I Can Copy And Evolve Talents

Chapter 244 A Cataclysmic Playground [Part 2]

Chapter 244 A Cataclysmic Playground [Part 2]

Helena found herself at a loss for words to express her astonishment.

Raven was more than capable of dealing with the thralls, but that didn't mean she wasn't actively engaged.

What had happened was that the moment Northern dove into the battle, the entire place shook tremendously.

Thus, she couldn't help but look ahead of her.

What she saw captured her attention; she stared open-mouthed as Northern unleashed devastating attacks on the colossal horror.

With each strike, the earth scattered, trees flew, and the thralls became the least of their concerns.

Now, they had to focus more on surviving the cataclysm that erupted from every one of Northern's attacks.

And that task required far more energy than dealing with a few mind-enslaved drifters.

At some point, Helena had to stop in her tracks and look back, barely resisting the urge to shout and tell Northern to consider their safety too!

The guy was practically fighting as if he were the only one present.

But that would have been too much to ask.

Besides its domineering size, the horror possessed an unfair ultra-healing ability.

Northern had probably realized that the only way to win this battle was through heavy attacks first.

Due to the monster's enormous body, it was imperative that the damage inflicted must be felt.

Second, he had to deal damage faster than the monster could recover.

And when one combined those heavy attacks with the rate at which they were dealt per minute,

Then a result was bound to occur.

They just had to trust the white-haired boy.

Or was it black-haired now?

She didn't even know the case.

Helena swiftly shot forward, escaping the shockwave force of Northern's latest attack,

Meanwhile, grabbing Terence in the process.

Raven fared well on her own; she gritted her teeth and somehow managed to withstand the powerful force without faltering.

'I envy her...'

Helena turned her eyes to Terence, whom she was supporting with one hand.

"Are you alright, my lady?" Helena tenderly provided Terence with more support as she asked.

"Ah, yes, yes, I am."

Terence, on the other hand, seemed a little flustered and confused.

She too had her eyes fixated on the ongoing destruction being wrought by Northern.

While she had never once thought Northern was weak, what was happening right now far exceeded whatever expectations she had.

She was sure that not even Raven would be able to deny the shock and surprise.

How could anyone be so powerful as a Drifter?

Terence lingered a bit, then turned her head slightly toward Helena.

"Sage Helena..."

Helena moved a little closer.

"Yes, my lady?"

"I have a question."

"Ask away," she retorted light-heartedly.

"You are a Sage. Do you think you can defeat Northern in combat?"

Helena's eyes widened for a minute; she was dumbfounded.

Since when were priestesses interested in combats?

She had always envisioned them as gentle, battle-wary vessels of holiness,

Choosing to talk it out over conflict any time, any day.

Regardless, Terence's question caused her to truly consider it.

After a while, she then said:

"It's very unusual for a Drifter to hold so much power. If he has heritage, it can be quite understandable..." Helena paused.

Heritages were something that boosted the power of a Drifter, regardless of their rank.

To put it simply, it's a Vestige of power that a Drifter obtains during rift exploration or challenges.

There are different Vestiges, and their purpose is to bring the Drifter closer to the reality of their true name.

When a Vestige resonates with the Drifter's true name, it is automatically absorbed into the Drifter's soul and becomes a Heritage.

Heritage may give the Drifter different boosts, such as another attribute, another talent ability, or even a unique weapon related to the essence of their true name.

In some cases, combat and spell arts.

What Northern stumbled upon back in the rift was indeed a Heritage, but quite different in many ways.

Helena moved slightly and shrugged.

"To be honest, I don't see myself losing. There are many factors that contribute to a Drifter-to-Drifter fight, including combat strategy, terrain advantage. I have an ability that gives me favorability over many natural elements. If I were to take him on, it would be difficult for him to keep up with me, and it would probably be an exhausting fight, but no, I cannot lose."

She made this clear and glanced at Northern, who was in the middle of another cataclysmic attack, although they were now quite far from the center and didn't have to worry as much.

Helena narrowed her eyes slightly, and a second later, her voice was heard again.

"But he is strong... I don't think there's any Drifter or Nomad that can take him on."

Terence nodded.

"You're right."

Meanwhile, the intense battle between Northern and the Kirithon raged unabated, their clash causing tremendous vibrations in the earth.

The air hung thick with the charnel reek of ionized particles. Red sizzling sparks flew here and there, remnants of Koll's devastating essence.

His essence alone was different, having a first-hand feel to it. Northern could accurately discern the difference between it and when he used to have soul essence.

If anything, it felt more similar to Void essence, but even at that, he couldn't accurately put his finger on it.

The best he had used Void essence were the flames; he had never used it on such a cataclysmic scale as he had with Koll's soul essence.

Northern flexed his hands, closing and opening them. Then he looked forward at the wailing Kirithon.

The monster screeched into the dark sky, piercing the air with its deafening cry, such that the wind trembled with visible waves of vibration.

Everything froze under intense pressure.

Even Northern barely hung on.

The monster then slowly turned toward him, its hands extending out of its body and slamming into the ground.

The tendrils that made up for other hands shot at Northern at blinding speeds.

But he simply waved his palm; in a blink, an array of crimson lances appeared before him and collided with the monster's tendrils, causing a midair detonation against the whitish tendrils.

Northern materialized two more lances, held them tightly like swords and staggered back as if about to fall, but in the next mini-second...

He vanished.

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