I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 83:

Chapter 83:

Chapter 83

The battle was over quickly.

Otto didnt even have to step out.

The five magic swordsmen of House Kuntachi had overpowered the Magritte Kingdom Guard in the blink of an eye.

There were no fatalities.

The disparity in skill had been so great that even the most severe wounds had been minor.



My arm my argh haa

The fallen Royal Guard of the Kingdom of Magritte groaned.

Stop them, you incompetent bastards, cover me, I mean stop them, why are you slumped on the ground!

The King squawked at the incapacitated Royal Guards, yelling at them in a grating tone.

You look like a fat pig.

Otto snorted at the kings behavior.

I see.

Elise nodded her head in agreement.

Four Years! Arent you Helmuts daughter! You bitch! I cared for you so much! You whoring bitch! Youre going to sleep with that parasitic looking guy, and drink wine with him!

When the king recognized her, he spoke maliciously of her.

Your father has rebelled, too! You are a treacherous pair, and I will have you hanged Wretch!

The king fell to the ground under Ottos kicks.

Shut up, bastard.


Youre fucking noisy.

Otto spoke harshly, with an annoyed look on his face, and ordered his knights.

Disarm the wounded guardsmen, handcuff them, and treat them well.

Yes, Your Highness!

And then, place a gag on this one, strip him naked in his underwear, and drag him around with a leash around his neck. Otto nods to the fallen form of the Magritte King.

Like a dog? Questioned one of the Kuntachi Magic Swordsmen.

Be nice to the dogs.

hu? yes?

Lets just say hes like a boar pig.

Ah, yes .

Got it?


Meanwhile, the commander of the Magritte Kingdom Guard Knights read Ottos intentions and was slightly moved.

Otto could have killed them all, but he never thought hed actually show mercy.

Okay, now that we have the king lets play around with the pieces.


What can I do, I should just give it a good squeeze. And then.

Otto said, glancing at the fat bastard who was being held in a humiliating position with a gag in his mouth.

Because he laid the board so well. Otto says with a wryly smile.

What? What do you mean, too well? Asked Elise.

Because this idiot was determined to hold on to power no matter what, so he had the royals, including the crown prince, arrested and locked up by his own hand. Otto answered.

N-No way. 

Elise was no fool, having studied at the Royal Academy.

She could understand the political machinations behind the kings actions.

That guess is correct.


Elise burst out in exclamation.

So youre saying that the deck is stacked in your favor, so that the rallying Kingdom forces cant overthrow the captured king and install a new one?

Do you understand me now?

What a selfish human being.

The reason Elise says this is because the kings foolishness had led to the entire Magritte Kingdom falling into Ottos clutches.

Okay, then lets go.

Otto moved his steps towards the entrance of the secret passage through which the king and the Royal Guard escaped.

It would take him a long time to get back to the palace the way he came, so he decided to use the secret passage instead.

* * *

The Magritte army had rushed back with urgent orders from the king to defend the capital, but it was too late.

The gates of the capital were firmly locked, and a mysterious army had taken up positions on the walls.


The commander-in-chief lamented when he realized that the capital had already been taken.

He abandoned a battle that was all but won, ran back, only to find that the capital had already been taken.

Damn it., he thought What should I do now? 

As the commander-in-chief thought about it, he asked his men.

What has become of His Majesty the King? Is there any news that he has escaped safely?

Im afraid we dont know anything yet.

Oh, fuck.

at that time.

Commander in Chief, were in trouble!

Why cant you talk sense, you cant even report straight!

You might want to see for yourself.


Im afraid I cant give you a verbal report its something youll have to see for yourself, Commander-in-Chief Yes.

Fine! Ill see it with my own two eyes.

The commander-in-chief shot his lieutenant a murderous glare and moved to the front of the line.


The commander-in-chief had a hunch that something unusual had happened before he could see it with his own eyes.


That, that!

Oh my God.


Ew! My, my eyes!

The knights and soldiers at the front of the line were so agitated by something that they were talking amongst themselves.

Quiet! What are you all doing? The situation is dire! Shouldnt there be some sort of military discipline?

The commander-in-chief barked out the order, and the crowd fell silent.

But the looks on the faces of the knights and soldiers, and their wobbly pupils, told him that this wasnt a problem that could be solved by simply barking orders.

What happened that caused?

Thats what the commander-in-chief thought as he scanned the ramparts with his survey binoculars.

Exactly three seconds later.


The binoculars the commander-in-chief was holding fell to the ground.

Heres what the commander-in-chief saw.

Above the city walls.

Squeal Kuhl!!!

The naked king was crawling on all fours on a leash.

He was like a wild pig.

* * *

Seeing the kings deplorable condition, the commander immediately led his knights toward the city walls.

There was little time to think.

This was one for the history books.

The king of a nation had often been executed in horrific ways throughout history, but never in such an unspeakable humiliation.

The commander-in-chief and the knights of the Magritte Kingdom approached the walls without fear.

Arrows were flying at them, but they didnt defend themselves because the situation was so dire that they had to do something about it.

He needed to talk to the leader of the enemies holding the king.

Right now.

I am the commander-in-chief of the armies of the Kingdom of Magritte! Who are you to insult our king, and I demand that you cease your outrageous behavior at once!

Otto, who was holding the leash on the ramparts, laughed hysterically.

Come closer, I cant hear you!

I understand!

Then the commander-in-chief drew himself up to the foot of the ramparts, where he and Otto could see each others faces.

An arrow from the ramparts would have killed him, but he didnt care.

Who are you?

Otto de Scuderia.

Ive never heard of that name before.

You heard it now.

I am the King of the Kingdom of Lota.

The Kingdom of Lota?

Just accept it, it wont be funny if you ask me again.

Otto raises his eyebrows to express his displeasure with the commander-in-chief.


The Commander-in-Chief knew he shouldnt provoke Otto unnecessarily, so he let it go for now.

I want something from you, and I want you to do it with the dignity and grace of royalty. Even if they were enemies, why would you commit such a horrible act of character destruction?

You like dignity and stature? Fuck you.

Otto retorted, spewing thick profanity like a third-rate bully.

Because of your love of decency and brawn, youve captured your most loyal subjects, such as the Valdemars, along with their families, to monitor and exploit like slaves? Otto snarky reminded the Commander in chief.

Well, thats. The Commander in Chief stammered.

Well, these bastards are as natural as breathing, arent they? Otto resumed talking about the lines of the previous Kings over the past 200 years that exploited the Valdemar Family.

To me an affair? What does that mean?

If you guys do it, its romance, if someone else does it, its an affair. you dont know?

Thats a pretty good analogy. I understand what youre saying.

If you understand, do as you are told from now on. Otherwise.

Otto pulled a large stick out of his pocket and stabbed it into the Kings ass.


Then the king made a squealing sound like a pig being slaughtered and wriggled his whole body in pain.

His ass isnt going to be a spare, its a stick now, but I dont know what its going to be later, so take care of yourself.

Ohh, No

The commander-in-chief shouted angrily.

Please stop! I beg you! I ask you, The King of the Kingdom of Magritte, to treat him like a king of a nation, even if he is a prisoner!

You dont like it?

Do you really believe there are no such things as boundaries?

Like I said, that is none of your business.


My request is simple: I want you to lead your army to help the Kongurat tribe of the Haver Prairie right now. We will unite with the Kongurat tribe and defeat the Kerrates tribe.

That moment.


Elise exclaimed.

Ottos strategy was so brilliant that admiration came out naturally.

The king, crown prince, and royal family are all in Ottos hands, so Magrittes kingdom has no choice but to do as he is told.

Otto was using that to his advantage.

He doesnt need to spill Lotas blood, he can use Magrittes to fight for him instead of getting his hands dirty.

Are you trying to enslave us?


Do you think that will make the kingdom of Magritte fall into your hands? If you thought you could ruffle the feathers of an entire nation by capturing the king alive, youd be right.

Of course I can.

Otto snorted, cutting off the Commander-in-Chiefs words.

Watch this.

With that, Otto nodded and signaled to his men.

Then his men brought the crown prince and the nobles who had been imprisoned and set them on the city wall as if to say.

How about this?

Otto asked the commander-in-chief again.

You better not think about picking up some royalty somewhere and putting him on the throne.


You know? The King was very paranoid to the point he gathered all the royalty and nobles and crammed them up in a prison and had them be monitored.

Tsk, tsk, tsk!

Turns out he was kind enough to capture all the royals on the run. Including his own son, for which I am grateful.


A sigh escaped the Commander-in-Chiefs lips.

This damn king Its like he sold the entire country to live alone.

The commander-in-chief had no answers and wanted to hang himself.

According to Otto, he could have abandoned the king and fought for a new one, but with the crown prince and royalty captured like this, he had no choice.

In the world of high-ranking people from ancient times, justification is the most important law.

If you didnt possess royal blood and didnt follow the kings orders, you were just another rebel.

He ended up in a situation no different from Marquis Helmut, who officially rebelled.

Child, This is what we call basting. Hohoho

Otto smiled wickedly as he watched the commander-in-chief stare at him like a mute person in a haze, unable to say a word.

Putting someone in a trap theyll never get out of and then watching them fall.

It was a bad taste that the devil would do, but Otto enjoyed it.

He enjoyed it, because the look on the Commander-in-Chiefs face, now half-crazed, was a kind of artwork that told him that his plan had worked perfectly.

** ** **


1. Bastard = a person born of unmarried parents; an illegitimate child, since Otto is a from modern civilization, him using bastard is quite normal for a curse word, whereas in the world of [Territory Wars] Medieval time, the Commander in Chief when he heard that from Otto he thought of the royalty having an affair(another wife/husband)

2. Otto basically said that the Commander in Chief spewing dignity and honor is bullshit, since there wasnt anything dignified of pressuring and exploiting the Valdemar family for 200 years.

3. Cooking technique that involves cooking meat with either its own juices

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