I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 37-1

Chapter 37-1

The rampaging mana was rapidly destroying Ottos body, which was being reconstructed.

The phenomenon was that the mana that was supposed to help reconstruct his body was actually killing him.

However, Otto, who had lost consciousness, lay motionless, and as time passed, there were interruptions in the reconstruction of his body.

Rather than upgrading his bones, organs, muscles, skin, etc., they began to dissolve in the golden liquid.

As Otto was becoming a pool of blood, dissolving into the golden liquid.


Suddenly, Kairos Punishment floated up with a strong vibration.

Then, powerful energy emanated from Kairos Punishment and enveloped Ottos body, which was melting away.


Hmm? Whats this?

Kairos, who had fallen asleep inside the mace, suddenly regained consciousness due to a tremendous storm of energy he felt.

Huh? Where am I again? Why is that guy making a fuss over there?

Kairos looked puzzled as he watched Otto screaming inside the tub.

But that was only for a moment.

No way, transmutation?!

Kairos was amazed as he watched Otto go through the process of Transmutation inside the tub.

Transmutation meant that a strong person who had reached a certain level of enlightenment could reconstruct their body using the power of their mana.

Reconstruction of the body!

The concept of Transmutation was to exceed the physical limits set at birth and create an even stronger body.

To do Transmutation with this kind of medicine? This is ridiculous! This is a scam! Scam!

Kairos was incredulous.

As far as he knew, Transmutation was a privilege granted only to those who had reached a high level of enlightenment.

Yet, this raggedy man was artificially achieving Transmutation through a magical drug.

I knew hes not an ordinary fool, but to think hell try to achieve a Transmutation using cheap tricks like this.

At that moment,

Seriously what a dog.

Otto, who had been screaming in pain for a while, collapsed and lost his mind.

[What an idiot!]

Kairos was shocked to see Otto like that.

[You fool! Get up! Hurry up! If you lose consciousness during the Transmutation, its all over!]

But it seemed that Otto, who had already lost consciousness, could not hear Kairos shouting.

[Tsk tsk. In the end, hes going to die trying to cheat.]

Kairos clicked his tongue as he watched Ottos body dissolve into golden liquid.

As a former absolute ruler of a past era, Kairos knew all too well what it meant to lose consciousness during the Transmutation.

[Kid. Youre pretty smart, but it seems like your time has come to an end. You tried to become strong using cheat tricks, and now youre in that state. Dont be too upset, its like you kicked yourself in the foot trying to cheat.]

At that moment, when he was wishing Otto rest in peace.

[Wait. What will happen to me if that worthless guy dies?]

He suddenly had a thought.

[Could it be that I have to spend another endless amount of time trapped here?]

If Otto died, he couldnt keep the promise with Kairos.

It would mean Kairos plan to destroy the mace that contained his soul and rest in peace would come to nothing.

[This damn guy!]

He became anxious.

[Hey, you worthless fool! Wake up! Come on! What will I do without you if you die?]

He didnt want to spend hundreds of years again inside the mace, nor did he want to deal with any demons.

He just wanted to rest now.

[Damn it! I have no choice!]

Finally, Kairos decided to help Otto.

Kairos gathered energy from the mace and channeled it towards Otto.

Then, he began to control the mana that was running wild instead of Otto to help him complete the Transmutation safely.

Kairos was once the absolute ruler who had ruled over one-third of the continent in the past, so he was able to easily control the mana that was running wild.

He had experienced Transmutation twice before, so he was able to skillfully control the mana that was running wild.

* * *

A few hours later.

Ugh! Otto woke up with a gasp, coughing up nothing.

Golden droplets splashed around.

He seemed to have been half-submerged in water, unconscious.

I didnt die did I?

Otto looked down at his hands, feeling dazed.

He was sure he was going to die, but

Are you awake?

Then, Kairos voice came through.


You foolish, ignorant man. Are you trying to achieve the Hwan Gol Tal Tae by trickery? Arent you inviting a disaster?.

(Note: Hwan Gol Tal Tae (, Body Rebirth) is a medical phenomenon where excessive Ki inside a body rearranges the bone structure and organs.)

Trickery? Hwan Gol Tal Tae? Whats that?

Otto knew about the Territory War, but he was blind to the level of the strong.

He couldnt understand Kairos words because they were information that couldnt be learned from playing games.

Its the reconstruction of the flesh!


[A dislocated joint causes tremendous pain. To control mana while overcoming this pain, one needs superhuman mental strength. Even if you resort to tricks, it is impossible to reconstruct your body without the mental strength to withstand the pain!]

I dont really understand what youre saying

[You ignorant fool!] Kairos became angry.

Didnt you pass out because you couldnt control your rampaging mana? If I hadnt stepped in for you, you would have turned into a bloody pulp by now!

Oh, really?

[Thats right! If I hadnt intervened, you would have died by now!]

It was only then that Otto realized why he had survived.

Ah! So he helped me while I was unconscious!

Even Otto himself had thought he was going to die, but there was a reason why he had survived.

Im really grateful. I thought I was going to die.

[I dont expect gratitude from someone as pathetic as you. It was not a difficult task for me.]

Still, Im grateful for what you did.

[I just hope that you keep your promise. Since Ive been merciful, you must keep your promise. Do you understand?]

Of course.

Otto made a resolution that he must destroy the mace, even if it was just to show gratitude for Kairos rescuing him.


However, he suddenly had a thought.


[What, why?]

[You could have taken my body. Why did you just help me?]

[What would I do with a body like yours?]

Kairos replied bluntly.

[I have no attachment to this world anymore. Even though I failed to achieve great deeds due to the betrayal of that b**tard Aragon, I was a man who had lived through an era. I have done everything I could and what other couldnt. Why would someone like me want to take your body?]

Ah, I see.

[I just want to rest. I no longer seek revenge on that bastard Aragon.]

I understand.

With that, Otto completely trusted Kairos.

Why? Kairos had the opportunity to take Ottos body, but he didnt. He was a dead man with no attachment to life.

Well, I guess he just wants to rest now.

Otto understood Kairos feelings and expressed his gratitude once again.

I wont forget the promise.

[You shouldnt.]

I feel a bit sorry. The only thing I can do to repay you is that?

[Hm! If you really want to repay me]

Kairos hesitantly spoke.

[Let me have a drink sometimes.]


[Let me borrow your body for a while so that I can have a drink. Everything else is fine, but I really want to have a drink.]

Thats not difficult.

Otto readily agreed to Kairos request.

After owing his life to him, what is a small gesture like this?

[Are you really okay with it?]

Whats so difficult about it?

[Mmm! A man who knows grace!]

Anyway, thank you. Ill buy you a drink when we get out of here.


After finishing the conversation with Kairos, Otto opened his status window to check his current condition.

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