Hundred Times Income Multiplier System

Chapter 373 Richard

"So, what kind of punishment do you think he deserves?" Jack asked once again.

"Where are you Jasper?" Just before Celine could reply, there was a loud shout that reached their ears.

And before the group could even reply, they heard the sound of footsteps heading their way. And not long after, a man wearing a blue mask on his face walked in.

The moment that Jasper saw him, his heart began beating with excitement. After all, he had not expected that there was actually a person that was going to come over.

He had been enduring the suffering that he was undergoing all this well simply because he was afraid that Jack was going to beat him up again. But now, things were completely different.

He looked towards the man with the blue mask and shouted... But, it was only after he had futilely attempted several times that he realized that he could actually not speak.

When he realized that, his eyes widened, and in the next moment, he began frantically waving towards the man, trying to signal him that he was in trouble.

"Who the f*ck brought here a prisoner, and actually let him free?" The man who had just entered saw that Jasper was waving towards him. Still, since Jasper's face was currently completely different and it was battered, the man did not recognize him.

When Jasper heard his words, his eyes widened in disbelief. At the same time, he began lamenting in his heart, 'What the heck? You actually cannot even recognize your own brother even if his face had been destroyed?'

But no matter how hard he thought about it there was no way that he was going to say the words.

The man completely ignored Jasper and focused on looking at the surroundings. Then, he shouted once again, "Jasper! Where the heck are you? Do you think that I have the whole day to wait for you here? You are currently needed by Father!"

It was also during this moment that the man also realized that other than the idiot that was still waving towards him, there was actually another group of people here.

At first, since he noticed that they were ladies, he didn't care as he had already gotten used to Jasper's behavior of coming with several women in his residence.

But, it was only for a moment. At that time, he suddenly realized that there was actually one of the ladies that he recognized.

"Althea?" The man asked in both surprise and disbelief. At the same time, he couldn't help but wonder if his brother had actually succeeded in subduing Denali.

Denali's expression shifted when she heard the man's voice. She of course recognized him. After all, she had spent many years in this place, and she had already come to know all the people that were in the top echelons, apart from those that had stayed hidden.

At the same time, she felt irritated considering that everybody that she met was actually calling her Althea. It was not that she was the one who had decided on the name.

Even she herself did not know where the name came from, but, it had suddenly become her name, as everyone in the organization was actually referring to her like that.

She didn't really like the name considering that it was actually throwing away her identity. She really wanted to maintain her identity as Denali, especially after she met with Jack, and began working for him.

Althea. That was the name that reminded her all the time that she was in the organization, doing as the organization wanted her to do. Those were the memories that she really didn't want to remember.

"Have you seen my brother?" Just us Denali was lost in her thoughts, the man with a blue mask on arrived in front of her before questioning.

To him it didn't matter what Denali was actually trying to do here. As long as she was not the enemy of the organization, he didn't care.

Denali on the other hand had a strange expression on her face, as she pointed towards Jasper, who had already been pushed onto the ground by the man in a blue mask.

"Him? Does he actually know where my brother is?" The man asked in a confused tone.

"That is actually your brother." Denali replied indifferently.

The man blinked his eyes several times, and even looked at Denali incredulously, expecting that she was going to change her statement. But no matter how hard he stared at her, she did not say anything else.

"Are you for real?" The man asked once again.

Denali shrugged her shoulders, clearly not caring whether the man believed her or not. After all, she was not here because she was in good terms with the organization, but because she was currently in bad terms with them.

The man wearing the blue mask looked at Jasper who was on the ground and will surprised to find that he had actually written on a piece of paper some words. Despite the handwriting being clumsy, the man was still able to read the words.

[Richard, I am Jasper. Take care of that group of people as soon as possible, otherwise, they are going to get out of here scot-free after beating me up.]

Richard's eyes widened as he could not actually believe that the person who had been beaten into a pulp was actually his brother.

From his memories, he had never seen his brother getting beaten up, as he was actually dotted on by their father. But now, Jasper had actually been beaten up until Richard, his own elder brother, could not actually recognize him.

But in the next moment, his eyes turned cold as he looked at Denali and Samantha. Thereafter, he said, "I don't care about the reason as to why you attacked my brother. But, you have to know that my brother is the second in command of the whole organization. For that reason, you will have to accept the punishment for attacking your superior."

Immediately after he finished his words, Richard deftly attacked. Even though he was angry, he did not attack with the intent to kill, instead, he was attacking with the intent to injure her.

Looking at the fist that was coming towards her, Denali did not panic. Instead, with her eyes narrowed, she also launched her punch forward.


The moment that the two fists collided, there was a small shockwave that was produced. In the end, both the two sides retreated a few steps backwards. It was obvious that from the first clash, the both of them were actually evenly matched.

Richard's eyes narrowed as he looked at Denali with surprise in his eyes. After all, it was not long ago that he had actually come into contact with Denali. But now, he was surprised that Denali was actually able to push him back.

But still, he did not take it to heart. Instead, he attacked once again. But no matter how much he attacked, he was not able to land any attack on her and neither was Denali.

As the fight commenced, the sound of fists connecting with flesh reverberated through the air. Denali's powerful blows were met with Richard's expertly timed blocks and evasive maneuvers. The clash of their bodies echoed, filling the space with an exhilarating mix of grunts and quick breaths.

Denali's strength and explosiveness were matched by Richard's agility and unyielding defense. Each strike, each countermove, displayed a perfect blend of strategy and execution.

Jasper had been watching from the side all this while, and he was actually surprised by Denali's prowess. After all, he knew his brother's abilities all too well. But now, he was actually not capable of defeating Denali.

Denali's thunderous punches tested Richard's resilience and reflexes, but Richard held firm, deftly dodging and parrying with expert precision. Richard, in turn, launched a series of lightning-fast kicks and elusive footwork that kept Denali on constant guard. Every blow landed and every defense met was met with an equally impressive counter, pushing the fight to its limits.

As the fight progressed, the intensity only grew. Sweat glistened on their brows, their muscles twitching with exhaustion, but neither Denali nor Richard showed any signs of backing down.

Richard was not willing to give up considering that Denali was actually involved with the injuring of his brother. Other than that, he had to preserve his image as the elder brother, by ensuring that he actually dealt with a person who was of a lower status.

As for Denali, she was not willing to give up. Instead, she continuously attacked, blocking, and parrying the attacks that were aimed towards her. She was not willing to show any weakness in front of Jack.

The longer Richard fought with Denali, the tighter his brows furrowed. Even though he had been expecting that Denali was a prodigy, he had never expected that the rate of improvement was this astonishing.

He began wondering about what she would have been doing during the past previous months that she had disappeared. 'Could it be that she had found another organization that was able to grant her with different serums that increased her abilities?' Richard thought to himself as he continued fighting.

As two attacks connected, the two sides both retreated, and looked at each other cautiously. "Have you betrayed the organization?" Richard asked coldly.

"I don't belong to the organization anymore. And, you will have to know that I am no longer your subordinate. So, I don't have to follow any orders that you give." Denali replied.

Richard was confused when he heard her words. If it was true that she was no longer a member of the shadow organization, then how did she get here, or why was she here?

Richard was actually a person who had been keeping a low profile. Although he could have actually taken the position of the organization leader, he didn't care about it.

As for the time that his younger brother was looking for a chance to become the second in command of the organization, he obviously supported him.

Just as Richard was about to inquire about what Denali was actually doing here, Jack and Celine walked out of the room.

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