Hundred Times Income Multiplier System

Chapter 386 Proportionate Split

Silence dominated the room as everyone began thinking about what they were supposed to do. But no matter how hard they thought about it, they couldn't find any solution that they thought was fit.

No matter what area they were thinking of, trying to make sure that they were the best in it, they found that there was actually someone who was way better than them, and that person was not in their team.

That implied that, the moment that they decided on that competition, then, they were bound to lose. Additionally, since they had not been prepared for the competitions, everything was just abrupt.

Unlike the other side that had already brought in several talents even though they were not part of the top echelons of their countries, since this group did not have evidence, then, there was nothing that they could say.

The other party was not infringing on the rules, if there was any. The people that they had brought were from their specific countries, it was just that, unlike Azima, that had only brought in the rich heirs, the other side brought in talents.

Just from the fact that all the four nations that had come over brought their talents, it was obvious that they had communicated before they came over. But, they didn't inform Azima about this.

"Why don't you just do some voting? This is way better than remaining silent, right?" A youngster questioned.

The others thought about it, but, they could not find the way that they were going to vote. After all, the events that they could participate in were not few, and if they wanted to vote for something, they had to decide on what they were going to vote on.

"Why don't everyone give a suggestion? The three events that have the most suggestions will be the ones that we will be voting on. What do you think?" Luther asked as he looked at the group.

The eyes of everyone present sparkled as they thought that this was a good idea. So, one by one, they began suggesting what they thought that the group should participate in.

Had it not been for the fact that they had already decided that, those that were present in the youth congregation were the ones that were supposed to participate in the events, then, Luther and the others would have already gone out to look for talents.

And of course, since this was a scheme, there was nothing that they could do as they were at the receiving end of the scheme. They could only depend on themselves, trying to make sure that they at least won something.

After a round of suggestions, finally, three events were decided on. The first one was music, and the instrument of choice was a guitar. The second one was horse racing and finally, they decided on video games.

"Now, with the three events selected, we will have to vote once again, and decide on which of the three events we are going to participate in." Luther said enthusiastically.

"Are you sure about this Luther? After all, I don't believe that we can beat the other nations in these events. There is a person that is way better than us on their side in each event that we have selected." A young lady with attractive features asked with concern in her eyes.

Previously, she had already promised her sister that they were going to ensure that they embarrassed the other youths. But in the end, they were the ones that were in the brink of losing their reputations completely.

Even though the other party had already cheated, what was the point of talking about it when they had already been defeated? Those that would hear about it would only say that they were sore losers.

"Even if we don't have the masters in these events that we have selected, at least, we have someone that is good at them, rather than something like soccer that the majority of us didn't even know how to play. Additionally, it only favored the men. But this time, people of all genders can participate." Luther replied calmly.

Even though he was not showing it on his face, he was getting anxious. After all, the matter of the results of this event was also related to the reputation, gains and losses of his family.

If his family had a failed reputation and incurred great losses, then, the Lincoln family was going to take advantage of this. Since they were not amongst the participants, they might gain an advantage.

This was the reason as to why he was trying to ensure that everything went well. Success here implied that he had also succeeded. At the end of the day, the beds that they were placing were things that if they won, they were going to benefit greatly.

Another thing that Luther had come to realize was the fact that, even though this was a youth congregation, the adults were also getting involved in the matter.

Even though it was only in the background, but still, they were the ones that were placing the bets. And of course, even though they did not use the youth to place the bets, they were using the youths for betting.

This was the information that he had received from his father. So, his father had already lost a lot, and if Luther did nothing to recover, then, the Zamien family was going to continue suffering losses.

And considering the fact that his father had already begun the betting, he could not stop on the way. He had to go on, until the youth congregation event was over.

"Okay then. For those that are voting for music, please raise your hands." Another young man got to his feet and said. He was the uncrowned king of the youths present.

All this while, he had been silent, as he did not know what to say about the matter. But now that things were going the right way, he thought that perhaps he might as well continue taking the lead.

Nobody objected his decision to lead the matter. So, those that supported music raised their hands.

Currently, inside the room, there was a group of 30 youths. This was the number that they had decided on. Even though there were more youths that participated in the event, the ones that were going to compete were these 30.

Out of 30, the ones that supported music were only five. This was to be expected considering that those that had suggested music were the least amongst those that suggested the three events.

After that was out of the way, they went to the next one, horse racing. And surprisingly, the number of people that supported horse racing was also five.

Then, video games. Coincidentally or not, the number of people that supported this event was also five. That implied that, amongst a total of 30 youths, only 15 of them had participated in the voting.

"What is up with you guys? We are voting here for something serious. Yet, you guys are not even deciding on what event you think that we should participate in?" Luther asked with a frown on his face.

Had there been even a single event amongst the three that had the most votes, then, they would have decided on it even if this group of 15 did not participate in the voting.

But now, it was completely different. All the three events tied, and they could not decide on what to participate in. So, the 15 that had already voted looked at the 15 that had yet to do so. They were waiting for their decisions.

"What voting nonsense are you talking about? We don't want to vote, simply because we don't want to participate in those events. So, we left the matter to you, but you couldn't decide as well." A young man spoke.

This guy had a chubby appearance, and a huge body. But even so, he was not to be underestimated considering that not only was he fast for his size, but he was incredulously strong. This was the reason why they had selected him to participate in the event.

When the fatty said that, Luther's expression shifted once again. He knew this fatty quite well. This was someone that was always on Lincoln family's side. And to say the least, he was Clinton's best friend.

Just from the fact that this guy was not supporting the event, and he was aiming to make sure that they failed, Luther already knew that this was a plan that had been arranged by the Lincoln family.

Currently, Luther was sure that nobody in the room knew about the adults, their own parents and relatives betting on them. And, they were of course not betting on something like $100 or so. Instead, they were betting big, for example, 2% shares of a company.

Even though 2% shares might seem small, but, the size of the company was not small at all. Considering that all those that were present here were from the richest families well known in Azima, it was obvious enough that their families did not run small companies.

"Felix, what are you talking about? We are here talking about serious matters. If we don't decide, we are going to lose. Not only are we going to lose our reputation, but we are going to lose more than that." Luther said in a cold voice.

"Humph. Look at how you are talking. If you knew about cooperation, then you should not have dealt with Clinton when I was not around." Felix snorted and replied.

"As for the matter of not trying to cooperate with you guys, it is not that we don't want. It is just that, the events that you guys have selected are not what we want. If it is another one, perhaps we can vote." Felix continued.

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