I am The Villain’s Dad

Chapter 49:

Chapter 49:

When Qin Xiaomei arrived at the Sus home earlier, she caught a glance of their stove.

It was of good make, and is as high as the one back at home. Also, it was definitely not within reach of children.

She wouldnt have to eat the mysterious food that Su Yaotian would make her, right? As he is, he wouldnt be able to cook at the stove at all.


Su Yaotian looked at Qin Xiaomeis eyes and already guessed what she was thinking.

Fortunately, Dad had already prepared props for him.

He ran to the corner of the kitchen and pulled out a special stool, one surrounded by fences and had a normal small stool in the middle.

Opening one of the fences, Su Yaotian showed Qin Xiaomei what it means to see the desperation of a chuuni fool holding a cooking utensil.

Okay, what are you going to do?

Qin Xiaomei put down her school bag and laid out her homework on the table. No matter what this guy did, she decided to do her homework first. It was really impossible. When she gets home, she could cook instant noodles to eat. After all, she had always prepared her own dinner.

You can start on your homework first. When you finish your homework, you can have dinner!

Su Yaotian looked confident. Hehe, Dad had taught him many kinds of vegetables. This was the only dish that was the most authentic from Dad and the most suitable for him to make and for Xiaomei to eat.

Looking at Su Yaotians excitement, Qin Xiaomei couldnt bear to discourage him, and could only let him go.

Su Yaotian stood in the kitchen with a serious face, recalling the image of his Dad teaching him.

Tiantian, this potato should be peeled like this

Then, Yaotian clipped his own hand.

Forget it, dont use a knife.

Tiantian, this tomato should be washed and peeled.

Then Yaotian gripped the tomato so hard it got crushed and the juice splattered all over his body.

Forget it, youd better not mess with the tomatoes.

Tiantian, how about patting cucumber until it becomes soft? Patting cucumbers is easy. You just wash it, beat it, and chill it.

Su Yuyang took out a cucumber, but then he saw Su Yaotian holding the kitchen knife, about to cut his own hand.

Forget it, Dad should teach you something that is absolutely confidential. The Delicacy For Chasing Heavenly Maidens.

Su Yuyang simply talked nonsense in order to not hurt his sons self-esteem.

Anyway, it takes time and practice for such a small child to cook well. Xiaomei is such a smart girl, and she should be able to understand that his son couldnt cook anything good at this age, right?

This dish, well Although it wasnt anything special, it can be eaten normally

Okay!! Dad, teach me!!

Su Yaotian, who didnt even notice that he was being cheated by his own Dad, rubbed his hands with excitement and happily followed Su Yuyang to learn the recipe of this special dish. He later added a few words to the name Su Yuyang made up on his own.

When he managed to make it, he really thought this dish was delicious. He was also proud because this was the first dish he made himself!

He thought he really had talent for cooking.

Is this what you call the The Delicacy For Chasing Heavenly Maidens?

Qin Xiaomei stared at the boiled corn on the plate in front of her. She was almost speechless.

What does this boiled corn have to do with that name? Not only is the name frustrating, but this boiled corn is even more frustrating when associated with the name, okay?

It is absolutely impossible that Su Yaotian, the chuuni fool, was taught this by Father Su.

Yes, yes! Its delicious!! I cooked it with great care. My Dad said, dont look at it as just a small boiled corn. Its not easy to cook it well. The heat, material selection, clean water when cleaning, and boling time are all indispensable. If any of the process goes wrong, theres absolutely no way to cook this dish well!

Su Yaotian stood there with a proud face, looking as if he had just accomplished a momentous task. Even his voice sounded pompous.

I practiced a dozen times before I could cook such a deli-sassies.

The word is read yao

(TNote: Tiantian said jia you when he actually meant [ji yo] = fine food; delicacies; delicious food.)

Qin Xiaomei originally felt that she was struck by lightning when she saw this one corn.

While listening to Su Yaotian, she felt that she had been struck by lightning over ten times already.

Most importantly, the last word that Su Yaotian said was simply the killing blow.

Why did Father Su cheat his son like this? Could it be that Father Su isnt what he appears to be?

However, she felt that there was nothing wrong with what Father said. Indeed, even a small piece of boiled corn must be selected, washed with clean water, and then heated at a proper temperature for just the right amount of time. Otherwise the corn may not be cooked well.

It must be because Su Yaotian was so stupid that it took more than ten times for him to practice to cook a piece of boiled corn. What else can they expect Father Su to teach him?

Father Su was such a good person, and it must be because he was afraid of hurting Su Yaotians self-esteem.

Hey, if she had such a stupid son, it would definitely be very nerve-racking.Thinking this way, she decided she cant just let Father Sus painstaking efforts go to waste.

At least this boiled corn could be eaten, and it did taste delicious.

Shaking her head, Qin Xiaomei nibbled on the corn.

How is it? Is it delicious? I cooked a lot, so just eat away!

Su Yaotian looked at Qin Xiaomei with an expectant face.

Hmm, its delicious.

What can she really say about boiled corn? As long as it is not overcooked and mushy, arent they all just the same?

Then, she saw Su Yaotian excitedly turn and run into the kitchen, bringing out more than a dozen boiled corn.

If its good, eat more! Dad said good kids dont waste food.

Su Yaotian was very excited. If Xiaomei really ate all these, she would definitely like him more, right? Dad said that the mouth of the eater will be soft by then.

No, this was Father Sus son. I cant beat him up

Qin Xiaomei fought back her impulse, and spoke through gritted teeth.

Lets eat together. Youve cooked so much. You should eat more.

Okay! Ill eat with you.

Thus, Xiaomei ate with Yaotian, and also ate the rice he cooked. In the future, if we can be together like this every day, he would cook and she would eat.

Come, eat another one.

Although Qin Xiaomei couldnt beat him, she could let Su Yaotian know what exactly was this amount of corn he boiled.

Under her smiling eyes, Su Yaotian finally ate six corn husks and couldnt eat any more.

It is not that the corn was so filling, but one cant just keep eating only corn.

Sure enough, you would get fed up, even with something so delicious.

Xiaomei, hehe, lets do our homework first? Later, when you are hungry again, you can eat the rest.

Su Yaotian desperately wants to show his frugal side in front of Qin Xiaomei. Not wasting is a wonderful quality.

For the first time in her life, Qin Xiaomei felt like she met an insurmountable adversary.

No no, my Dad just told me that hell be home soon. Ill go back first. Ill come back tomorrow.

Picking up the school bag, Qin Xiaomei ran out without looking back. She ran away like a gust of wind, and didnt give Su Yaotian a chance to react.

Xiaomei, you dropped your homework!

Su Yaotian wanted to catch up, but Qin Xiaomeis figure was nowhere to be seen.

Is Xiaomei shy?

He was feeling very optimistic.

Knowing everything that happened, Su Yuyang almost blurted out loud, Brat, you shouldnt think too highly of yourself!! Somebody elses little girl was obviously scared away by you cooking so much corn. What do you mean she looks shy? Where in the world did you see that?

He was really speechless with his own son. Was this really his own son? Did he really raise him like this?

How is it that after a change in life experience, the whole person began to go further and further from being smart and sensible to being confused by like a chuuni, and couldnt be pulled back?

Sure enough, a comfortable life could corrupt people. He must let his son understand the hardships of human suffering.

If things continued like this, his future daughter-in-law would not stick around for much longer. What if someone starts pursuing her?


After their son finally went to sleep, Su Yuyang came out to talk to Dong Shufen about it. Hearing his story, Dong Shufen couldnt help but laugh.

Who do you think your son is like? He must be like you! He cooked a bunch of corn for somebody elses little girl. I dont think you are any better. Who goes to the river to watch the dance troupe train on their first date? I was freezing to death, and I still couldnt see anything or even get in.

I didnt know they have this restriction I only knew that dance company was the one you always wanted to get into.

Su Yuyang was also depressed.

How come when he arrived in this world, his wife-chasing-skill points suddenly became zero? Is it because of the original owners influence?

Obviously, he prepared well, and the atmosphere was all right. He was trying to get Dong Shufen to pick up her old dream again, which was dancing.

Before she met Su Yuyang, Dong Shufen was preparing to take the membership test for that dance company, but the original owner prevented her from pursuing her dream.

After that, in order to make a living, she had to give up her dream and try to earn money by working.

Now, Su Yuyang was rich and had the ability to take care of their child well, and was more capable of providing Dong Shufen with everything she needed to pursue her dreams, so he came up with such a way to suggest the idea to her.

He took her to a training session of the dance company to arouse her interest in dancing.

Unexpectedly, the dance troupe temporarily changed the training ground, and outsiders werent allowed to watch nearby but only look at them from a distance. Thus, Su Yuyangs first date fell through.

It can be said that this evening, both the father and sons wife-chasing plans failed.

I appreciate your intentions, and I understand what you mean from it. Dont worry, Ill think about it.

Whether things work out or not, Dong Shufen understood what Su Yuyangs intentions were.

Honestly, she was quite touched.

Everyone said that she was happy now. Her ex-husband had changed for the better, her son was good and understanding, the family had a lot of money to spare, her job was going well, and her ex-husband was so devoted to her.

However, no one knew that her heart would always hold onto one regret. This whole time, she didnt want to think about it, but it haunted her nonetheless. Now, she wasnt sure whether she wanted it or not.

Suddenly, Su Yuyang helped her find this regret, understood her regret, understand her hope, and also took action to help her to find her dream.

So Can I stay today? Ill sleep with Tiantian.

The first rule of wife-chasing, alway have thick skin!

(TNote: thick skin = be shameless/ dont get embarrassed.)

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