I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 152 152: Successful Raid

Elara blushed slightly, feeling a bit embarrassed by the overwhelming display of gratitude. "It's really no problem," she mumbled, avoiding his gaze.

With a grateful nod, Alix pocketed the returner stone, knowing that it would be instrumental in his cultivation journey. "Thank you once again, Elara, and to you all esteemed disciples. I won't forget this act of kindness. Farewell, for now."

Without wasting a moment, Alix activated the returner stone, its energy surging around him. In a flash of light, he disappeared, leaving Elara and four disciples with dumbfounded expressions.

As the group stood there, dumbfounded by Alix's sudden departure, Lyra and Lirien couldn't help but exchange mischievous glances. Their teasing smiles grew wider, and they prepared to poke fun at Elara for her blushing demeanor and the unexpected hand-holding.

Elara, her face still flushed, spoke up in a low voice. "Alright, alright, don't start teasing me just yet," she said, her tone laced with a touch of embarrassment. "I helped Alix because... because I felt a really kind aura radiating from him, okay? And you know how I am, Lirien. I have this weird ability to sense good people."

Lirien couldn't help but grin mischievously, ready to push the conversation further. "Oh, I remember you telling me about that," she teased. "You said you like someone who radiates kindness because you can somehow feel it. Looks like Alix fits the bill, huh?"

Lyra joined in, unable to resist the opportunity to join in on the fun. "So, Elara, does this mean you've found your kind-hearted cultivator?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

Elara's embarrassment deepened, and she stammered, "Well, uh... that's not... I mean, yes, but... oh. Stop it, you two! It's not like that," she protested, her cheeks now a bright shade of red. "I just wanted to help someone in need, that's all."

The group burst into laughter, their carefree camaraderie filling the air. They were, after all, teenagers in a cultivation world, and moments like these brought lightness to their otherwise rigorous lives.

While the girls laughed and teased Elara, Rian watched them with a sour expression on his face. Unbeknownst to his friends, he harbored secret feelings for Elara but had never found the courage to confess. Seeing her blushing and the playful banter only intensified his internal turmoil.

Tavian, standing by Rian's side, caught a glimpse of his friend's pained expression. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he nudged Rian's arm and grinned slyly. "Oh, Rian, why the long face? Are you feeling left out? Or maybe you're just jealous of Elara's newfound admirer?"

Rian's sour expression deepened, and he shot Tavian a sharp look. "Don't be ridiculous," he snapped, his voice filled with a mix of annoyance and vulnerability. "There's nothing to be jealous about. We're cultivators, and our focus should be on our cultivation, not romantic distractions."

Tavian raised an eyebrow, clearly enjoying the opportunity to push Rian's buttons. "Oh, I know, I know," he replied with a faux innocence. "But you've always been so protective of Elara. Could it be that you're harboring some secret feelings for her?"

Rian's face turned an even deeper shade of red, his frustration was evident. "I said enough, Tavian!" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with a mixture of embarrassment and anger. "Don't make baseless assumptions. Let's focus on our cultivation, like true cultivators should."

Tavian chuckled, clearly enjoying pushing Rian's buttons. "Come on, Rian. Don't be so serious. We're still teenagers, you know. And it's not like Elara is off-limits to everyone except you. You should learn to lighten up a bit and maybe even try confessing your feelings. Who knows what might happen?"

Rian's annoyance turned into frustration as he sighed heavily. "You just don't get it, Tavian. It's not that simple. Confessing would only complicate things, and besides, Elara deserves someone who can protect her and support her in her role as our future sect master."

Tavian's teasing grin softened, and he laid a comforting hand on Rian's shoulder. "Rian, you underestimate yourself. You're strong, talented, and a loyal friend. If anyone can protect and support Elara, it's you. Don't sell yourself short. You never know what the future holds, so don't let opportunities slip away."

Rian looked at Tavian, his eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty. He knew deep down that Tavian was right, but the fear of rejection and the consequences of a potential romantic relationship weighed heavily on him.

"You make it sound so easy, Tavian," Rian muttered, his voice tinged with longing. "But what if it doesn't work out? What if it ruins our friendship?"

Tavian squeezed Rian's shoulder reassuringly. "Love is never easy, my friend. But it's worth taking the risk. You won't know until you try. And even if it doesn't work out romantically, true friendship can withstand the test of time."

Rian sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping. He knew Tavian was right, but the fear of rejection and the potential impact on their friendship held him back. For now, he would continue to bury his emotions, choosing to focus on his cultivation and supporting Elara as a friend.

Great Elder Zhi, observing the scene with a gentle smile, approached the group. "It warms my heart to see such bonds of friendship among our future sect's great people," he said, his voice filled with pride. "Elara, Lyra, Lirien, Rian, and Tavian, continue to support each other and cultivate not only your skills but also your character. These experiences will shape you into great cultivators and leaders."

Elara, still blushing but now with a smile on her face, nodded in agreement. She appreciated the lightheartedness and camaraderie of her friends and the guidance of Great Elder Zhi. With newfound determination and a touch of playfulness, she turned to her companions.

"Alright, enough teasing for now," Elara declared. "Let's continue our exploration and face whatever challenges come our way."

The group laughed and nodded in agreement, their spirits lifted by the shared moment of joy. With renewed energy and a bond strengthened by laughter, they ventured further into the necropolis.


As Alix emerged from the teleportation, he found himself standing outside the towering entrance of the dungeon in the center of Eternal City. The air was crisp, and the bustling sounds of the city surrounded him. But his attention was quickly drawn to the familiar figures waiting for him.

His vice-captains, Eryx, Nox, Zam, Kato, and Jin, stood in a line, their expressions a mix of relief and concern. Their camaraderie had grown strong over the months of battling together, and they had become like a second family to Alix.

Eryx, the stoic and dependable vice-captain, stepped forward, a hint of a smile on his face. "Welcome back, Captain," he said, his voice steady and filled with a mixture of relief and respect. "We were worried when you didn't return after the battle. We're glad to see you safe."

Alix nodded gratefully, acknowledging the concern of his loyal companions. "Thank you, uncle Eryx. It's good to be back," he replied, his voice tinged with a touch of weariness. "The battle was intense, but we managed to overcome the challenges within the dungeon."

As Alix's gaze swept over the group, he noticed some missing faces, and a pang of sadness coursed through him. Their fallen comrades, lost in the fight against the formidable hobgoblin tribes, had left a void in their hearts.

Nox, his usually mischievous eyes filled with concern, chimed in, "We're glad to see you unharmed, Alix. The dungeon has claimed many lives, including some of our own. They fought bravely against the hobgoblin tribes but couldn't overcome the odds."

Zam added, "Indeed, their sacrifice will not be in vain. We will continue their legacy and fight with unwavering determination."

Alix nodded, his eyes clouded with a mix of grief and determination. "They were our comrades, our friends," he said, his voice filled with a solemn resolve. "We will honor their memory by pushing forward, growing stronger."

Kato, stepped forward with a determined look on his face. "Captain, we're here to support you. We've trained hard, and we're ready to face any challenges that come our way."

Jin, joined the conversation, his voice carrying a tone of guidance. "Remember, Alix, the bonds we share as a group are not easily broken. Together, we will overcome any obstacle and emerge stronger."

Alix's heart swelled with gratitude and determination as he looked at his vice-captains and the members of his group. They were his pillars of strength, the ones who had stood by his side through thick and thin. He knew that together, they would continue to forge a path of resilience and growth in this vast cultivation world.

With a resolute expression, Alix addressed his loyal comrades. "Thank you, everyone. Let us honor the memory of our fallen comrades and continue to strive for greatness. Our journey is far from over, and I know that together, we will achieve extraordinary things."

After Alix's heartfelt words, he reached into his storage pouch and retrieved a bag filled with small, shimmering qi stones. He walked up to each member of his group, handing them 100 qi stones each, a token of his appreciation and a means to aid their recovery.

"Take these qi stones," Alix said, his voice carrying a mix of determination and gratitude. "Use them to purchase healing pills and treat your injuries. We may have lost some dear friends, but their sacrifice will not be in vain. We will carry on their legacy and become stronger."

The members of his group, touched by Alix's gesture, accepted the qi stones with gratitude, their eyes filled with determination and a renewed sense of purpose.

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