I am a Big Villain

Chapter 115: The Whole World Was Reborn 15

Chapter 115: The Whole World Was Reborn 15

I almost didn't realized this long chapter is the last for this arc, but I'd split it into few parts hahaha

How could Du Meijuan accept the reality of divorce? She knew she was exposed, and she hated Yan Dabao and others who were the only ones who could reveal the truth.

In their previous life, she encouraged her husband to shift the focus of his business to Shen City. She thought that she would be able to get rid of the influence of Jin Zhanhua on her husband. It was clear that she was her husband's wife, but she never had self-confidence. If she fell into the water with Jin Zhanhua, who would her husband choose to save?

Their life after leaving Jing City was so beautiful. Her husband was busy with business affairs, and she was handed many tasks to contact the Yan family. Occasionally, she sent some local products to the Yan family, bought some gifts, or sent money on Jin Zhanhua's birthday. She would often tell her husband what she had done, but only she and Jin Zhanhua knew whether she had done those things or not.

She knew that the woman was used to being a good person and would not take the initiative to mention those things to her husband. Moreover, she did give things and money, but the value was completely different from what she said to her husband.

She thought a peaceful life would come, but her happiness did not last long. Du Meijuan received a call from her sister-in-law, saying Yan Chu owed usury. From the earliest 200,000, the rolled-up interest had increased to 600,000. If she did not collect the money within a week, maybe this interest would have to rise.

She wanted to borrow money from them, saying that it was for the house in Jing City. The loan sharks were too dark. She begged them to help her pay back the money. She would definitely find a way to pay them back the 600,000 Yuan.

Du Meijuan did not want to give her even 60,000, let alone 600,000.

On the phone, she talked about how difficult it was for her husband to do business, how much debt the company now had, how much it would cost her two children to get married and have children, and how much help she gave to Jin Zhande, how much they have paid back over the years.

She did not explicitly say that she would not lend money, but the taunting in her words made Jin Zhanhua, a woman with a bit of self-respect, hang up the phone voluntarily.

At that time, Jin Zhande was negotiating business in Japan, and Du Meijuan was sure to hide it.

Of course, she knew better than anyone how much her husband attached importance to this sister. After saying those words, she regretted it. She was worried that if those loan sharks indeed did something, her husband would be angry with her, so Du Meijuan wanted to hang them for a while and let them suffer a little. When her husband came back from Japan, she told him about it and explained that she could not make up her mind with so much money, that was why she kept it from him.

Who knew that her husband had just returned, and before she could think of what to say, a call from Yan Dabao and others came in, and Jin Zhanhua was dying.

On the way back to Jing City, she was always frightened. Fortunately, the dying Jin Zhanhua did not say that she had called home to borrow money for some reason.

After Jin Zhanhua's death, her husband was devastated. As a considerate wife, she comforted him, encouraged him to come out of his pain, and generously provided money to help the Yan family pay off the debt that had risen to 800,000.

This move indeed got her husband's gratitude. Since then, there would be no more annoying woman who occupied her husband's attention. Because of her disappearance, they were also completely separated from those vermin.

After ridiculing Yan Dabao and others, she changed the landline at home. Their family stayed in Shen City and was disconnected thoroughly from Jing City.

But in her later years, she became more and more worried that her husband would find out what she had done because, at that time, her husband retired from the company and missed his sister more and more. Du Meijuan could not imagine how angry her husband would be if he found her handwriting in his elder sister's death.

She did not think she was wrong. She believed that the source of everything was Yan Chu. If he did not gamble, he would not be in debt. If he had not been in debt, there would be nothing in the future. She would not have to be frightened for the rest of her life, lest something should happen one day.

So she hated Yan Chu and Jin Zhanhua. If there were no these two people in her world, it would be entirely peaceful.

Unfortunately, no secret could stay hidden in the world. Du Meijuan survived her previous life, but when she started over in this life, Jin Zhande discovered it.

Du Meijuan still did not think she was wrong, but she could not leave Jin Zhande. She had no other hobbies except shopping and improving her looks in her previous life. She only knew that the house would be invaluable in the future. In addition, she did not learn to do business and did not know how to invest.

Jin Zhande's business was doing*15doing*from [gn] that can mean as to do or to f*ck (vulgar) well now, but his scale of operations was big, and he had various loans from banks. There was not much money in the company's accounts. Their family's house was only a temporary residence. If he indeed wanted to divide the family property, Du Meijuan could not get too much money.

She could ask for the company's shares, but the company mainly relied on Jin Zhande's brain. He could completely put the current company overhead and start a new business. At that time, the shares in her hands would become waste paper.

Du Meijuan did not want to lose her good life for the rest of her second life, so she must not be separated from Jin Zhande.

On the day the college entrance examination results were released, the post office on the side of the alley was very lively. People were almost crowding the post office. The people waiting in line for a call lined up from inside to outside the post office.

These days, it costs more than 2,000 Yuan to install a landline phone, which was not a luxury everyone had. They still used to go to the nearby commissary or post office to make calls most of the time.

Jin Zhande's house had a telephone, but the old lady was embarrassed to go to her brother's house again because of the previous incident. No, she urged her son to line up early in the morning.

"How many points?"

Thanks to the old lady, Yan Chu was now a famous person in the alley. When he picked up the receiver, even the people in the post office were staring at him. They wanted to see how many points this kid who won the gold medal in the International Olympics could get in the college entrance examination and whether he was the number one student in the college entrance examination like his mother boasted.

"Chinese 114, Mathematics 120, English 119, and two science subjects with a total score of 227, a total of 580. The ranking seems to be the first in the country."

Yan Chu put down the receiver and was very relaxed throughout the whole process, but the onlookers who heard him talk about his results were not calm at all.

Nowadays, few provinces have independent college entrance examination questions, and many provinces were still using Beijing's set of examination papers, which was commonly known as the national paper. This paper covered many provinces and millions of candidates. In this way, Yan Chu could be the number one in the examination, much more powerful than the number one scholar in ancient times.

The full score of the national test was 600, and his only short 20. His brain was not human.

"Oh my! Mom's darling Jinbao14JinbaoYan Chu's nickname, refers to valuables in general; precious; darling; sweetie, Mom's so proud of you, aiyo, aiyoyo."

The old lady patted her chest, so happy, but she could not help crying.

Her son was so promising that she, the mother, cried with joy.

"Come on, come on, let's eat candy and be happy."

Jin Zhanhua took out the big bag that she had been preparing for a long time, which was filled with all kinds of candy. She grabbed it to give to the college students and their parents, who were also waiting to check their results. The staff in the post office did not decline.

What a lucky old lady. The people in the room watched her leave, thinking that it would be great if their children were as capable as her son.

"Take a look. The others' six subjects combined are not as high as his two subjects."

"The ranking of the whole city is only 431. How much worse are you than Yan Chu?"

Parents pointed at their children and complained. The children were also depressed, especially those who ranked over 400 in the city. It was his extraordinary performance, and he could enter an excellent university. Unexpectedly, they still had to be criticized.

On this day, the students who checked the results in this post office remained in the shadow of the top student named Yan Chu.

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