I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 246: Elliot vs Jester (1)

Chapter 246: Elliot vs Jester (1)

All he wanted was to stroll around town and eat Eastern cuisine with his students, yet Elliot had found himself in the middle of the town's square. The members from the Circus Carnival Guild started to surround them.

"Will you fight?" the girl asked Elliot.

The boy looked around, trying to seek help, but the people around them seemed more excited than nervous. All of them looked like they want a fight.

"Okay, then," Elliot sighed. "I'll accept the challenge."

"Great!" the girl leaped over her ball and slammed herself down, making it explode into a blast of confetti. The explosion made Elliot shut his eyes and block him and his students behind him from the shock of the sudden burst.

"Welcome!" Elliot heard a man yell. "To the Arena of Heavens."

They were now inside a white coliseum that had the people of the town square sit on the array of benches. Jester's guildmates and Elliot's students were in the only balcony of the coliseum. And the man who yelled was in front of the balcony.

Elliot found himself and Jester in the middle of the gigantic coliseum. It was as big as the town square itself, towering of up to fifty meters. It had a large oval opening on the roof, letting them all bask undet the sun.

"This place seem odd," Elliot said. "Like"

He trailed off and tried to kick the dirt ground, only to find that it was actually a mist. He lowered himself and waved his hand through the mist, seeing the red brick floor all throughout Solaguer.

"This is merely just an illusion, my dear boy," Jester said to him. He was standing on his red ball, staying still while crossing his arms. His head was covered with a funny-looking hat while he wore a pair of red pointed shoes. His costume was skin tight that had patterns of square with green and yellow color.

"I'm just a fool," Jester grinned. "I can barely fight."

"Why are you high in the ranks, then?" Elliot asked.

Jester paused for a moment, his face was frozen with a nonchalant expression. When Elliot thought he was going to be let go of, the man raised his hand and conjured a large round bell.

"I can't fight, but I can make things go boom!" Jester laughed hysterically and threw the bell. Elliot was going to slash it with his sword but he felt a massive concentration of energy inside it. "Boom!"

With a flash, Elliot vanished from Jester's vision. The clown rolled his ball back, looking around for the boy. "Little Elliot, where are you?"

Jester turned, letting his round bell explode behind him that caused a crater. He was eager to find Elliot based on the wide grin on his face. His teeth were gritted but the edge of his lips were quirked up.

"Right here!" Elliot yelled, appearing behind Jester. He had already brandished his sword, just one second away from swinging it when another explosion blasted right in front of him. "Formidable Parry!"

There was a dark gray dragon head that was made of aura in front of Elliot. Hope's skill was very useful against any attacks indeed. And it didn't cost him that much mana to cast.

"I see," Jester lessened his smile. "I can see a very strong man in front of me. But this wasn't the boy I saw fight with Elizabeth's spawn. This is nothing compared to that you!" 

"I'm not done yet!" Elliot yelled. He took a few meters back and raised his sword, taking a deep breath before he stepped forward. "Supreme Malevolence."

"Oh, that little thing," Jester chuckled. The man let a ball pop out from the ground and leaped off from it. Elliot arrived late on Jester's spot, barely missing the clown who was now gliding on air. "I know that technique. I saw it. You're going to charge and then slash your wind thingy. I don't want to end up like the vine golem."

With a gritting of his teeth, Elliot bent his knees that he used as a spring before he leaped up into Jester's level. He needed to maximize the skill before he could attack with Wind Slash. He knew his regular one couldn't even hit Jester. 

"Oh, avoid!" Jester chimed and floated away from Elliot. His baggy pants had bloated, filling itself with air that he used like a floating mechanism. "I don't want to end up like the golem. G-O-L-E-M, G-O-L-E-M"

The clown continued to sing while Elliot slowly fell. The latter's patience was wearing thin. Based on their fight so far, Jester has a destructive force and a talent for escapes and chase. He could sweep an enemy from afar or get away from an enemy using his tricks.

"This is getting bothersome," Elliot groaned. He landed on the ground on one knee, lowering his sword beside him and letting his Supreme Malevolence timer pass. "Spam Hasty Aspire it is."

"He's doing something awesome," Jester yelled with a sing-song voice that further annoyed Elliot. The boy was seconds away from ripping the clown's head off of his body. The only thing that had been keeping him from doing such crime was because of his students.

"Hasty Aspire!" Elliot yelled and leaped. The skill had a 10-second timer, he needed to use up all ten of those seconds to leap and slash Jester.

When he reached the air, Elliot held his sword with both his hands, raising them above his head. "Wind Slash!"

Within three seconds left off the clock, he swung his sword six times, creating six powerful waves of winds.

Jester gasped and conjured another large round bell. This time, Elliot didn't felt the packed energy. Instead, he felt the strong toughness of the bell.

"Block," Jester said. He thrust his bell out, letting it meet Elliot's slash. "Block, block, block, block, and block."

When the clown removed his giant bell in front of him, Elliot wasn't in his place anymore. He looked down thinking the boy had already fallen, only for Elliot to appear right in front of him.

The boy leaned his face closely to the man with a white face and a small red ball nose. With the use of his pommel, he hacked Jester on the neck. The clown rolled his eyes at the back of his head and let his tongue out.

Elliot's eyes widened after seeing what was on the tongue. There was a small red timer that had 3 seconds left on the clock.

"Little Elliot!" Jester called out from the ground. "Prepare to boom!"

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