I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

TL: IDevK11

Editor: Capitano

The civil war in the Kingdom of Rochan, which seemed like it would end quickly with the rebel forces victory, actually prolonged due to Ottos actions.

When Crown Prince Louis Blanc safely defeated the rebel forces and arrived at the Felton Fortress, the suppressive forces gained the justification to suppress the rebels.

As a result, the First Division, stationed at the Felton Fortress, rapidly began preparing for war as the elite forces of the Kingdom of Rochan.

Upon hearing this, the leader of the rebels, Duke Alex, became extremely angry.

We lost track of the Crown Prince?

Duke Alexs expression froze like a statue when he received the report.

Do you think this makes any sense?

The nobles who joined the rebels couldnt provide any answer to Duke Alexs question and became as silent as bees.

In fact, capturing the Crown Prince was not a difficult task.

The Crown Prince and his party suffered tremendous losses during their escape from the capital.

The elite knights were all killed, and most of the attendants were either captured or killed.

It was only a matter of time before they would capture the Crown Prince.

Although it might be delayed for a day or two, failure was unimaginable.

Listen carefully.

Duke Alex opened his mouth while looking at the nobles.

I thought it was ridiculous that the Crown Prince even managed to escape the capital. But nothing in this world can be perfect. I simply thought that the Crown Prince was blessed with good fortune. Thats why I didnt blame anyone. But I couldnt even imagine that we would completely lose track of the Crown Prince.

Duke Alex stood up from his throne and slowly descended the stairs as he spoke.


Yes, here I am.

Bichon, the knight who usually received Duke Alexs favor, kneeled on one knee.

I heard that you commanded this operation, is that correct?

Yes, thats correct.

Do you understand what consequences this failure will bring?

That is

Because of losing track of the Crown Prince, our country can no longer avoid a civil war. It has become inevitable.

I understand, Your Majesty.

You should already know the horrors of war. How much bloodshed do you think will occur as a result of your failed operation?

Your Majesty, I have committed a grave offense. Please grant me forgiveness

At that moment


Duke Alexs sword flashed like lightning.


Bichons head rolled on the floor.


Blood spurted like a fountain from his decapitated neck.


Bichons body fell to the ground.

Once a knight who received Duke Alexs favor, he was highly regarded

Due to Bichons death, the room fell into a suffocating silence.

The nobles lowered their heads without saying a word.

They didnt even dare to make eye contact with the enraged Duke Alex, fearing for their lives.

As expected by his subordinates, Duke Alexs anger did not end with just killing Bichon.

All the officers who participated in the operation are not without responsibility. Arrest and execute them all. And prepare for a full-scale war from now on. The Crown Prince will never back down.

Yes, Your Grace.

The subordinates bowed deeply and accepted Duke Alexs orders.

Things have gotten so complicated.

Duke Alex stepped out of the room, grinding his teeth.

I tried to avoid a civil war, but

Among the various forms of war, civil war was undoubtedly the worst.

Should I call it a monster that devours national strength?

A war where the consequences outweigh the benefits.

Even if you win, youre a loser.

Even if you lose, youre a loser.

Even if you win, the country will be devastated. Thats common sense.

From Duke Alexs perspective, who could have easily swallowed up the Kingdom of Rochan, losing track of the Crown Prince was a painful failure.

Moreover, the power of the First Division stationed at the Felton Fortress was by no means something to be taken lightly. If a war broke out, Duke Alex himself would have to endure tremendous losses.

I wont be able to sleep tonight.

If we had captured only the Crown Prince, it would have been strange to lose a drop of blood.

Duke Alex stayed awake all night, downing strong whiskey to suppress his regret and anger over losing track of the Crown Prince.


What good news do you have?

Camille asked as he watched Otto eating breakfast with a satisfied smile.

What malicious thoughts is he having again?

Good news? Yes, there is.

Is it really such a good thing to just have survived?

Well, of course its good. Haha Hahaha

Camilles sharp words made Otto break out in a cold sweat.

I almost died for real. Ugh.

Otto shuddered as he recalled the fierce chase from the night before.

In the past week, Camilles anger had been relentless as he tirelessly pursued Otto, who had narrowly escaped.

This idiot Ill kill him

Well, lets calm down and have a civilized conversation


Aaah! The knight is going to kill the king! Aaaah!

Camilles anger was so intense that he relentlessly chased after Otto even in his battered state from the previous operation.

I barely made it out alive.

If Ottos escape had been even slightly slower, he was certain that Camilles sword would have pierced him like a skewer.

So why are you laughing? Its not like you have the upper hand in my hands.

Its nothing special.

Care to explain?

Imagine how furious Duke Alex must be.

Is that what it is?

He must be so frustrated~ It was the perfect opportunity to swallow the throne~

Otto gleefully saw through Duke Alexs true state.

He might not have lost his composure completely, but he definitely didnt just let it go. Of course, many other people probably lost their lives as well.

Otto was confident that Duke Alex not only executed Bichon but also other officers.

Without a doubt, arresting the Crown Prince in this rebellion was the most important task, so Duke Alex knew it wouldnt be easy to control his anger.

So do you find pleasure in someone elses anger?

Its not someone else, its an enemy.

Otto immediately refuted Camilles statement.

Anyway do you think Im some kind of pervent? Who enjoys the suffering of others?

Isnt that the case?

Absolutely not.


Whats with that expression?

Otto narrowed his eyes.

I really do find pleasure in someone elses suffering but

At that moment

Your Majesty.

Kasim, the Magic Swordsmen, approached Otto and reported.

The Crown Prince requests your immediate attendance at the meeting.

Oh, really? Please let them know Ill be there soon.

Otto put an end to his confrontation with Camille and played with his fork diligently.

Arent you going?

I have to eat slowly savor this mmm its delicious savor it

This is a way of life, to eat and survive.

For Otto, filling his stomach was more important than attending the meeting.


Please come in.

Prince Louis Blanc greeted Otto warmly as he arrived for the meeting.

It was only natural for Prince Louis Blanc to feel a special connection to Otto, as without him, the chances of the prince reaching the Felten Fortress were very slim.

Even Prince Louis Blanc, who was known for his devotion to the cause of saving lives, was not an exception to feeling a special emotion towards his benefactor.

Everyone, please greet him. This is Commander Cain, the leader of the Black Legion. If it werent for Commander Cain, I would have been captured by the rebels. Commander Cain is truly my savior.

Prince Louis Blanc introduced Otto to his subordinates.

Commander Cain, this is Lord Robert, who serves as the commander of our forces.

I have heard a lot about you, Lord Robert. I am Commander Cain, in charge of the suppression forces.

The middle-aged knight greeted Otto.

He is an outstanding individual.

Robert, the Earl, had been loyal to the royal family for many years and was not just a skilled knight but also a capable military leader.

He was not just any commander; he was the commander of the elite First Legion of the Rochan Kingdom.

Commander Cain of the Black Legion. Thank you for rescuing Prince Louis. I am truly grateful.

Youre too kind.

I look forward to working with you.

Theres no need for such a request. Our Black Legion is simply carrying out the mission entrusted to us by His Majesty, the late King.

After the introductions were over.

Lets begin the meeting.

And so, Otto successfully became part of the command staff led by Prince Louis Blanc.

The prince, who was impressed by Otto, Camille, and the exceptional combat abilities of the Magic Swordsmens, actively recruited them.

Our strategy is

The strategy meeting continued.

Ugh, Im so sleepy. When will this end?

Otto had to exert all his effort to stay awake and listen to the meeting.

I ate too much in the morning

It was difficult for him to gather his thoughts due to drowsiness.

Fortunately, wearing a mask to hide his identity was a great relief.

Commander Cain?

At that moment.


Startled by someone calling his name, Otto answered.

What are your thoughts?

When he turned his head, he saw Prince Louis Blanc looking at him with expectant eyes.

Well, um you see

Not knowing how to respond, Otto stumbled over his words.

Darn, I didnt hear. What should I say?

In truth, Otto had little interest in the meetings content.

He didnt need to interfere with strategy and tactics.

His plan was simply to assist Prince Louis Blanc in overcoming strategic disadvantages, engaging in intense battles, and maintaining a harmonious relationship while annihilating the enemy.

I believe Commander Kanes opinion is crucial.


I would like to hear your opinion.

Yes, of course. My opinion is

After much contemplation.

Oh well, I dont know.

Instead of confessing that he had dozed off, Otto decided to go with whatever came to mind.

We, the Black Legion, will take on special missions such as assassinating key enemy figures during nighttime, gathering information before crucial battles, and disrupting the enemy to secure strategically advantageous positions for our forces.

After Otto finished speaking.

The members of the command staff, including the prince, fell silent.

ThisThis is bad.

Otto realized that he had given a clichd response and felt flustered.

Am I going to get kicked out? That would be troublesome I should have eaten light breakfast

It goes without saying that achieving the objective becomes difficult if one is expelled from the command staff.

Commander Cain.

The prince spoke to Otto.


You are truly remarkable.


You scratch my itches.

The prince showed an expression of deep admiration.

But that wasnt all.


Such courage!

The members of the command staff attending the meeting also seemed greatly impressed.

It will be a dangerous and challenging mission. Do you think its possible?

I mentioned it because I believe its possible.

Oh, oh, oh!

The prince firmly grabbed Ottos hand.

I will never forget the combat abilities you and your subordinates have shown. If you say its possible, how can I not believe you?

Haha Hahaha

Otto inwardly breathed a sigh of relief.

Ah, and one more thing.

The prince asked a favor of Otto.

Could you perhaps take on another request?

Please tell me.

Its about the Iota group.

Oh, Iota?

Their recent growth is alarming. Even before my fathers passing, he kept an eye on them, but I can no longer leave them be. I fear how much stronger they will become while we are engaged in civil war.

But at the moment, dont you lack the luxury to subdue Iota?

I am well aware of that. Thats why Im saying this

Iota They are still a force that is embarrassing to call a kingdom but could you take care of Otto de Scuderia, the so-called King of Iota, first?

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