I am a Big Villain

Chapter 91: The Soft Rice Man’s Self-Cultivation 7

Chapter 91: The Soft Rice Man’s Self-Cultivation 7

Since that ambiguous conversation, everyone around had noticed that the relationship between Zhong Li and Yan Chu seemed to be a lot closer. This kind of closeness was not in terms of action but of spirituality.

As Zhong Lis secretary, Jiang Xin naturally felt the most profound.

Mr. Yan, you come and send dinner to the president again.

Now Yan Chu came to the top floor and almost did not need to make an appointment. He showed up on time for lunch and dinner every day.

You must know that before him, Zhong Lis diet was very irregular. When she was busy, she might not have time to eat, going through with a few cups of coffee.

As Zhong Lis secretary, Jiang Xin had been persuading her boss to take care of her body. But it went in Zhong Lis left ear and went out her right ear, and she still went her own way.

Often the ordered meals were hot when they were delivered and cold when they arrived. Not to mention, Zhong Li had not touched it over a few mouthfuls.

But Yan Chu was different. The little wolfdog8little wolfdogyoung men who were brought up by wealthy and older women with the unknown origin that the president had packaged. Every time he cooked a meal, the president would eat it again and again. After a long time, the president would start to look at her watch frequently, as if having a department meeting almost every time it was Yan Chu time to come to the company.

As a bystander, Jiang Xin felt that the male fairys methods were still high. How long did it take to hook the presidents heart?

The president is still in a meeting. You sit there and wait.

The conference room and Zhong Lis office were not the same. Although Yan Chu and her boss were in such a relationship, Jiang Xin would not take the lead and put people in the office. You should know that Zhong Lis office has many confidential documents of the company.

Yan Chu was also used to it. But before he sat down, Zhong Li just came out of the conference room after the meeting.

I made your favorite ham soup for you. See if my craftsmanship has improved.

Yan Chu followed Zhong Li into the office. Now every time he came, not only he took Zhong Lis meal, but also his own. He often ate together, which was also a way to enhance feelings.

Im going to audition tomorrow. I may not be able to bring you lunch.

Yan Chu said with a bowl of soup for Zhong Li.

Is it for Director Hes drama?

Zhong Li asked with a twinkling of eyes.


Yan Chu nodded.

Director He called me yesterday and asked if I had time to be a judge. I remember there is a good private restaurant near the place where you auditioned.

There were almost no mood fluctuations on Zhong Lis face, but her red ears betrayed her mood at this time.

Although Tianqi was the biggest investor in He Ans new film, it was not the hugest investment among Zhong Lis recent large-scale investments. As the busy president, Zhong Li did not need to waste time on the auditions of actors.

Even if she wanted to exercise her rights as an investor, she only needed to send over an assistant.

But Zhong Li thought that she had eaten so many meals for nothing. She had to show that he was hers. At least she could let other people know that she attached great importance to Yan Chu. If his performance was acceptable, her presence would increase his bargaining chips.

Zhong Li thought a lot for Yan Chu but didnt say it bluntly, as if she had already made this plan.

However, Yan Chu was not stupid. How could he not see the softening of Zhong Lis attitude towards him? He held the bowl and smiled.

It was the eye-catching big white tooth again. The corner of Zhong Lis mouth turned up slightly. Did he think he was a white rabbit creamy candy? He smiled so sweet and yet wanted to seduce her.

That night, for the first time, Zhong Li followed Yan Chu to the flat-floor apartment where she let Yan Chu stay. Until she put on the fluffy slippers Yan Chu bought for her and stood in the room, Zhong Li realized how she came back with him.

The two of them are still in a nurturing relationship. Zhong Li could not help but think a little far away with a single man and a single woman living in the same room.

She had many houses, almost everywhere in China and abroad. Some of which were for her business trip, and some were for investment.

This house was very close to Tianqi Entertainment. Initially, she was thinking about temporarily staying when working overtime occasionally. Later, she found that it was most convenient to live in the company during overtime work. After a special designer team was decorating this house, she never lived again.

The empty room that was cold and frosty, because of the addition of an owner, suddenly had a sense of family.

The room with the color of gray-black-white, suddenly decorated with some warm colors. It made this house not so rich in design but a little warmer.

There were a few pots of green plants in the living room and balcony. Zhong Li could not help pinch the lovely succulents with her hands.

The living room, bedroom, and bathroom were immaculate and arranged everything in order. It was apparent that the houses owner was a man who did things in an orderly way.

Of course, the most embarrassing thing for Zhong Li was the master bedroom where Yan Chu lived. It should have been the location of the TV wall. At this time, the TV was missing. But now, there was a photo that occupied almost half of the wall. And the person in the picture was her.

Zhong Li did not stay in that room long before she came out, and it happened that Yan Chu also arrived from the kitchen.

Forget that the vegetables in the kitchen are almost used up this afternoon. It seems that I have to go to the supermarket to buy some vegetables and eggs.

Yan Chu picked up the car key at the entrance hall and said to Zhong Li.

Zhong Lis driver sent them here and left. Now it took a long time to call people over. Moreover, the supermarket was very close to the apartment, so it would not take long to arrive.

Ill go with you.

Zhong Li had never been to the supermarket since she was a child. When she was a child, she had a nanny at home, and there was no shortage of everything. When she grew up, she went abroad. To complete her studies as soon as possible, Zhong Li also hired a nanny locally. Like many students studying abroad, she did not cook by herself. She spent more time in the library or dealing with some assets available under her name.

For her, the time saved to make a little money was enough to hire hundreds of nannies.

Yan Chu looked at the key of the little electric scooter in his hand, then looked at Zhong Li in a couture suit. He tangled for a while and nodded.

On the main road, Yan Chu was driving his latest popular milky white electric scooter. Behind him sat a woman in a black and gray striped suit, sitting upright, as if she was not a little electric scooter but a high-end car.

It was the first time that Zhong Li has been on this kind of transportation. There was no place for her long legs with 5 cm high heels, so she huddled in grievance because there were no passenger grab bars. Her hands encircled Yan Chus waist, but with the guard against vibration several times, the virtual embrace turned into a real one.

The spring shirt was also a thin one. With that layer of cloth, Zhong Li could distinctly feel how sturdy and buff the young man who was driving with her at this moment and how hot the skin was.

The supermarket was very close to the apartment. It was 5-6 minutes away with an electric scooter.

You are also the signing artist of Tianqi now. Whether you passed Director Hes audition or not, there will always be many endorsements for your following activities. Tomorrow, Ill ask the companys financial department to provide you with a nanny car, which will always be more convenient.

After getting off the back seat, Zhong Li walked a few steps before she felt that the sore muscles in her legs became better.

I still have several cars in the companys garage, which I dont drive very much on weekdays. When you go to the company in two days, you can see which one you like and tell Secretary Jiang. She has the key there.

Sure enough, as long as it was the president, both men and women were so heroic. Yan Chu felt that he was a favored concubine at this level, but obviously, this was not enough.

Do you have a drivers license?

Zhong Li remembered that she had not asked the other party this question.

Yes, I learned it at the end of the college entrance examination, but I havent practiced for two or three years.

Nowadays, college students did not know how to drive, and almost all of them learned after the college entrance examination. The conditions of Yans family were normal before Father Yan fell ill. There were three people in the family, two electric scooters and one bicycle. His parents wanted to buy a cheap second-hand car for their son after graduation. Now the father was ill and spent all their money on treatment. Even their house got sold. Naturally, he would not think about buying a car.

It doesnt matter. If you practice more, youll master it. Then Ill let Uncle Wang take you for a few days.

Uncle Wang was her full-time driver.

The two of them went into the supermarket as they talked. Zhong Li expressed her calmness throughout the whole process as if she was the kind of person who used to go to the supermarket and was familiar with this place.

Yan Chu helped Zhong Li cook these days and had been very familiar with the supermarket, so he went straight to the fresh vegetable and fruit area.

Zhong Li did not know how to pick vegetables, so she went to the dairy area to pick up fresh milk.

She also did not see the brand she used to drink in the supermarket, so she picked up the most expensive brand.

Wait a minute.

Yan Chu took the milk from Zhong Lis hand.

This bottle is about to expire.

As he said that, he reached out toward the innermost shelf and looked at the shelf life of the fresh milk. Sure enough, it was two days later than the date on Zhong Lis hand. Generally speaking, the shelf life of the fresh milk was only four or five days, which was a big gap.

There are tricks to the placement of items in the supermarket. The closer the shelf life of dairy products with a short shelf life is, the more they are placed outside, and the fresh ones get placed at the innermost. This placement is also for the sake of selling the items that will soon expire as soon as possible.

Yan Chu said to Zhong Li. Seeing that she liked to drink fresh milk, he helped her get another brand, which was not as expensive as she had but tasted better.

I think todays purple cabbage is quite fresh. Lets go back to make a coleslaw. Its sour and appetizing. You like it too. The millet at home is almost gone. I also weighed some. Ill fry a sea bass and have a clear soup. Its greasy at noon and light at night.

Yan Chu thought about what he had just bought, and by the way, he asked Zhong Li if she wanted anything else to eat.

Honey*, your husband is very attentive.

A granny also chose fresh vegetables. The man of the house kept his house in an orderly manner. If the older generation was not surprised, the man here was responsible for buying, washing, and cooking a lot. But it was rare for the younger generation to have such considerate posterity. She could not help but praise him, thinking that he and Zhong Li were a real married couple.


Zhong Li wanted to explain.

Granny, my wife supports our family. If I dont hurry and coax her, what should I do if my wife runs away?

Yan Chu stopped Zhong Li and joked with the granny.

It was also rare in the new era that women dominated the outside and men dominated the inside. Moreover, many men did not earn as much as their wives. But they still felt that they had contributed a lot, or they felt that their wives had ruined their reputation and acted like arrogant idlers.

His wife was very proud of making money, for he could say this thing so proudly. The granny only saw Yan Chu at such an old age.

Yes, yes. Be nice to your wife.

The granny lost a few teeth, and her words became slurred. She said with a smile to Yan Chu and Zhong Li.

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