I Don’t Want This Bad Ending

Chapter 164: WORRIES: PART 2

Chapter 164: WORRIES: PART 2

Evelyn left the Royal Palace with her contracted spirit Bern. They went back to their place as they needed to stop by and ask Cassandra if she found out something about the dark grimoire.

Bern and Evelyn rode a horse to get into their mansion much faster.

As they walked in front of their home, Evelyn saw a carriage and when she looked around, the servants we're busy running around the mansion like someone important had arrived.

Of course, the servants only notice them when Bern asks the servants.

"What's happening?" Bern asked the gardener.

Evelyn still has her black cape and mask on. She remembered that "her" was still in bed and recuperating from poison.

"The Duke arrived here earlier he's been waiting for two hours now. That's why the servants are in panic."

Evelyn knitted her brows. The gardener looked at her back and thought that he never saw her before. However, because she arrived with Bern, the gardener decided to let it be.

Evelyn walked past some servants and some were looking at her with curiosity. Though she knew that this would be the normal reaction, it was still a bit much for them to run and scream just because she was walking dressed like an assassin.

She heaved a sigh.

Gab walked towards her when he saw her.

"You're here... "

"Yes how's everything?"

"I don't know I just got here too after finding out that Silvester will come back to the Royal Palace. I figured that you would separate from them when you got out from the temple."

They walked side by side, Bern already left and went to his room. He seems really sleepy.

Gab and Evelyn arrived at the parlor room where they saw the back of a young man. His silver hair was shining so brightly that one could guess his identity just by the stand of his hair.

"What are you doing here?" Gab asked with a tone of annoyance.

"I'm not here for you, obviously I'm here for Eve."

Evelyn pulled back her black cape and mask. Her ombre hair fluttered as she let them sway in the air. The black and silver-blue tips was something that Gab and Cabel hasn't seen in a long time.

Nostalgia lingered in them. The sunset pair of eyes of Evelyn looked at them as she sat across Cabel. 

"What is it?" Evelyn asked.

She wondered why Gab and Cabel became silent, and as she stared at them she saw that the two were looking at her silently.

"We're just glad that you came back" Cabel said.

"Yes, we are really glad" Gab said with a smile.

Evelyn didn't understand why they were saying this again but decided to not say anything as she knew how much Gab and Cabel looked for her for the past four years. So, she proceeded to talk about the current issue.

"I presume that the two of you have already known about the current situation in the Duchy."

The atmosphere became different as they began to discuss things that were happening around the Levingstone Kingdom.

"I was in the Duchy when I heard about what happened and what they found out in the Shield forest." Gab started to talk.

Evelyn decided to listen first as she also didn't know what happened and only knew about what Elise said before they left the temple. So, she doesn't have a clear grasp of how large the underground is.

"... I didn't have enough information because the butler and the knights have already sealed their lips."

Gab finished his explanation.

"How about you?" Evelyn asked as she turned to Cabel.

Cabel stare at her and sighed.

"You really"

Cabel knew that Evelyn didn't have time to sleep or relax too. It was apparent in her eyes and it was to be expected because she was in the St. Prisch Academy just one day ago and now she's here trying to learn everything that she can about the Cabin with the sacrificial spell.

"Just like Sir Gab, that's only what I found out. The cabin was surrounded with Legion Knights and Young Master Allan hasn't been leaving the site, my shadow knights can't risk being found out."

Evelyn understood what Cabel was saying. Unexpectedly, a certain memory came to her. She began to frown.

Cabel and Gab saw it and couldn't help to ask.

"What is it, Eve?"

"I'm not sure yet. I need to see that underground I feel like it might be where I was held captive when I was young."

Cabel became shocked and his ruby eyes glowed dangerously. 

"Wait a minute you were kidnapped before?" Gab asked and Evelyn nodded.

Gab was surprised, he didn't know about Evelyn's past. What he knew was that the Duke and Allan were blaming her for her mother's tragic death and nothing more.

He frowned and clenched his hands. Cabel speaks at that moment.

"If what you're suspecting are true then it would be logical how they could abduct you in such a short time and come back to the Duke's mansion again when they found out that the Duke left to rescue you." 

Of course, Evelyn didn't have to be surprised why Cabel knew what happened that day, he was her childhood friend though they have separated because of Evelyn and Duchess Monica leaving the Levingstone Kingdom.

"That's right I remember that I was held captive inside a dark cell where only a small torch was lit and the floor was moist and cold. That time, I only heard the bushes and the trees and when I left that dungeon I only saw forest outside in a short span we arrived at the back garden of the mansion without hassle."

Evelyn tried hard not to tell them the horror that day. She paused when she thought that there was a lump on her throat.

Cabel and Gab were silently listening to her story. They knew that it was a tragedy for the family of the Duke, and they knew that experiencing it first hand was something that they can't fathom.

What's more is that she witnessed it all and became the person that was blamed for everything. 

"Eve, I'll be there when you want to go" Cabel said and looked at her with his warm eyes.

"If you need someone to face your fears I'm here to be with you" Gab said.

Evelyn looked down, she couldn't help but laugh.


Her laugh was a mix of sighed and loneliness. It was apparent for her that she was still haunted by what happened to her when she was a small child.

"Thank you"

At that moment, Gil opened the door with a bang!

"Eve, are you fine?!"

Gil was worried when he got the news from Chisfold. He ran to her and hugged her.

Cabel and Gab were surprised at how Gil can act like that toward Evelyn and in front of them.

Gil was checking Evelyn's face and her arms to see if she was injured.

Evelyn chuckled.

"Gil, I'm fine"

Gab and Cabel can't stand it anymore on how close he was to Evelyn and they pulled him away from her.

"What the hell are you doing?" Gil asked, irritated at them.

"You're a man! How can you act like that with Eve?!" Cabel said.

"Even I, who is her knight and aide never did that to her!" Gab said with an annoyed face.

Evelyn and Gil were either raising their brows or were shocked at how they can react like that.

Gil stands up straight and talks to them.

"I'm different from you two I don't have ulterior motives when I act like that with her, I was genuinely worried because she fought some mages"


"She fought mages?!"

Gab and Cabel turn their heads at her. A look full of worries was placed with the annoyed face of them.

Evelyn didn't even have the time to warn Gil not to tell them about it.

"Is the idiot Allan coming back to the mansion?" She decided to change the topic.

"You're not getting away from this if you think changing the topic will be a benefit for you!" Cabel said.

"Fine, I fought some mages when we were rescuing the Duke, but I'm fine, Chrisfold was there too"

"So, is my brother coming back to the mansion? Hah Gab?"

Gab sighed. 

'At least she's safe' He thought.

"Yes, he will be coming back this afternoon, the vassals were complaining and said that they won't leave until the Duke or the Young Master gave them an explanation about what is in the Cabin that they found in the Shield Forest."

Evelyn became buried in her deep thoughts.

"What is it, Eve?" Gil asked as he sat down beside her. Cabel and Gab glared at him but he ignored it.

"I was thinking of helping Allan now that Duke Keene is away and injured, the noble will definitely corner him in all sides"

Cabel, Gil and Gab stare at her, they know the conflict between the siblings of the Emsworth household. 

"I can assist him, but knowing Allan he wouldn't let me be that involved knowing that the nobles and the King would be focusing on this" Cabel said.

"I can help behind the scenes, it would be problematic when they knew that I'm here. They would politically think that I'm a spy from the Bahalkii Kingdom." Gab remark.

Gab and Cabel looked at Gil and were waiting for him to say something. 

"I'm just a merchant, you know."

Evelyn smiled at the three who were obviously worried about her.

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