How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 198 - 198 Growth

Chapter 198: Chapter 198 Growth

The planned bàozhà did not happen, and all the titanium snails were intercepted by the power grid densely covered in the clouds. Obviously, Huo Gu's plan to deal with the giant cyclone, which is no longer working.

The huge cyclone landed and rampaged all the way. It is said that it will last forever the territory they have painstakingly planned, emptying large areas, just like God's rags, wiping off the 'dirt' on the big round table of the earth.

[Command center, 0239-3230 collection area paralyzed, individual number loss 73453465...]

[Command center, 8543-9586 refining area paralyzed, individual number loss 238505925...]

[Command center, 6253-2342 maintenance area is paralyzed, individual number loss 285075...]

[Command center, 5682-6353 cultivation nest paralysis, individual number loss 89876145...]

[Command center, 4325-2388 scientific research area is paralyzed, individual number loss 1452743977841...]


[Central command, recently, individual units should go as soon as possible to replace the missing part, Genting offensive plan a is cancelled, plan b is activated, the gun position is in place, and shooting is allowed after 30 seconds of self-check countdown.]

After receiving the loss report from the damaged area, they will take a new plan immediately. Before the action began, they had expected possible failure, booked multiple backup plans in advance, and formulated insurance plans on the basis of the backup plan...

Perpetuality can't help but recall the question I asked to all individuals before the action began.

What if all the schemes are invalid?

Collector: Let's start all over again! Keep moving forward! There has never been the word 'give up' in my family's dictionary! Do everything you can to make progress by any means and at all costs!

With the release of the command on the life field channel, the tired life body hiding in the ground, turning itself, the outer tissue of the body suspected to be the tail, piercing the strata, and extending straight up all the way.

The rhizome buried in the ground provides a material foundation for these organisms. Round nuclear bombs quickly breed and form in the inner cavity of the organism. The tail-like external tissue rushes out of the ground and extends backwards, revealing the cavity structure inside the outer tissue. The dense and similar holes appear on the surface, which is enough. Let the patients with intensive phobia faint on the spot.

[The countdown to self-examination,30...29...28...27...26...25...3...2...1...0...]

With the end of '0', the whole ground had an unimaginable violent vibration. The ground, which was originally flat and thick for several miles, was curved upwards, which means that more than 100 million tons of mass of soil was lifted up.

From these holes, an indescribable terrible heat wave broke out. Tens of thousands of them, as projectiles, improved nuclear bombs, cut through the sky and hit the clouds above the giant cyclone.

The dense power grid hit these spherical creatures with incomparable accuracy, just like the previous titanium snails, but only their surface shells were scorched, without a fatal blow.

Under the spherical titanium alloy skeleton shell, a circle of colloids save the lives of these nuclear bombworms.

Reaching enough speed, the nuclear bombs also began to fulfill their mission. The release of nuclear energy in the body is based on nuclear explosion. White flowers bloom at a height of 10,000 meters. These white powders are the carbon dioxide dry ice prepared by using the seabed water pressure.

A large amount of heat energy at high altitude is absorbed, and the giant cyclone structure is destroyed. The devastating disasters caused by the natural environment will naturally disappear with the change of the environment.

It lasted for about ten minutes, and the wind avalanche fell in the center of the whirlwind and soon calmed down. At the same time, the white snow fell from the sky to announce another victory for the collectors.

But will the test really be that simple?

Following the underground **àozhà just now, the earth's crust vibrated violently again, and this time, it was not done by the collectors.

The nuclear magma in the planet is surging. Under the guidance of the meteorite, the fierce impact collectors the crustal plate in the area, just like putting a balloon on the exhaust port of the pressure cooker, and the huge pressure is accumulating.

The ground was cracking, and the orange-red hot lava gushed out from the ground, and a large amount of hot air gushed out. The whole area turned into a giant steamer. They immediately sensed the idea of the smelt, and the other party planned to steam them directly!

This is a disaster for collectors, a disaster for organic organisms. The temperature is more than 100 degrees, and even the core Dna can't be maintained. If you want to survive, there is only one way to go - to maintain the ambient temperature!

[Central command, enable reserve dry ice and any low-temperature substances, maintain the ambient temperature below 60 degrees, and expand the number of rhizomes transported.]

[Central command, nearby individuals change shape around the exhaust port and lava mouth, and the genetic blueprint has been delivered.]

Two instructions, even in such a doomsday disaster, the collector has no intention of giving up. All individuals are doing what they should do in an orderly manner, giving full play to their greatest value for the whole, until they die from overwork and then being pushed by other individuals.

The emergence of hot air vents and lava mouths is both a disaster and an opportunity. Looking at their energy, I designed two biological structures that use air expansion to generate electrical energy in a very short time, that is, the genetic blueprint in the second directive for sustainable release.

Several collectors crawled to these dangerous places with difficulty, surrounded the exits of these underground purgatory, and used the giant construction method to merge and evolve a large creature that could cover the whole exhaust port.

The creature regularly closes the upper air outlet, just like human breathing. It continuously inhales and exhales. Humans maintain life through breathing, and this creature is making electricity for the collective.

Through the transmission of resistance-free low-temperature superconductive electrical energy to the refining area, a variety of material elements are dissociated from the chemical solution, and the elemental substances are then put into the process of cooling the environment. is a virtuous circle.

Seeing this, I don't intend to continue to embarrass these 'little guys'. In its view, the collectors are finally reluctantly qualified.

"Why did you stop?"

He suddenly gave up and asked Huo Gu, who had been paying close attention to the progress of the collector.

[Huo Gu, the goal you expected has been achieved. These little guys have not let you down.]

"But technically compared with those aliens, they are still so simple. Are you sure they are qualified to participate in the frontal battlefield?"

Huo Gu doesn't think that today's collectors are qualified enough.

[Technology can be made up by learning, and strength can be solved by matter. The key to being strong or not depends on themselves. Now they have realized where their strength comes from, and what they lack is only a little growth time.]

[You should be more confident in their sustainability.]

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