I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 86:

Chapter 86:

Chapter 86

Togril was not only ruthless, he was also incredibly tough.

Alone in the midst of enemy forces, he cut everyone who came within a few meters of him in two.


Oh, its a demon! Fiend!


The Allied soldiers were helpless before the sheer force of such a Togril, and were butchered in quick succession. 



Togril summoned a vast number of hawk spirits, nearly a thousand in number, which completely blanketed the battlefield.

Like Amukhan, Togril was able to summon an animal spirit, a hawk, that symbolized the Kerrates tribe.

Hawk spirits dominated the battlefield skies, diving in like a swarm of bees to torment the Union forces.

They swooped down with terrifying speed, tearing flesh with their talons and pecking out eyes with their beaks.

With the help of these hawk spirits and Togril, the Kerrates were gradually gaining the upper hand in this final battle.

I dont think this will work.

Camille, who had been watching the battle from afar, had enough and rose from his seat.

In your current state?

Kairos looked at Camille and then snorted in disbelief.

How do you expect to take on that fool when you have neither eaten or slept in days?

Then we should leave him be? If we dont stop him, theres no hope for this battle?

Of course there is.

Kairos agreed with Camille.

Indeed, Togrils mere presence was more than fifty percent of the fighting force of the Kerrates.

But I dont think you need to step up


Look over there.

Kairos pointed over Camilles shoulder.


Camille turned his head in surprise, then gasped.


In the distance, a group of troops were galloping at breakneck speed, with more infantry following closely behind.

And flying alongside those cavalry and infantry was the flag of the Kingdom of Lota.

Otto hadnt just sent the Magritte Kingdom soldiers, he had sent the Lota Kingdom soldiers as well, with a very slight delay.

Are you still planning to go?


Camille replied, leaning back against the rock.

Hehehe. You are not that good.

Kairos said this because Camille was not the type to drop out of battle, no matter how tired he was.

He would have jumped up and down to save even one more soldier.

But right now, the exhaustion was so intense that even he didnt want to go out there.

* * *

The tide of battle has turned once again as the Lota Kingdom army enters the fray.

Lota Kingdom troops, exterminate all enemies!


The combat power of the Lota Kingdom Army in a large-scale all-out war was unparalleled.

Thanks to the mana discipline method Otto brought from the Kuntachi family, the Lota Kingdom army has become an army where even the lowest ranking soldier knows how to wield mana.

And thanks to the constant training of their legendary instructor, Spooner, their soldiers have become a force to be reckoned with.

With the addition of the Lota Kingdom forces, its no wonder that the Kerrates, who were just starting to gain ground, were quickly outmatched.

What the?

In the midst of his joyous slaughter of the Union forces, Togril was taken aback by the arrival of a mysterious army.

At this rate, Togril himself would win the battle and claim supremacy of the Haver Prairie.

Then, out of nowhere, additional reinforcements from the Union forces arrived, and for Togril, it was as if someone had sprinkled ashes on an already cooked rice. 

These unheard-of bastards!

Togril spat out his anger, assembling his Hawk Spirits over the heads of the Lota Kingdom troops.

The intention was to use the hawk spirits to harass and hinder the powerful Lota Kingdom army.

However, there was someone who read Togrils intentions in advance .

*Crackle, crackle, crackle!*

A roaring fire shot up into the sky.



The hawk spirits that had flocked over the heads of the Lota Kingdom troops were consumed by the surging flames, more than half of them obliterated in an instant.

Oh, NO!

Togril was so stunned by the sight that he could barely muster a rational thought.


Otto appeared, clad in <Blazing Fire Armor Set>


<Blazing Fire Armor Set> was still burning brightly from the flames it had spewed out earlier.

As soon as Togril had focused his hawk spirits on the heads of the Lota army, he unleashed the flames as if waiting for it to happen.

W-who are you?

Togril instinctively recognized his opponent and asked Otto.

Debt collector.

D-debt collector??

Togril searched his memory to see if he owed Otto anything for his offhanded response.

But it wasnt often that a chieftain owed someone anything.

What bullshit, I never owed you anything.

You must have forgotten?


Have you forgotten the incident on the western trade route already, where you robbed all the cargo on our side and killed all the merchants, even the workers, as if that wasnt enough?


Togril said, as if suddenly remembering.

Yes, I did, and it did happen, for I gave orders to take control of the trade routes.

You have to pay the price, right?

Youre here for revenge, is that what youre saying, and if so are you a merchant?

Not a merchant.


I am Otto de Scuderia, King of the Kingdom of Lota.

King? Are you really the head of a country?



Togril was not dismissive of Ottos identification, but rather surprised.

The reason was simple.

Togril was a naturally ignorant man, knowing very little about anything outside of the Haver Prairie and Khabar Steppes.

He barely knew the Kingdom of Magritte.

Furthermore, in Togrils opinion, the Kings of the continent were incompetent, who hid cowardly and gave orders rather than fighting wars themselves.

In fact, it was very rare for a king to go to war himself.

If they went to war on behalf of their country, it was very rare for them to take part in combat, only to command from a position of military authority.

Its not that the history books record kings who went into battle themselves.

Your courage is admirable but foolish. The King of a weak kingdom will be sliced in two by the greatsword of me, Togril.

Well see about that.

Otto replied, pointing his sword at Togril.

Either I collect the debt or I dont.

In this way, the confrontation that would determine the outcome of the battle was concluded.

Togril, the chief of the Kerrates, and Otto, the actual supreme commander of the allied forces, faced off.

* * *

In truth, Otto didnt need to do anything.

With the addition of the Lota Kingdom army, the battle was effectively won.

Nevertheless, Otto did it anyway, because the sooner he killed Togril, the sooner the battle would be over.

As expected, strong force is needed.

As Otto watched the battle between the Kerrates and the Alliance, he was reminded of the magnitude of a strong force.

So far, Ottos strategy had been perfect.

Using what he knew, Otto played with the kingdom of Magritte, Helmut, and the Kerrates in the palm of his hand.

Nevertheless, the Lota Kingdom army had to be brought in because there was no other force that could match Togril.

In other words, a well-crafted board and favorable circumstances could crumble like a sandcastle in the face of a powerful force.

Thats what Otto did.

Hes chosen himself as the last piece of the puzzle to complete the picture he created.

And he needed to get some practical experience.

Die, weak king of an unheard land!

Togril swung his greatsword at Otto with terrifying momentum.


Otto backed away from Togrils vicious and terrifying momentum.

Whether it was his size or the size of the greatsword he wielded, Togrils strength completely overwhelmed Otto.

If he met it head-on, hed either be split in two along with his sword, or sent flying off into the distance with the force of the impact.

You little rat!

Togril, fueled by momentum, unleashed an onslaught of blows at Otto.

Hahaha! Are all continental people as cowardly as you, how long are you going to avoid it!


Where is the courage you had to dare to challenge me!



Otto suddenly spat out a spitball.

Then the <Vile Death Orb> pierced Togrils left eye.


Togril screamed in agony.


Seizing the opportunity, Ottos sword shot toward the center of Togrils chest.

And then.



Otto screamed and fell into the distance.

Sensing danger, Togril instinctively unleashed his mana, and the explosive storm of mana sent Otto flying.

Ugh Krrrrrrgh!

Togril groaned, holding his left eye, which was dripping with blood, and snarled at Otto.

H-How dare you! To take out my eye I-I will definitely gouge out your two eyeballs and chew them up into small pieces then feed it to you.


Otto didnt respond to the comment, but pushed himself to his feet and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

He had suffered some internal injuries from exposure to Togrils mana.

Good reaction. Figured you couldnt avoid it.

In truth, Otto was aiming for Togrils forehead, not his left eye.

But Togril turned his head just in time to avoid being pierced.

Maybe its better that I missed the mark.

Otto was certain that Togrils defense was better than he had ever expected.

If it were anyone else, it wouldnt have ended with just losing an eye.

It was clear that <Vile Death Orb> would have penetrated the eye, penetrated the brain, and escaped through the back of the head.

The defense is stronger than I expected. I must be careful.

Thats what Otto thought, as he faced Togril, who was charging at him like a raging bull.


Togril roared in a bull-like roar, charging at Otto with even more speed and aggression.

Y-Your Majesty!

Your Majesty is in danger!

The viciousness and ferocity of Togrils attack was such that the knights of the Kingdom of Lota who watched were horrified and tried to help Otto.

But Otto was not to be outdone.


Gray flashes of light began to emanate from Ottos eyes.

Eyes of Calypso, one of the five powers of the Invincible Emperor.

The second skill in his skill system, [Eye of Petrification], had been activated.

But Togril was by no means an easy opponent.


Though Togrils body was tinged with gray in places after being exposed to the [Eye of Petrification], he was not turned to stone.

Togrils defense wasnt the only thing that was ridiculously high, his magic resistance was also quite high.

So it seemed possible to resist the [Eye of Petrification].

You think you can survive me, Togril, with your little tricks!

Togril roared, charging toward Otto.

A formidable foe.

Truly the strongest of the Khabar Steppes, this was not an opponent to be taken down lightly.

** ** **


1. A Korean Proverb refers to ruining a work that is almost finished. Togril would have won the 1v3 battle if not for the appearance of the Lota Kingdom Army.

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