I became Voldemort

Chapter 169: Go, find Dumbledore!

Chapter 169: Go, find Dumbledore!

Cyrus never underestimated Voldemort.

He himself was resurrected by consuming one of Voldemort's Horcruxes, and he understood better than anyone how terrifying Voldemort's talent was.

"Harry Potter" may be a fairy tale, but the reality is much harsher. Readers of the original story might think Voldemort became less intelligent due to splitting his soul too many times, but making Horcruxes doesn't decrease intelligence; it only makes one more insane.

"If Voldemort revives, he will be even stronger than in the original story because he has Ranrok's body," Cyrus mused.

Defeated by ancient magic, Voldemort wouldn't abandon its power. He would find a way to acquire Ranrok's ability, allowing his revived form to see ancient magic echoes.

If that's true, things would be even worse.

"I'll find a way to locate Harry," Cyrus replied to Ron. Without even returning to the castle, he apparated and reappeared in a graveyard.

Little Hangleton's cemetery was as desolate as ever.

On this Christmas morning, no one would visit the graveyard. The ground was covered in a thick layer of snow, and large snowflakes weighed down many gravestones, as if placing white hats on those long departed.

Cyrus followed his memory to a grave marked "Tom Riddle."

But don't misunderstand, this isn't Voldemort's grave; it's the grave of Voldemort's father.

This grave didn't look unusual at first glance. It was made of marble and appeared quite beautiful in the snow. But Cyrus's expression changed almost immediately upon seeing it.

'The grave has been disturbed!'

He quickly noticed traces of magic left behind. Someone had moved the tombstone and taken Tom Riddle's bones!

And that person could only be Voldemort.

"That's right, he would do this! Because he knows I know..." Cyrus muttered.

It sounded convoluted, but it was easy to understand. Cyrus's memories contained every detail about the Horcruxes, including the means of Voldemort's resurrection. Voldemort was aware of this and feared that Cyrus would obstruct his resurrection, so he took the bones in advance.

As a result, Voldemort wouldn't choose the Riddle House as his temporary base.

This left Cyrus uncertain about where to find Harry.

"Voldemort is using Ranrok's body now, so he must be relying on the goblins' power," Cyrus speculated about Voldemort's current state and actions.

If Voldemort really intended to be resurrected, he would not dare to show up during this period. He not only had to hide from Cyrus, but also from Dumbledore.

And now the only subordinate under his command is Peter Pettigrew.

This is a useless thing, and just like Voldemort himself, Pettigrew is also wanted. On the contrary, after losing their leader Bodrick, the number of goblins has dropped sharply and their vitality has been greatly damaged.

At this time, if Ranrook, who once led them, came back, they would definitely be willing to follow behind "Ranrook", even if Ranrook was once a sinner of the goblins.

'It all depends on what the goblins do. Before that, I have to master the power of ancient magic as soon as possible!'

Cyrus was about to leave the cemetery when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head, as if it was scraped by a red-hot knife!

Then, a broken picture suddenly flashed before his eyes.

The scene was set in a place that looked quite old, with cracked bricks on the ground. Cyrus's perspective was low, as if he were crawling on the ground and looking up. Through this angle, he saw the ugly face of Wormtail and the ghastly appearance of Voldemort.

He quickly realized that this was what Harry was seeing.

"Could it be that Harry's intense emotional state is affecting me?" Cyrus wondered.

If there was anything connecting him to Harry, it had to be the fragment of Voldemort's soul. In the original story, whenever Voldemort was in a state of intense emotion, Harry could see what Voldemort was seeing.

Now it seemed reversed, with Cyrus tapping into Harry's mind.

What puzzled Cyrus was that despite having absorbed Voldemort's soul, this connection still existed. This was not a good sign, as the mind and soul are the most private parts of a person.

Fortunately, Cyrus's skills in Occlumency were strong enough to protect his thoughts, ensuring no unintended access.

At this moment, Cyrus firmly etched the fleeting image into his mind, not wanting to miss any detail.

"It looks somewhat similar to the style of Senbarca's Tower," Cyrus mused. However, all ancient dungeons looked quite similar, and based on this alone, he couldn't determine Harry's location.

"There's too little information," Cyrus sighed.

Rescuing Harry was undoubtedly urgent, but there was little Cyrus could do without knowing where he was. Given this, it might be wiser to focus on strengthening himself—he might end up facing a resurrected Voldemort after all.

As he pondered this, Cyrus suddenly felt something burning his skin!

At first, he thought Voldemort was torturing Harry again, but the next moment he realized the pain wasn't from the soul connection; it was coming from his own body.

Something on him was heating up!


Suddenly, a golden coin bounced out of Cyrus's pocket. It was red-hot, as if it had been heated by a flame, and it rolled on the ground, almost smoking.

"A fake Galleon?"

This fake Galleon was one Cyrus had created when he first went to the headmaster's office. There were two of them, one of which was with Harry. Back then, Harry used it to warn Cyrus, ensuring he could escape before Dumbledore returned.

Now the Galleon was heating up again, clearly indicating that Harry was in distress.

"That kid is pretty smart..." Cyrus murmured with a smirk of appreciation.

It was a pity that Harry's Transfiguration skills weren't up to par; otherwise, he could have left a message on the Galleon to tell Cyrus his location. Of course, it was also possible that Harry himself didn't know where he was.

Fortunately, there was no need to worry about this. Both Galleons were created by Cyrus using magic, which effectively made them trackers. As long as Harry kept casting the spell, Cyrus could sense the location of the other Galleon!


"It's probably not safe for me to face Voldemort alone."

Cyrus worried that he might not be able to hold Voldemort on his own, and if pushed into a corner, Voldemort might resort to desperate measures.

"Dumbledore seems to have too much free time; I might as well give him something to do," Cyrus thought. He pointed his wand at the fake Galleon, and it transformed into a golden Snitch. The thin golden wings vibrated rapidly, leaving only a blur.

"Go, find Dumbledore!"

The golden Snitch shot into the sky and disappeared in an instant.

Cyrus watched the Snitch leave, a smirk forming on his lips.

"Hope you enjoy the Christmas gift I'm sending you, Tom."

The ruins of the tower where Cyrus was located were just in Hogsmeade, not far from Hogwarts. With the speed of the golden Snitch, it took only about twenty minutes to reach Hogwarts.

Dumbledore was still discussing with the professors how to find Harry.

Professor Flitwick suggested using the Tracking Spell to see if it could lead them to Harry, but Pettigrew was very cautious and had erased his footprints before leaving Hogwarts. The professors were at a loss, and McGonagall was in tears.

"We shouldn't have let our guard down with Pettigrew. Sirius just got back into Harry's life, and he was hoping to live with him... Albus, you haven't told Sirius about this yet, have you?"

"Not yet," Dumbledore shook his head, a flash of worry crossing his face.

Even if he didn't tell him now, Sirius would likely lose patience and might come to Hogwarts soon to spend Christmas with Harry.

"I've already notified Alastor through the Floo Network to check Riddle Manor. If Voldemort has taken Harry, he might be there."

Alastor, better known as Mad-Eye Moody, was a highly skilled Auror. If anyone could determine if Riddle Manor was occupied without getting too close, it was him.

It was a reasonable guess. In fact, if not for Cyrus, Voldemort would have used Riddle Manor as his temporary headquarters. However, ever since Cyrus had reconstructed the manor, Voldemort had grown to dislike the place.

A place that wasn't entirely his own was ultimately unsafe.

On the other hand, Voldemort now had a better option.

"Hopefully, Moody will bring us some good news," Flitwick sighed.

However, just as he finished speaking, the golden Snitch that Cyrus had conjured arrived.

The golden Snitch flew past Snape's greasy hair and hovered in front of the professors' astonished eyes, then opened.

"A golden Snitch?"

The professors were hesitant to touch the mysterious golden Snitch, but Dumbledore's eyes brightened. 


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