How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 152: Sometimes, It's Brave To Be A Coward.

Chapter 152: Sometimes, It's Brave To Be A Coward.

When Quinn heard that the slaves they rescued were being attacked, she expected to see hundreds of demons attacking them, but what she was seeing was not what she expected! There were only two demons killing everyone like these were chickens! Who are those women!? No one ever told Quinn that demons like these existed!

A hand suddenly grabbed Quinn by the shoulder and she jolted in shock as she turned around quickly! She thought there was an enemy behind her but it was only Dray. Quinn sighed and she asked Dray what he wanted! They didn't have time to pray or any nonsense that Priests usually do for dead bodies! But Dray wasn't looking at her, Dray was staring at the two maids with wide eyes and she could feel his hand shaking! What the hell?


Dray said this in a low, silent voice but Quinn could sense an unparalleled amount of fear within his words. It was like he was seeing his worst nightmare in front of him!

Dray was staring straight at the two maids, but the only person he could see was Pyra. there was a great amount of anger inside Dray and there was a part of Dray that wanted to run in there and attack Pyra with reckless abandon! But he would die! Along with all the anger that he was feeling, Dray could also feel fear filling him. Just by looking at her, Dray immediately knew that she was stronger than before. Dray knew that if he tries to attack her now, he wouldn't even last five minutes before he died. Dray was also stronger than before but he still wasn't ready to fight someone on this level.

Dray thought about what to do and the only conclusion he could come to was that they had to run! The mission was more important than his revenge and if those two maids see the hero here then there is no way that Dray can complete his mission!

Quinn was shocked when Dray told her to run. Why would Dray want to run? Even if those maids were strong, Quinn thought they wouldn't be able to beat her. Quinn had the holy sword that would curse any demon with unbearable pain. She can win as long as she has that sword! Quinn shook Dray's hand off and turned to the fight instead.

"We should fight. It will be hard but not impossible. We can't allow these demons to leave here alive. They can cause more damage if we allow them to attack another platoon,"

Dray cursed because of Quinn's foolishness! She didn't know how strong those women were! They aren't people that we can handle just because you have some fucking holy stick! Even the Grand Commanders will have a hard time against them!

Pyra and Andromeda finally finished taking care of the soldiers around them and they noticed that the reinforcement had arrived. Pyra turned around calmly. There was blood all over her body and her mace was dripping red, but her face was still expressionless! Once her blank face came into view, the scar on Dray's chest burned with pain!

Dray's hand squeezed around the reigns of his horse and he turned to Quinn in anger! This stupid girl was going to get them killed!

"Don't be an idiot and just listen to me!"

Dray grabbed the reigns of Quinn's horse and he shouted out to the army around them!


Dray pointed towards the two maids for the army to attack and he was glad when some of the soldiers ran forward. But some of the smarter soldiers stayed back. They could see the carnage that those two maids caused and they didn't think that they would be able to survive against them! Meanwhile, the idiots that ran forward screamed as they readied their spells and prepared to fight the maids. they would surely get revenge for their comrades that died!

Dray thanked god that there were still stupid people in this world! He could use this as a distraction to cover their escape! Quinn was shocked by the sudden action and she wasn't able to stop Dray as he turned her horse around and started to pull it along with his own!

But before long she got herself back and she grabbed the reins back from Dray and stopped her horse in annoyance! What the hell does he think he is doing!? He just sent those men to fight and he is planning on running away!?

"What sort of coward are you!? How can you use those men ad a distraction!"

"Fuck you!!!"

Quinn recoiled at the angry shout that Dray directed at her! It was shocking because she didn't think he had a right to be angry at all so what the hell gives him the right to shout at me!? He is the one in the wrong and he is trying to act like this!? He just sent those men to die! Isn't a priest meant to save lives!?

current novels .

Dray grabbed the reins of her horse again and he leaned close and spoke with a sneer.

"Fucking listen to me. this isn't a fucking game. If you die out there then we've lost everything. You have to learn how to retreat when you can't win! Those two maids aren't people that we can fight right now! We have to return and regroup!"

Dray learned from Elias that you must know when to retreat. The only way you can lose in this world is if you die. so long as you are still alive, you can always come back to try again. But once you die, it is all finished!

Quinn saw the urgency in his eyes and she knew that Dray was talking from experience! Did Dray meet those two women before? What sort of thing could those women have done to make Dray so scared of them!?

Quinn was a hero and she knew that she was meant to save as many people as possible. That was her job and she wasn't going to deny that she wanted to help the people of this world! But Quinn was also a businesswoman and she wasn't stupid! Quinn knew when to recognize a threat and she could also tell when to pull back from a situation because it is too risky! Right now, this situation was risky!

There was a slim chance that Quinn might win against one of the two maids if she goes to fight them. It was a slim chance but she could do it. But there were two maids and Quinn didn't know what sort of magic those two maids had. It would be dangerous to fight against both of them when I don't even know if I can win against one.

And so, Quinn grit her teeth and accepted Dray's advice with a nod! She would rather trust Dray this once and survive than go to fight against an enemy you don't know you can beat!

"Retreat! Everyone retreat!"

Quinn shouted this to the platoon of soldiers around her and all the soldiers that weren't attacking turned their horses around and ran! Dray cursed in annoyance once he heard her shout for them to retreat! He was happy that she agreed to retreat, but why the hell did she shout it out like that!? We don't need all this baggage following us! It would have been better if she allowed them to stay here and act as decoys!

Dray only needed Quinn to complete his mission so everyone else could die for all he cared. If not for the fact that Dray needs Quinn for this mission, he would have abandoned her ass ages ago and left this place! Dray didn't want to die before he can get his revenge and he knows that if he even tries to fight those two monsters right now, he will fucking die!

After Quinn shouted out the order to retreat, Dray just turned around and ran back with her! There was a loud Boom! from somewhere behind Dray and Dray didn't need to turn around to know that it was Pyra! He didn't stop as he just kept on running!

Andromeda and Pyra saw the reinforcement of soldiers that came from the west and they got ready for another fight. Andromeda still had a lot of soldiers under her control and even though most of them were injured critically they still ran forward once she commanded them to! Pyra narrowed her eyes at the distance when she saw that some of the soldiers weren't coming towards them.

Half the soldiers were running towards them but the other half were running away. Pyra frowned and she turned to Andromeda. She told Andromeda that she will be going after the soldiers that are running away. Pyra knew that Andromeda could handle the soldiers running towards them so Andromeda won't need her help. Andromeda nodded and Pyra turned and blasted forward!


The force from Pyra's jump broke the ground under her feet and propelled her forward like a rocket! Pyra slammed into the soldiers coming towards them and her force tore a straight path right through the army leading to the soldiers running away! Andromeda just activated her eyes and waited for the soldiers coming toward her.

Once Pyra was right behind the retreating soldiers, she slammed her feet on the ground, tightened her grip, and pulled back her mace like a baseball bat before swinging forward like a professional baseball batter!

Her form was perfect!


The air pressure from the swing immediately killed the ten people in front of her and the ground around her exploded in dust and debris! Dray heard the explosion of air pressure and he grit his teeth and forced his horse to go faster! It would be difficult to outrun her so Dray just hoped that she would be distracted enough by the other soldiers!

There was only one thing that Dray saw as a saving grace in this situation! It seems that Pyra and Andromeda don't know that Quinn was the hero! If they knew that Quinn was the hero, then Dray was sure that they would have come straight for Quinn! But since they are focusing on all the soldiers and they aren't coming for Quinn directly then they don't know that Quinn is the hero.

And Dray was right! Andromeda and Pyra have never seen the hero before and they had no idea that Quinn was the hero. Pyra didn't think that the hero was part of the soldiers she was killed because, in her mind, she never thought the hero would run away from a fight! The image of a hero that they have in their head is someone strong and dependable! Someone that won't run from a fight no matter what! Seeing Quinn running away would never make them think that she was the hero!

Pyra slammed her mace into another soldier and he didn't even get to scream before his body was broken in half and flung through the sky like a ragdoll!

Yes, the hero is definitely not a coward!

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