I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 349: Reversal of Time

Chapter 349: Reversal of Time

Malice pushed the four Legendary Crusaders away from her with a burst of aura. Tears streamed from her eyes as her hands glowed with a black light. "All of you need to pay for what your people had done!"

Malice raised both her arms and covered them with a raging black fire. The fire slowly traveled to the tip of her fingers, forming a large black sphere that grew to more than half the size of the stadium. "Die!"

Before she could continue with her attack, a man appeared beside her. The entire stadium paused as they felt the presence of the man. It was an aura that was in Malice's level.

He held her arms and slolwy lowered them, with the black sphere dissipating like it was never there. The man then looked at everyone in the stadium with fearful gaze.

They didn't know such a person would exist. No one anticipated that someone would rival Malice in terms of power. Although she was boosted by the power of the Sins now, the man was still capable of reaching her level if he tries to.

Two more people appeared, including a familiar face that made the world takes a collective gasp of shock.

"Bruno, can you the queen back?" Appetite said. "We'll summon Armageddon here. I honestly don't know what happened to her. It's like she acted like"

"The princess," Bruno sufficed. "It must be that antique user."

"You think?" Appetite quirked his brow up in doubt. "She did consume a lot of mana to try and contain the power of the Sins."

"We will deal with this matter later on," Bruno, the man who held Malice, responded. "Terrans, goodbye. And good luck."

He bowed his head slightly, pulling Malice close to him until he was carruing her in his arms. With one last glance at a random destroyed part of the stadium, Bruno vanished along with Malice. Meanwhile, Appetite was left with the other Vassal whom everyone knew.

"Lilith?" Johnson called out in shock. "B-But they said"

"It's good that you see who I really am," Lilith said without a hint of any expression on her face. "I am one with the Queen. Ever since I was little, I have been worshiping her. It's funny how everyone thinks I'm just strong when I'm actually been blessed by her power."

"Lilith" Johnson trailed off. "We met years ago. All this time you were under Malice's orders?"

"All this time," Lilith repeated. "Appetite, let's summon Armageddon and get out of here. They can barely handle the Sins, this monster will destroy them."

The other Vassal nodded, he looked at Johnson with a smirk before he offered his hand for Lilith to take. Lilith glanced at Johnson not long after, they were now staring at each other, waiting for her to move. When she took Appetite's hand, Johnson fell to his knees in utter shock. 

When the two Vassals' skin touched, a terrifyingly large amount of aura burst out from them. It was so strong that it made the stadium shake, and all the people them tremble.

Below the Vassals, a small black orb was being formed. The orb slowly grew in size, cracking like an egg before it exploded to form a large beast. The beast had the head of a lion, a body of a spider, and a tail of a scorpion.

On its first limbs, it had the scissors of a mantis that had a black sharp blades in them. The other limbs were elongated human arms, that it used to stand and crawl. The beast had six red glowing eyes that formed like a fan in its forehead, while its fangs were long and slender like a serpent.

"Armageddon, the Pet of Hell," Lilith introduced. "Good luck dealing with him. May he rain upon you despair and death."

With that, the two Vassals disappeared into thin air. They left no trace on where they went, only leaving the Terrans with the large beast for them to deal with.

This beast is hard to deal with. The two Vassals gave their power to it, meaning it was comparables to fighting two powerful Demons. Lilith and Appetite weren't holding back with the power that they unleashed upon the Terrans. They were now trying to kill them.

"What a hassle!" Lance groaned. He leaped off the ground and swung his swords, creating slashes from them.

The slashes were blocked by the Armageddon easily. If only crossed its mantis arms in front of it to defend itself. It roared and shook its spider body, making a pair of bat wings grow from his back. 

It used its wings to maneuver itself and glided in the air while the Adventurers chased it.

"What the hell?" Platt contorted his face in disgust. He produced a high pitched screeching sound to try and control the beast, but it made no effect. "It's not sentient. We can just kill it then."

"Just kill it?" Haley asked. "But how? You see how easily it blocked that boy's attack."

Platt roles his eyes at his friend's response and shook his head. He threw his mace away and summoned another one, raising it in the air and covering the head with a dark green aura.

"Rest In Pieces!"

Platt swung his mace and shot multiple crescent-shaped attacks at the Armageddon. The beast looked at he attack and extended both its arms to the side, showing its chest until the attack reached it.

All the slashes weren't able to pierce the beast's stomach. This made Platt gasp in shock and Haley to sigh.

"I told you that that would happen," Haley said. 

She hovered in front of Platt and removed her cloak, showing her old aging body covered with nothing but small pieces of armor that barely covered her private parts.

"That is disgusting," Platt said, acting like he was about to vomit. "Old women like you should never do such things. You think you can make the monster commit suicide because of that?"

Miria gasped and got closer to them, "That is unethical, Haley. What is that?"

"You two are so rude, you do know that, right?" Haley rolled her eyes. She raised her arm in front of her, chanting something under her breath.

In her wrist formed a large ring made from aura. The ring was flat and it showed numbers that went from one to twelve.

"That's a clock," Lance pointed out. "What is she going to do with that oh."

"Exactly," Haley grinned and threw her hand in the air. "By the power of the gods and the deities, I force to bend the will of nature and give me your power. I turn back time and recover my body from fifty years ago! Reversal of Time!"

"That sure is a very long time," Platt snickered, earning him an elbow from Miria.

The ring from Haley's wrist glowed and covered her body with a pale yellow light. While her body was coated with the light, Haley lowered her hand and pointed at the other Crusaders. "Oh, yeah. Them too."

The ring flew from Haley's wrist and hovered above her, forming like a halo. The ring spun and shot beams at Miria, Platt, and Zeus, making their bodies glow like hers.

"Our youth will deal with this beast!" Haley yelled. "Behold, the Legendary Crusaders!"

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