I Have A Demon God Simulator

Chapter 64: Fifth Life, Target Hanba (1)

Chapter 64: Fifth Life, Target Hanba (1)
[This simulation has ended.]

[Rating: F+]

[Dungeon Completion: 56%]

[Points Obtained: 200]

[Remarks: He has made some achievements in life and death, but there is still a lot of room for improvement!]

[Hint: The completion rate is less than 90%. This dungeon is not completed. You cannot leave.]

In the white standby space, Su Mu’s expression was complicated and his heart was filled with mixed feelings.

The simulation in his previous life had been the richest experience he had ever had.

Towards the end, Su Mu even had the feeling of ‘Zhuang Sheng’s dream of a butterfly’ and couldn’t tell which side was real.

What he regretted the most was letting down that beautiful figure.

He would definitely marry her in his next life!

After making this decision, Su Mu pulled himself together and began to sort out the information he had obtained in his previous life.

Even though he had left behind many regrets, he had progressed a lot in all aspects in his previous life, allowing Su Mu to have a deeper understanding of the dungeon world.

Furthermore, he had walked further on the path of martial arts and demons.

After pondering for a long time, Su Mu formulated a plan in his heart.

In his next life, not only did he want to clear the dungeon, but he also wanted to live an exciting and carefree life!

Firstly, it was the choice of talent.

[Great Dream] and [Affinity] were retained.

As for [Sky Widow].

F * ck you, I want to get married! I want a wife!

What did he mean by having no woman in his heart?

Su Mu decisively changed [Heavenly Widow] to [Assimilation].

As the only two green talents in this dungeon world, Su Mu had never forgotten about it.

It was just that he had never found a suitable opportunity to use it.

After the previous life, Sumu had already figured out how to use Assimilation.

In fact, one did not need to think to know that the target of assimilation must be Hanba.

The key was how to use this talent.

The prerequisite for assimilation was to be in close contact with something for a long time.

Otherwise, this talent could not be activated.

Being close to Hanba for a long time was a thousand times more difficult than a mouse hanging a bell on a cat!

He had to use some methods to do it.

Very quickly, Su Mu had chosen three talents, they were:

[Affinity: +30% Affinity to all living creatures]

[Assimilation: Any object that comes into close contact with it will assimilate with each other]

[Big Dream: Consciousness will be chaotic before the age of 18. After the age of 18, all basic attributes will be doubled.]

After choosing his talent, Su Mu did not immediately enter the dungeon world.

The points that he had accumulated for so long had finally come in handy!

Just changing his talent wouldn’t bring much improvement to Su Mu.

In fact, he would even fall behind in martial arts cultivation.

Even if he knew more about the dungeon world, he would not be able to go further.

If he wanted to successfully clear the level, he had to make good use of the points he had accumulated.

In the first dungeon world, Su Mu had accumulated 60 points.

In the first few lifetimes of the second dungeon world, he had accumulated dozens of points.

Adding on the 200 points he had just obtained, he had a total of 326 points.

This was already quite a large sum of money. He could spend it in the Points Mall!

Firstly, it was martial arts.

Without [Sky Widow], Su Mu’s training speed would be much slower.

Moreover, without a suitable high-grade martial art, he would not be able to cultivate Stellar Energy.

As a result, his body would not be able to meet the requirements to evolve into a flying zombie.

The first thing Su Mu needed was a good martial arts technique!

He spent half a day in the Points Mall and finally spent 200 points to buy a very good martial arts technique.

[Divine Radiating Scripture (Half): A high-tier martial arts technique. After cultivating it, other than having a slightly denser Stellar Energy, there was nothing special about it.]

To be more precise, Su Mu had only bought half of the [Divine Radiating Scripture], which could be cultivated to the Xiantian level.

There was nothing he could do about it. He only had so many points on hand and could only afford half of it.

Moreover, the Xiantian realm was enough.

It was even more difficult to say whether Su Mu could cultivate to this level, so there was no need to consider further.

After choosing the martial arts technique, there were still two problems that needed to be solved.

One of them was related to [The Great Dream].

The talent [Great Dream] was very powerful, but it was too uncomfortable to be forced offline for 18 years!

When she woke up on her eighteenth birthday, there was only half a year left before Hanba was born.

In such a short period of time, there was too little Su Mu could do.

He had to wake up quickly!

After a while, Su Mu found what he wanted in the points store.

[Dream Awakening Grass: Wearing it all year round can make your mind clear and stable.]

This item was worth 50 points.

After a careful inspection, Su Mu confirmed that this special spirit herb could offset some of the side effects of [Big Dream].

With this thing, Su Mu should be able to wake up earlier and buy more time.

As for how much earlier he could wake up, it was unknown.

There was one last question left.

How could she stay close to Hanba for a long time?

This was the most crucial part of the core!

What was Su Mu’s ultimate goal in entering the dungeon world?

It was nothing more than obtaining a more powerful demon template!

Of course, after experiencing his previous life, Su Mu had another goal-to marry Liu Leqing.

Virtual or real, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a real or a virtual.

Happiness or sadness.

In his next life, he would definitely marry this girl!

Back to the demon template.

The current dungeon world was clearly trying to make Su Mu evolve into a zombie.

Among the zombies, was there anything more powerful than Hanba?

Hanba and [Assimilation] were placed in front of Su Mu at the same time. The first thing he thought of was to use this talent to steal Hanba’s origin!!!

When he thought of Hanba’s incomparably terrifying strength, Su Mu felt his mouth go dry.

If he could have half of Hanba’s strength, he would immediately kill the Third Prince when he returned to the real world!

However, it was too early to think about this now.

In order to solve this problem, Su Mu searched through the points store for a long time.

He had finally found a solution!

[Neighboring Charm: This charm can ignore distance, connect and share the aura of both parties.]

This kind of talisman was worth 50 points. Its full name was the Heaven Crossing Neighborhood Talisman. There were two of them in a set.

Generally, it was used by Dao partners to express their loyalty to each other. Other than that, it had no other use.

However, with the talent [Assimilation], it was very useful!

As long as he could find an opportunity to stick one of the Neighboring Talismans on Hanba’s body and keep the other one for Su Mu, he would be able to communicate with both parties ‘auras.

From there, he would be able to fulfill the basic requirement of activating the talent [Assimilation] and absorb her origin!

The hope of evolving Hanba was right before his eyes!

Originally, Su Mu had planned to buy some materials that could help with corpse cultivation and refining.

However, after buying the first three items, he only had 26 points left.

After looking around and realizing that he could not afford anything good, he could only helplessly give up on the idea of continuing shopping.

After making his preparations, Su Mu went through the entire plan and the things he needed in his mind.

After confirming that there were no problems, he began his fifth life!

[The simulation begins!]

[Host: Su Mu]

[Physique: 6]

[Intelligence: 3]

[Life: 4]

[Talent: Dream, Assimilation, Affinity, Resentment]

[Item: Dream Awakening Grass, Neighboring Talisman](There is no physical item in the Divine Radiating Scripture, it has been recorded in my mind)

“Yue Qing, I’m coming!”

With this thought, Su Mu disappeared from the standby space and activated his fifth life.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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