I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 116 116: Arrive At Azure Continent

"Impressive," he said, his eyes widening in disbelief. "To think that a middle-stage Golden Core boy could make me, a peak Golden Core cultivator, fly back with just a punch."

Argon remained silent, his fists still raised in a fighting stance. He knew that the man was not going to give up easily.

The black-robed man let out a low growl and charged toward him once again, his sword glinting in the dim light of the cave. Argon dodged the attacks with ease, his movements fluid and graceful. Isadora, on the other hand, stood back and observed the fight, her eyes narrowed in concentration.

'Damn, having even a small portion of the Ancestral Dragon's fighting style, is like having a cheat code,' Argon thought.

As the fight went on, the black-robed man's attacks became more and more aggressive, his sword swings becoming faster and more unpredictable. But Argon was able to keep up with his movements, dodging and countering with his fists.

'I can't believe I'm this strong.' Argon was surprised, and satisfied with his strength.

This was his first time fighting a real opponent, although when he was in the dungeon, he always had a sparing match with Cambion and Ma Kong, it still feels different fighting a real opponent, because he can't use his full strength in sparring.

Furthermore, right now he was only in his humanoid form, but he was not at a disadvantage fighting a person that was higher cultivation than him by two stages.

As the fight progressed, Argon began to tap into his dragon abilities. He focused his energy and summoned a burst of flames from his hands, sending them towards the black-robed man. The man dodged the flames but was caught off guard as Argon swiftly followed up with a powerful kick that sent him crashing into the cave wall once again.

The black-robed man soon realized that he was no match for Argon's strength and speed. In a last ditch effort, he channeled his blood energy into a powerful technique, causing the blood array to light up with a bright red glow.

"Blood Explosion!" he shouted, as a massive wave of blood energy surged towards Argon.

Argon knew that he had to act fast. He closed his eyes and channeled his own dragon energy, summoning the power of the dragon within him. He then opened his eyes and let out a fierce roar, unleashing a massive blast of dragon breath that countered the black-robed man's attack.

The two forces collided, creating a shockwave that shook the entire cave. The black-robed man was thrown back once again, his body slamming against the wall with a sickening crunch.

"Ugh." The black-robed man struggled to get up, his breathing heavy and labored. "What the hell am I fighting? It's like fighting a beast where no attack works," he thought.

But he refused to give up. He knew that he was a powerful blood cultivator and that he had the advantage over Argon in terms of cultivation. He also knew that he couldn't let them leave alive, or they would report him to the authorities.

With a fierce determination, the black-robed man summoned his blood energy and unleashed a powerful blood technique. The cave shook as a wave of dark energy swept towards Argon and Isadora.

Argon grinned as he saw the black-robed man attack again, he was ready for it. He focused his energy and summoned the power of the earth element, creating a massive wall of rock that blocked the black-robed man's attack. The dark energy collided with the wall, creating a deafening explosion that sent rocks flying in all directions.

The clash caused a massive explosion that destroyed the cave they were in. The force of the blast sent both combatants flying out of the cave and into the mountain. The fight continued in the open space, and the black-robed man was surprised to see that Argon was still smiling while fighting.


The mountain shook as the two continued to clash, their attacks tearing through the surrounding landscape. Rocks were pulverized, trees were uprooted, and the ground was torn asunder.

The cultivators who were still searching for the treasure immediately descended from the mountain. They thought that a powerful beast was having a rampage.

"You're nothing compared to me," Argon said, his voice filled with confidence. "You're just a mere human who thinks he can control the power of blood."

The black-robed man gritted his teeth in frustration. He knew that he was losing the fight and that he had underestimated his opponent's abilities.

"You're just a freak of nature," he spat, his eyes blazing with anger. "You think you can defeat me with just brute strength? I'll show you the true power of blood cultivator!"

He channeled his blood energy once again, this time focusing it into a single point on his sword. The sword began to glow with a deep red light.

Seeing that the man was preparing for a strong technique, Argon also summoned the power of his dragon projection, creating the image of a massive dragon's head that loomed over him. The black-robed man had never seen anything like it before, and for a moment, he was stunned into silence.

But he quickly recovered and channeled more blood energy into his sword, imbuing it with the power of his most potent blood technique.

"Blood Vortex!" he shouted, swinging his sword in a wide arc.

The air around him twisted and distorted as a massive vortex of blood energy formed around his sword, sucking in everything in its path. But Argon was prepared for this. He focused his energy and summoned the power of the earth element once again, this time combining it with the power of fire.

He opened his mouth and let out a powerful breath of combination of two elements, sending it towards the black-robed man's sword. The fire and earth elements combined, creating a massive explosion that engulfed the black-robed man and his blood vortex.

The blast was so powerful that it created a massive crater in the mountain, destroying everything in its path. When the smoke cleared, the black-robed man was nowhere to be seen, and Argon stood there.

Looking at his opponent's disappearance, Argon scratched his head in embarrassment and turned to his subordinate, Isadora, who had been watching the fight with rapt attention.

"Well, that didn't go as planned," Argon said, chuckling sheepishly. "I was hoping to keep him alive to ask some questions."

Isadora nodded, her eyes still fixed on the spot where the black-robed man had been standing moments before.

"I know, my lord," she said. "But it seems he underestimated your power. He paid the ultimate price for it."

"I wonder if he came from the place where the white-robed people live," Argon mused.

Isadora looked at him.

"The place where we going, my lord?" she asked.

Argon nodded and looked around at the devastation they had caused. He knew that they would have to leave before anyone else arrived.

"Let's go," he said, gesturing for Isadora to follow him. "We need to get out of here before anyone else shows up."

Isadora nodded and followed Argon as he took to the sky, his qi lifting him effortlessly into the air. She knew that he didn't care anymore if anyone saw them flying, as they had more pressing matters at hand.

They flew deeper into the mountain, using the map that Cambion had drawn to guide them. After some time, they arrived at a hidden cave, which was the location of the teleportation array they were looking for.

Argon landed on the ground and walked towards the entrance of the cave. He looked at the entrance carefully and noticed some strange symbols etched on the wall.

"This must be the place," he said, his eyes scanning the symbols. "We need to activate the array and get to the other side as soon as possible."

Isadora nodded in agreement, and they both walked into the cave. As they walked deeper into the cave, they saw the teleportation array in the center, surrounded by four pillars with small depressions that looked like they were meant to hold qi stones.

Argon immediately took out his spatial ring, which contained an abundance of qi stones. He excitedly fed the array with the stones, watching as they disappeared into the depressions on the pillars.

However, his face soon changed when he saw that almost three-quarters of his qi stones were gone. He realized that activating the array had drained a significant amount of his resources. He let out a sigh of relief when the array finally glowed, indicating that it was ready for use.

"Let's go," Argon said, gesturing for Isadora to step onto the array with him. "We can't delay any longer."

Isadora stepped onto the array, feeling a rush of energy as the teleportation process began. The next moment, they were surrounded by a bright light, and when it faded, they found themselves in a completely different location.

The teleportation had left Argon feeling a little nauseous, but he managed to shake it off quickly.

"If not for my cultivation, my head would be spinning right now," Argon muttered, rubbing his forehead. "Where are we?"

He looked around, taking in their new surroundings. They were in the middle of a mountain range, surrounded by jagged peaks and steep cliffs. The air was crisp and fresh, and there was a sense of stillness in the atmosphere that made Argon feel oddly calm.

"We're definitely not in the same place as before," Isadora observed, scanning the horizon. "This looks like a remote location."

Argon nodded, taking a moment to observe his surroundings. "Yes, we must be in the outskirts of the white-robed people's territory. We need to be careful and avoid any unwanted attention."

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