beastial Envoys

Chapter 384: Beastial Envoys

While the group struggled in the East, the kingdom was filled with terror. The maid had already been killed and so were the lords that were close to the doorway.

"What are they?!" Elizabeth asked. They were inside the throne room, the woman was currently blocking eight large beast from attacking the king. She put up late tree branches around the beast send locking them inside.

The beasts looked like wild black dogs the size of an elephant. Their claws were sharp and metallic paired with long fangs that dripped with purple liquid.

It was fortunate enough for the king that Elizabeth was nearby when the beasts appeared. She immediately barge inside the throne room and put up the barriers to lock the beasts inside.

"Those are the diplomats from the East," King Leopold cried. "They walked inside the throne room and suddenly morphed into those beasts."

"What?" Elizabeth gasped. "These are them? What could this mean."

"I detect darkness," the Holy Crow stood in front of the throne room's doors. "These are spawns from the Abyss. Their soul are as dark as the midnight skies."

The beasts sensed the Holy Crow's presence and all turned around to face the old man. They screeched and slammed their heads on the wooden barrier, trying to break free.

"Not on my watch!" Elizabeth groaned and raised her hand. She opened her palms, making it glow with a bright green light before clutching it. "Blooming Blast!"

The trees suddenly grew leaves and flowers. The flowers looked like lotuses but had a different array of colors. They glowed with bright lights and shoot beams to the beasts inside.

The beasts screeched while the smoke from the attacks clouded around them, swallowing their figure. They were silent. It was as if a drop of water would deafen everyone inside the throne room.

When the smoke cleared, the eight beasts still stood on their four feet. They screeched and lowered their bodies as a sound of breaking bones cracked on their backs.

"What is happening?" King Leopold gasped as they watched the beasts morphed again.

A pair of bat wings grew in the back of each the beasts. They screamed while forming the wings, leaping off of the ground and hovering above the throne room.

"Broken Starlight!"

"Burning Haven!"

'Deepest Symphony.'

Three powerful attacks erupted from the door. A multicolored beam that had shards of small glass-like particles, a red ring forming beneath the wooden barrier and erupting flames inside like a geyser, and a rain of swords made of wind.

All these attacks were fired by the three men who stood in front of the Holy Crow. Their attacks swallowed the beasts, making all of them scream in pain as their auras vanished one by one.

When the attacks cleared, the beasts' figures were seen. It didn't look right from any angle.

"That looks disgusting," Frederick whispered.

Instead of being burnt into crisp by the amount of heat, the beasts were turned into jelly-like substances. Not one of the beasts retained their dog-like figures as they turned to the deformed rough tar. The beasts' corpses clumped in the middle of the wooden barrier like a large burnt slime.

"What is that?" Elizabeth covered her mouth with her hands. "That looks horrifying."

A black mist seethed from the clump of burnt flesh. They raised their weapons while the mist slowly went with the air and into them.

"Watch out!" Elizabeth yelled. She slammed her hands on the marble floor and conjured a large flower near the corpses. "Everyone, run!"

When the black mist reached the flower, it didn't take another second before it rot. The rotting was so instantaneous that the flower went from pink and green to black in a blink of an eye.

"Evacuate everyone!" Elizabeth yelled. "Quarantine the castle. We're in grave danger."

"Ass," Luck snickered. He pointed his index finger on the roof and whistled.

'Acapella Sonata.'

A jet of air burst from his finger and through the roof, destroying it and blowing all the debris into the skies. He then raised both his hands on either side of him and whistled again.

'Symphony of the Cold Winds.'

Pale greenish lights entered the room through the giant hole in the roof. The light spun around the black mist and slowly formed a gentle vortex. The vortex locked the black mist inside and slowly decreased in diameter.

Luck continued whistling while all of his attention was focused on the vortex. When all the mist was inside the vortex, he raised his hands and lifted the corpses with another gush of wind.

The corpses hovered in the air for a few more seconds when suddenly, Luck stopped whistling and slammed his hands together. With a deep inhale, Luck whistled loudly, making all the glass in the kingdom's halls shake.

'Sylphian Rhapsody.'

The vortex formed a sphere of spinning air. The sphere was spinning at an incredible speed that it ripped the corpses of the beasts inside. Luck then nodded at the Holy Crow who ran below the sphere and raised his staff.

"By the light of the Almighty, I order you to be cleansed!" the old man yelled. "From the nine rays of His sun, I purify the darkness!"

The head of his staff glowed with a blinding white light. Like a beacon, the light erupted from his staff and shot through the sphere and the corpses inside. The light slowly vanished, and the spinning sphere of Luck was now void of darkness.

The Holy Crow's eyes were fluttering and were threatening to close. He had dropped his staff and was about to fall on the ground when his son caught him.

"Father," Galaxia called out. "Are you okay?"

"Make me tea when we get home," the Holy Crow chuckled and took a relieved sigh. "The darkness has been purified."

Luck stopped his whistling and lowered his hands. His red haired friend walked beside him with a wide smirk plastered on his lips.

"Someone's been training a lot these days," Frederick snickered, elbowing Luck in the chest playfully. 

"I can never show anyone how pathetic and weak I was," Luck said. "After my almost death, I learned that."

"You're still okay, Luck," Fredrick smiled. "You're still okay."

"What are those," Elizabeth walked towards them and asked. The King was behind her followed by several guards. "That black mist it had a similar aura to the Deathly Sins that's why I immediately sensed something wrong with them."

"Those things are spawn of the darkness from the Abyss."

A woman with white clothes similar to the Holy Crow walked inside the throne room. "I hate being around people, but it seems like I have no choice but to participate in this new war that dawned us."

The woman had platinum blonde hair and light blue irises. She had a small rectangular shaed hat on her head while wearing a pair of white suit. She had a white cape behind her with gold embroidery of flowers and vines while she had a small orb in her hand.

"It seems like the East has been taken over by the Abyss," she spoke and looked at the hole in the sky. "The darkness will consume us all if we don't stop it."

"Wait," Elizabeth raised her hands and stopped her. "Who are you?"

The woman smirked and sighed, "I guess not a lot of you know who I am, but I am the Servant of Light. I am Evelyn, Priestess possessed by one of the Divine Judgement."

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