I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 91 91: Exchange Floor (Part 1)

Argon, who was now fully focused on the mission given by the system, decided to call for a meeting with his subordinates, Cambion and Ma Kong, in the throne room.

"Greetings, my lord," the two greeted Argon as they arrived at the throne room.

"En," Argon nodded. "I have called you here today to discuss an important matter. I have received a new quest from the system, and it requires us to investigate the white-robed cultivators who killed our two undead."

Cambion and Ma Kong looked at each other, then back at Argon. "What do you want us to do, my lord?" asked Ma Kong.

"I want the both of you to gather information about these white-robed cultivators. Find out who they are, where they come from, and what they want. We need to know their true power and their motives," explained Argon.

Cambion and Ma Kong nodded in agreement. "Understood, my lord. We'll do our best to gather as much information as we can," said Cambion.

"Good, and while you're at it, I want to rise to you two to Golden Core Realm."

The two felt excited but kept it inside, when they saw Tan Zong become a Golden Core Realm, they felt the need to rise their cultivation faster. When they have nothing to do, they are always cultivating.

Argon smiled at their eager expressions. "Yes, you both have been working hard, and I believe it's time for you to advance to the next level. I will raise your cultivation directly to the Golden Core Realm."

"Thank you, My Lord. We will do our best to complete the mission you gave us." Cambion said.

"Very well then, let's begin the cultivation process," said Argon, as he activated the system and began the process to raise their cultivation level.

For the next few minutes, Cambion and Ma Kong meditated and focused on their cultivation, while the system channeled energy into their bodies. The process was intense, but they persevered and eventually felt a surge of power flow through their bodies. They had successfully advanced to the Golden Core Realm.

"Congratulations, Cambion and Ma Kong. You have both successfully advanced to the Golden Core Realm," said Argon, as he looked at their glowing bodies.

The two of them felt a sense of accomplishment and gratitude towards their lord. "Thank you, my lord. We will not disappoint you," said Ma Kong.

Argon smiled. "I know you won't. Now, focus on our mission and gather as much information as you can about these white-robed cultivators." And with that, they began their investigation, armed with their new power and determination to succeed.

As they left the throne room, Argon remembered that he also had to take care of another matter. He needed to buy the exchange floor, with this floor he can finally get soul coins faster.

He was going to buy the basic exchange floor, since that was the only thing he can buy for now. As he navigated through the system, he began a conversation with it.

"System, I want to buy the basic exchange floor," said Argon.

[Very well, host. The price for the basic exchange floor is 100,000 spirit stones. Do you wish to proceed with the purchase?] replied the system.

"Yes, I do. Please deduct the amount from my account," said Argon.

[Transaction completed. Congratulations, Host. You now have access to the basic exchange floor.]

If anyone wants to come to the exchange floor, everyone just needs to use their returner stone to teleport.

Basic returner stones had become common in the dungeon; everyone had at least five in their arsenal. The only returner stones that still held value were middle-grade and top-grade. As for special grade stones, no one had obtained them from a drop yet.

Excitedly, Argon teleported to the exchange floor using his own returner stone, as he wants to try it. As he materialized in the center of the bustling marketplace, he marveled at the sights and sounds of the area. The exchange floor was a place where people could do trades, and it was always bustling with activity.

"Wait a minute, why are there people here." He asked in surprise, he thought he would see an empty space.

[Host, they are not real humans, but an image created by the system.]

"Ohh..." He looks around.

After some time, Argon can't tell the difference, so he didn't think of it too much and continued exploring the place.

As he made his way through the crowded marketplace, he could hear merchants shouting out their wares to him, as he walk past them. The smell of various herbs and spices mixed together in the air, creating a unique aroma that was both inviting and overwhelming.

Argon browsed the various stalls, looking for any valuable items that he could purchase. As he walked past one of the stalls, he noticed a particular item that caught his eye. It was a shiny, golden talisman that was emitting a faint glow.

Intrigued, he approached the merchant and inquired about the item. The merchant explained that it was a talisman that could increase one's speed by 20% for a short period of time.

'This would be a good boost, for a person who valued speed in battle.' He thought.

"System, are the items here all from the system? Is this where I get my twenty percent share?" Argon asked.

Although Argon only saw 1-star to 3-star items, there were still a lot of them.

[No, these items are not from the system. They come from the 100,000 soul coins that you paid, and you can adjust their prices. Just inform me of the new prices,] replied the system.

Argon's face lit up with a wide smile. "Are you serious? Then let's make it two times... no, make it three times the price," he said excitedly. "If any of the items are sold, just use the profit to buy a random item with the same price and sell it for three times the price," he added confidently.

Argon couldn't help but pat himself on the back for his genius plan.

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