I became Voldemort

Chapter 174: Life is hard for children

Chapter 174: Life is hard for children

"I said where is he!!!!?"

Ginny asked coldly. The indifferent tone made Sirius stunned for a moment.

Why does this girl not look like she is here to help?

It's like Harry and I got lucky that she helped us but her reason for coming here looks like she is going to open Cyrus's skull...

Ron licked his lips but held back any words of advice.

After all, if Harry suddenly became very close to Neville one day and ignored him and kept all the secrets from him, he would also be angry.

"He's fighting the Dark Lord," Sirius replied.

The anger on Ginny's face was instantly replaced by worry, and her rosy face turned pale.

"He is f.. fighting the Dark Lord? Is he in danger?" Ginny asked anxiously.

Ron couldn't help but shudder when he heard what Sirius said.

"Will he be in Danger?"

Sirius couldn't help rolling his eyes as the images flashed through his mind of Cyrus and Dumbledore surrounding Voldemort one after the other, a dragon made of blue flames razing the castle to the ground with one strike, and Voldemort's fierce look.

"How could he be in any danger? Dumbledore is here too. I've never seen the You-Know-Who look so miserable."

These words of assurance were like a shade on a sunny day.

Hearing this, Ginny and Ron both breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, McGonagall and others who had fallen behind also arrived. They looked at Sirius holding the unconscious Harry in his arms, and then saw Ginny and Ron. Their faces changed again and again.

"Is Harry alright?" McGonagall asked, trembling. She was terrified of hearing bad news, something she had heard too much of during the war years.

"He's fine, just passed out."

"That's a relief." McGonagall and the others finally relaxed. "Where's Pettigrew? Did he managed to escape?"

"Heh, that Rat?" Sirius gave a strange look toward the snow, causing McGonagall and Flitwick to turn their heads.

"He's all over the place now."

McGonagall: ???

Then Sirius recounted what had happened. McGonagall felt a chill run down her spine as she listened. She glared sternly at Ron and Ginny.

"You are so reckless! What if something unexpected happens?!" she said angrily, "Twenty points deducted from Gryffindor!"

Upon hearing this, Ron immediately wilted like a plant hit by frost. He wanted to argue but didn't dare speak up, seeing McGonagall's current expression which looked uglier and terrifying.

Losing twenty points at once meant Ron would have to endure a long scolding from Hermione when he returned.

McGonagall exhaled sharply through her nose, then suddenly changed her tone. "But because of your bravery in saving Harry and Sirius, you've earned fifty points each."

"Really?" Ron's eyes lit up.

"And for your loyalty, I'll add another twenty points," said Professor Sprout, applying herbs to Harry.

"I'll add ten points for that excellent use of the Blasting Curse," Flitwick chimed in, smiling at Ginny.

Last year, he had noticed Ginny's talent and invited her to attend his club as a guest, but she had never gone. However, he still reminded her:

"You cast it well, but don't use it again."

The Blasting Curse cast on a person is still too much.

With over a hundred points added to Gryffindor, Ron was grinning from ear to ear. Ginny, however, didn't care about the points. She was filled with worry.

"Professor, we need to go help Mr. Cyrus!" Ginny urged anxiously.

McGonagall suddenly remembered the other battlefield. Unlike Sirius, she didn't entirely trust Cyrus. If Cyrus had joined forces with Voldemort, Dumbledore would be in a precarious situation.

She glanced at Ginny but didn't voice her concern, instead saying tactfully, "We must go back immediately. Dumbledore might need our help. Children, you must return to the school!"

"No, I'm not going back!" Ginny stubbornly protested.

Like many children her age, she didn't like being treated as a child. "I can fight too! I took down Pettigrew!"

Seeing the determined expression on his sister's face Ron also took a step.

"I'm not going back either."

Ron's teeth were chattering with fear, but he also shook his head, "We have to go help Mr. Cyrus. If it weren't for him, Harry would be in danger."

"You want to Fight? With whom? Do you think you can even stand before the dark lord!?" McGonagall rolled her eyes. The only enemy left was Voldemort. With Ginny's limited skills, she wouldn't even withstand the aftermath of the curses.

To be honest, facing Voldemort made even her feel like a burden.

But the two children stood their ground, leaving her unsure of what to do.

She couldn't just tie them up, could she?

Sirius picked up his wand from the snow and looked in the direction they had come from. "It's quiet over there."

Only then did McGonagall notice that the continuous bombardment-like sounds from the castle had ceased.

Could the battle be over?

She felt a twinge of worry.

"Alright, let's go over and take a look. Sirius, you take them back to the school, we can't let you-know-who see the children, use force if you must!" McGonagall commanded firmly.

Sirius was of the same mind; he needed to get Harry back. He couldn't just rescue Harry only to deliver him back to Voldemort, right?

He conjured a rope and tied the unconscious Harry together with Ginny, and Ron.

"Let me go! Let me Fucking go! How can you do this to me? You stinky old man! I just fucking saved you!" Ginny was bombarding him with verbal bombs, she was so furious she wanted to punch this ungrateful man.

"Stop with those remarks, will you? I'm saving you now. You haven't seen the Dark Lord's skills, kid!" Sirius said softly.

"Now just stop resisting and be like Ron."

With the spell, the three children turned stiff as boards and floated up like planks. Sirius mounted the broom and parted ways with McGonagall and the others.

McGonagall pulled down her gray-green wizard hat and returned to the castle of Rookwood with Flitwick and the Pomona.

However, to their surprise, Cyrus, Dumbledore, and the others who had been there were gone.

"Where are they?" Flitwick carefully avoided the flames, searching for their figures.

"What's that?" Pomona Sprout was the first to notice something amiss.

It was a lone, towering door, its color a ghostly blue, blending with the flames, making it hard for Flitwick to spot initially.

"Revelio!" McGonagall shook her wand, and three chaotic footprints appeared, finally pointing to the depths of the door. "It looks like they all went in there."

"Let's go too." Flitwick was fully prepared. He was full of fighting spirit and looked like a tough fighter!

In fact, he was a very capable duelist when he was young.

The three of them immediately followed the footprints and walked inside.


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