I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 70 70: The Changes Of Eternal Tower (Part 2)

As the minutes passed, the changes in the tower intensified, and the hum grew louder. Suddenly, a blinding flash of light erupted from the tower, illuminating the entire city. For a moment, it seemed as though time had stopped, as everyone watched in awe at the spectacle before them.

As they continued to watch, they noticed that the changes in the tower seemed to be slowing down.

The hum in the air began to fade, and the glow around the tower dimmed. Finally, the tower settled into its new form, a towering structure that seemed to radiate power and strength.

The once old and rundown tower was now majestic, its bricks gleaming in the sunlight. It had grown much taller than before, and its shape was more intricate and complex, with new sections branching out in various directions.

The spire, which had once been bent and broken, was now straight and strong, and it shone like a beacon in the sky.

The tower was no longer a symbol of neglect and disrepair, but a monument to power and possibility. The people of the city looked upon it with a mixture of awe and reverence, realizing that something truly extraordinary had taken place.

What they didn't know, was the Qi in the Eternal City become thicker and more abundant, almost comparable to the Capital City of the kingdom. Abundant Qi is the reason why the capital has a lot of Opening Qi powerhouse.

Since there was no Opening Qi cultivator here, except for Tan Zong. Although the story of the dungeon reached other cities, the powerful people don't really believe it. Because the story is too good to be true, the only people that come, were low cultivators, some come because they were desperate, and others just go to see for a change of scenery.

And this was just the beginning, the QI here will just keep on growing every day until it surpasses the Capital City.

They whispered among themselves, speculating on what kind of power could have caused such a transformation.

"What in the world did I just witness?!" Nox said, still trying to process what he had just witnessed. But his eyes like every other, looked at the dungeon with awe and reverence.

"That's right, ever since we discovered the tower. We experience a lot of phenomena, that we lowly villagers people hard to come by. I just hope that nothing bad will happen in the future." Alix said, looking at the dungeon with a profound looked.

Everyone becomes quiet, they have this old saying. 'The yin and yang of life ensure that every good thing is inevitably followed by something not so good' This saying implies that life is a balance of positive and negative experiences, and that one cannot exist without the other. Just as light cannot exist without darkness, good cannot exist without bad. It also suggests that we should be prepared for the challenges that come our way, and that we should learn to appreciate the good moments while they last.

Seeing the gloomy atmosphere, Arnoux spoke "Okay everyone, City Lord Tan Zong has something to say, let's listen to it."

Tan Zong turned to the crowd and addressed them once again, he was still hovering. "People of the Eternal City," he said, his voice calm and reassuring. "The tower has undergone a profound change, and we are still investigating the full extent of its new capabilities. But I can assure you that it is now a symbol of great power and potential, and we must treat it with respect and caution."

The crowd nodded in agreement, their eyes still fixed on the tower. They knew that this city had been forever changed by the events today, and they were eager to explore the mysteries that the tower held.

"For now, I will try to explore the dungeon and will let anyone know if I found something new in the tower."

Everyone was ecstatic, they praise Tan Zong for his generosity. Because everyone knows, people as powerful as Tan Zong, wouldn't really care about them lowly cultivators that are not much different from an ant in their eyes.

"Long live, Lord Tan Zong!!!" A new recruit soldier shouted.

Shortly after everyone followed suit.

"Long live, Lord Tan Zong!!!"

"Long live, Lord Tan Zong!!!"...

As for Tan Zong, he doesn't really care about these ants. He was just acting for Argon. Nonetheless, he still smiled at these lowly people in return.


Dryden and Zedhyrx, who were recuperating in their territory, abruptly opened their eyes at the same time.

They felt a sudden surge of QI, which they hadn't felt before. It was so powerful that they can pinpoint the location.

Dryden face changed upon sensing the location was inside of his territory. This was either a blessing or a disaster.

So, he called a meeting, and even the current king need to join. In terms of authority, no one can surpass him in this kingdom, not even the king.


The meeting was held in the grand hall of Dryden's castle, with all the important figures of his territory in attendance. Dryden sat at the head of the table, with the king seated to his right.

"Thank you all for coming," Dryden began, his voice deep and commanding. "As you all know, something extraordinary has happened in our territory. I detected a surge of Qi, and it seems to be emanating from the Waydale City."

Dryden raised the question right away, "Has Waydale City passed a report of happenings in their territory?"

The king nodded, "Yes, they did. However, since it comes from Waydale City, the person that manages it didn't take it seriously."

The King glared at the obese noble, who was shivering in fear, then continued. "Ancestor, this is the report. The report is full of nonsense, that it feels like a troll of that incompetent son of my brother."

Dryden frowned, "That report might be related to the sudden surge of Qi in my territory. We need to investigate this matter thoroughly."

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