I Become a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 116:

Chapter 116:

Reports have come in that Plague mushrooms are disappearing, and that those who were sick are becoming less and less ill.

The remnants of the Villain Alliance hiding inside Area C have also been wiped out.

They wont be able to move for a while.

The mushroom that Plague planted is not something that can be made easily.

Given its power and versatility, a penalty is understandable.

Satisfied that the ruckus is over, I run a hand through my disheveled hair and climb into the sedan waiting outside the botanical garden.

Good work Master.

Parnello slides into the passenger seat after closing the back door.

Trouble is, Ive got a lot of work to do.

I mutter, sighing lightly.

Theres the immediate task of cleaning up the mess in Sector C and figuring out what to do next. There was also the matter of writing a report on todays events and checking on the wounded.

It was hard to fall asleep at the thought of the responsibility.


You can rest today, Master.

Parnello, sitting in the passenger seat, turned and said.

Youve been through enough already. Leave the rest to us and get some rest.


I was about to say when I saw the concern in Parnellos eyes.

I looked at my reflection in the window and saw that I was covered in blood, dirt, and cuts.

I certainly dont look normal.

I tried to nudge the aura to check my condition, and felt a stabbing pain in my heart.

Apparently, the overuse had caused a recoil.

Clearly, Im going to need some time to recover from this.

I will.

Thank you.

I gratefully accepted his favor.

In response, Parnello smiles and sits back down.

Meanwhile, the mansion is starting to come into view.

As I step out of the sedan and look around, I realize that this place is just as noisy as Area C.

Other members of the organization, including myself, were injured in various ways.

Medics are running around, carrying the wounded.

Hey, come on, this way!

One of them rushes over and lays me down on what appears to be a medical bed.

Im relieved to have made it to the mansion, but as soon as I lay down, dizziness washes over me.

Youve been through a lot, make yourself at home, Master.

I fall asleep instantly, listening to the faint sound of Parnellos voice.

* * *

Ah, youre awake.

I opened my eyes to see Alessia cleaning the room.


Good morning Master.

I noticed she had bandages on her arms and legs to make sure her wounds were healed.

How are you feeling?

Very well, compared to you. Mastertook quite a beating.

At her words, I looked at the bandages and gauze all over my body.

I had tried to let my body heal naturally and not worry others as much as possible, but apparently they had finished the treatment while I was asleep.

As a result, I felt much better than usual.

Youre in better shape than I thought.

I heard that they used all of the elixirs available in the mansion.That must mean that youve overdone it.

From Alessias words, I had a rough idea of what kind of treatment I had received while I was asleep.

It was a treatment Id seen countless times in my heir classes with Parnello.

It involved soaking in capsules filled with a special liquid, just like the superheroes in the movies.

How much did we burn this time?

The warehouse manager said about 500 million.

but less than I did in my successor class.

Its bittersweet to feel growth like this.

At that time, it was natural because it was a long day and I was pouring elixirs into my stomach and taking half baths with low-grade holy water.

Well, its true that I was able to grow rapidly because of it.

AndOh, by the way, Don has sent word to tell me to call you to his study when you wake up.

Youre telling me that now?

Because you just woke up?


The clock on the desk read 11:00 am.

It was much later than my usual wake-up time.

Well, he called, so I should go.

Scratching my head, I get out of bed, ready to leave, but Alessia suddenly bows to me.

Thank you so much for yesterday.


Thats two times now that youve saved my life.

Alessia then turned quickly and said.

Youre going to be late, so please hurry to Don, Master.

With that, Alessia left the room.


It was a natural thing to do, but its kind of weird.

I put the embarrassment behind me and lightly adjusted my clothes before heading to her fathers study.

The first thing I see when I enter the study is my fathers tired face.

Hes poring over papers while smoking a stimulating cigar.

Ah, its Eugene, how are you?

Still, as soon as he saw me, he was concerned about my physical condition.

To be honest, its not that bad, but Ive been using Aura with such ferocity that its better to avoid heavy combat for the time being.

Anyway, its not enough to interfere with my daily life.

Yes. Im fine for now.

Well, Im glad to hear that, then, because yesterday was a real struggle.

I was just doing what I had to do for the family.

Smiling, apparently satisfied with my answer, he put down the papers he was holding and looked at me.

For now, Consigliere and I have taken care of the urgent matters. Things like cleaning up after Area C and dealing with the captured villains.

He placed a briefcase in front of me.

Ive compiled them all, theyll be helpful to you later.

Thank you, then Ill check them out right away, and then Ill send the report to


His voice suddenly low.

Holding up a hand to stop me, my father looked at me with serious eyes.

You have more important things to do than that.

More important?

Yes, something only you can do. And since its not in my power, Ill have to ask you.

If its not within my fathers power, what is he trying to tell me to do?

The sudden seriousness of the conversation sends a shiver of tension through me.

After a moment of silence as I concentrate on his words, trying not to show my nervousness, the unexpected words come out of my fathers mouth.

Mrwants to see you and Jiyun.


Seriously. I didnt expect it.

Vito Corleones father-in-law is.Han Jin-wol.

A legendary entrepreneur who rose to the top of the Korean business hierarchy amidst a chaotic world situation.

With the advent of dungeons and the Awakened, he boldly invested in a new resource: magic power. As a result, he created a company with the worlds best technology in the IT industry and military technology, laying the foundation for the current market.

Little else is known about him, but the image I remember from the game is of a cold businessman with an iron heart.

Anyway, the biggest problem issuch a person is my, Eugene Han Corleone, maternal grandfather.

I know he missed your recent welcome party, and how he was so disappointed when he was told youd be coming later and he waited and waited and waited but never heard from you.


Id forgotten.

Now that I think about it, I told him Id be there and never followed up.

No, but I was busy.

My conscience is stung by the fact that Ive been selling the groups name wherever I can.

So today, Im going to do what my dad said and go visit my maternal grandfather.

I bow my head and tell him, and he nods.

Okay, Ive already told Jiyun, so you two can go together. Take care of yourself.

Yes father.

I ruffle my hair as I leave the study, making sure no one is around.

I knew Id run into him at some point, but I didnt expect it to be like this.

Its a complicated, nuanced feeling thats both exhilarating and mentally taxing.

A maternal grandfather?

Even in real life, my grandfathers died early, so I dont even have a clue how to deal with this.

Where, who to ask for advice.


There was someone I knew who would have been close to my grandfather.

Someone who wasnt part of Corleone.

I immediately dialed her, and before the signal had gone through twice, I heard her voice.

-Hello, its Haru.

Can I talk to you for a minute?

-Yes. Im fine, and I think I know why youre calling.


-Werent you calling about going to see Chairman Han Jin-wol? I thought that was the reason.

How does she know that, is she a psychic?

Well, I guess thats one thing, butI dont know how to tell you what I just heard from my father.

-Ah, I got the picture. It was the chairman who contacted me.

Apparently, she heard that me and Jiyun are coming today, so it would be nice to see her face.

Grandpa called you too?

-I was puzzled too, but didnt really understand, because whenever there was a corporate or family event, I always went to say hello.

I thought, I see what you mean.

After all, she was a businesswoman and one of the people connected to Hanwol Group.

To be able to go with her. I feel like Ive gotten a lifesaver.

How are you going to get to my grandfather?

-Yes. My family is sending a car, so Im going to take it

Then why dont you just come with us? Well stop by on the way.

Since Jiyun and I are traveling together, well have a huge bodyguard team with us, so itll be more efficient if we go together.

-Would that be okay?

Of course. How ready are you?

-Im all set and waiting, it would be rude of me to be late.

Send me your home address and Ill be there. Itll be an hour or two before we leave.In the meantime, can I ask you a favor?

-Youre welcome.

Again, I loved how fast-paced this was.

I havent visited my grandfather in a long time, and I need some thingsId like you to get them for me, which probably wont be too difficult with your power.

As I said that, I recounted the items in my head.

-Are you sure you want them?

Good enough.

-Yes. Okay, surely those are the ones I can get right now.

Okay. See you later, then.

I breathe a huge sigh of relief as we disconnect.

Im a little nervous about this sudden appointment, but I cant let it slide.

Yeah, well, hes my grandfather, not someone elses, so Id better be nice while Im at it.

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