I Got the Hypnosis App, Now I Can Do Whatever I Want!

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

Did something happen to you?

No, nothing.

A few days had passed since I had done it with Konoe-san, and I was spending my days uneasily.

It was so obvious even when I was at home that my sister pointed out to me how different I was from usual.

Are you really okay?

Yes, Im fine. Im seriously fine.

Is that so?

Sis went back to her room, looking worried.

If I told the neighbors sister that I had hypnotised her and given her a shot, I would probably be kicked out of this house.

Well, before that, when I mentioned the topic of hypnosis, I would be thought of as a weirdo.


Im sure its a happy memory for me, and in a sense, losing my virginity was one of my dreams.

And yet no matter how Konoe-san had seduced me like that, the fact that I had hypnotised her doesnt change.

It seems it wasnt Konoe-sans first time but when you actually go so far as to do it with a woman in a hypnotised state, I feel so guilty.

I slapped both cheeks, thinking this was a disqualifying mindset for the owner of a hypnosis app.

I should have made up my mind to do whatever I wanted with this hypnosis app then I wouldnt have to feel guilty about anything I did, and yes, that was Konoes fault for seducing me!

Yes, Im the worst person to blame others like that. Talk about me being the bad guy.

Yes, Im the one who is to blame.

However I didnt think there was anyone who was that flirtatious with hypnosis, or rather, someone who wanted a situation where they could be hypnotised.

A sister who has a glimmer of M, but rather wants to lead a younger man, I guess.

She has a lot of attributes, but I like her. Its a pattern Ive never seen before.

Unlike Mari and the others, Konoe-san does not have a dark side and seems to be smooth sailing in both her private and professional life.

I didnt have the time to ask her about her work because I had achieved the miracle of losing my virginity. But women who live spontaneously seem to be dazzling.


I was alone thinking about this, but my eyes naturally turned to my smartphone.

I was staring at the screen, but no idea why, I decided to start the hypnosis app and take a look.

I knew there was nothing different from before, but there was a change in the location of the numerous lines connecting that person to my name.

Theres more pink lines.

There was one new pink line.

Not only that, but the three thicker pink lines, which had grown to three, appeared to be entangled with my name.

I feel as if that line, which is glowing as if it is beating with a heartbeat, has branched out into countless branches, and is catching my name so that it does not escape.



As I was gazing at those lines, I somehow heard Maris voice echo in my brain.

No, no.

Not only Maris, but also Emu and Saikas voices seemed to echo in my brain.

The voices of the three of them were somewhat sexy, whispering my name and doing something yes, this could be.

A scene that further reappeared in my brain, it was me and the girls having an affair.

What this

I crouched down, holding my head.

It wasnt that I had a headache or anything like that, but I was surprised that so much information seemed to be pouring in all at once.

In the video, I am doing the real thing with the girls, but I can assure myself that I never did anything like that with them.

No matter how horny I get, no matter how tempted I am, thats the one thing Ive endured, so I cant be wrong and yet

Is this a dream? No, but why is it so lifelike? Its not just the images, I remember everything, even the sensations of these girls what is this feel like, remembering!

I let out a breath of relief that my sister didnt seem to hear me, even though I had shouted out loud.

Its just an indescribable feeling that I reflexively used the word remembering earlier, but that feels strangely fitting.

I wonder if Ill be able to face the three of them every time I see them, I might remember this.

If I get horny because of it, I can just let them deal with it although I dont think its a bad thing, but wont this influence me to do the things Ive forbidden myself to do to them? No, no, its just a matter of me restraining myself there.

Phew. Calm down for once, its me.

Inhaling, exhaling, repeating deep breaths. I managed to calm down.

What is this feeling?

In the midst of being baffled by images that shouldnt exist, there is another kind of question that has been swelling up inside me is it Konoe-san, who is my first? Im not sure why Im thinking that.

Thats exactly what Im talking about, but I thought about that very thing.

Hmm! Theres no point in thinking about it!!!!

Temporarily I decided to forget what I was thinking about.

Well, there was no way I could forget even if I said that, and I was thinking about Mari and the others while relaxing in my room for a while after that.

? Oh!

In the middle of all this, I found a post by Konoe Toki while browsing social networking sites.

It said that she had worked on some kind of inspiration, and there were illustrations on the page that were so good that it was hard to believe that she had drawn it in just one day.

It was in the form of a four-page manga, and as for the content, it was a hypnosis-related scene that Konoe Toki had mentioned before.


Its contents were quite erotic.

A boy and his sister become friends by chance, but the boy harbors wicked feelings towards his sister and plans to have his way with her by using the power of hypnosis.

However, the older sister is rather excited about being hypnotised and willingly deepens her relationship with the boy.

theres a strange sense of Deja vu

Tilting my head, I looked at other peoples reactions.

I could see many happy comments, such as its very erotic and wonderful, I hope it will be serialised soon, and Ill definitely buy it if its sold at Comiket.

I was also very satisfied with the content, so if it is actually sold, I will definitely buy it by mail order.

I drew this in a slightly fluffy state of mind, but what do you think? I tried to fill it with as many of my fantasies of what I would like to do as possible.

And with that said, Konoe Toki-san is really getting into high spirits.

Nayu Konoe Konoe Konoe I dont think so..

I chuckled at myself, how can I think they are quite similar just because we have similar names?

As I was holding my phone like that, I received a single message I whistled and replied.

A while later, I had come to Fianas house.

The message was from Fiana, inviting me to come over to her house.

Aika was also coming with me, so of course I had no reason to refuse.

Since that time, Kai?

Yes, thats right. That time at the pool was really fun


I can still remember that pool.

I was taken to the waterslide by Fiana, and I showed a lot of embarrassing things.

I was scared, I grabbed Fianas breasts while we were sliding, and I had a series of lucky perverts.

That time yeah.

Oh, are you still bothered about touching Fianas breasts?

Eh? Oh, really? I told you its fine.

No, no, no. Im at the age where even if Im told not to be bothered, I still end up getting bothered.

Aika, and Fiana are in a relationship, so even if it were me, I would still be concerned about that kind of thing.

But well, since both of them are very tolerant of each other, it seems like it would be better not to worry about it.

Fufu, but Im a bit jealous.


I nodded at Aikas words, but when I thought that she had pouted for a moment, she smiled at me and came over to my side.

As it was, she hugged my arm and said something like this.

Im so jealous of Fiana, I wanted to play like that with Kai-kun too.

Hehehe, Im sorry.

This time I was the one who was dumbfounded.

In fact, even though Aika was holding me in her arms like this, I was no longer flustered, perhaps because I had become accustomed to the girls bodies to a certain extent.

They are in their natural state, but no matter how much they treat me like this, the fact that the two of them care about each other the most is in the back of my mind, so maybe I can calm down too.

Are you close to the girls you were with at the time?

Eh? Well, to a certain extent no, were pretty close.

I told her honestly, because there was no need to deceive her unnecessarily, or its really true for me.

. its already third year, so its a bit late.

Whats the matter?


What Aika was about to say was bothering me, but if she said it was nothing, I wasnt going to ask.

Its the same with Mari and the others, but even if I met Aika and Fiana, I would be endlessly overflowing with feelings of wanting to do whatever I wanted them to do.

But I also wanted to have a relationship where we could talk normally like this, so I decided to enjoy conversing with the two of them for a while.

(Well, of course, Ill have some fun later!)

I was thinking a lot of naughty things while talking with the two of them.


However, while talking with the two of them like that my consciousness was taken up by something I dont understand.

I dont know why, but I was feeling something that made my heart flutter, or, to put it another way, something like uneasiness.

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KyoruS, Mathis, myamya.

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