How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 726

- Side Story Episode 93

Side Story Episode 93

“It seems a bit boring with just a garden like this. So, I will show you that this penguin brother is good.”

I beckoned as I said a very dubious line in a theatrical tone. One space in the garden was slightly undulating.

Wizards prepared in advance use magic to connect space to space.

And the sight on the other side of the connection appeared.


admiring children.

On the other side revealed, it was full of things to capture the children's hearts.

What spreads out in that space is a facility the size of a mansion.

It could be said that what filled the inside of the building, which was wider than this garden, was literally the space itself for children to play.

“It’s a place where all our little friends can play safely.”

In other words, it can be seen that the entire space the size of a mansion was filled with amusement facilities.

It's not bad to run around in the garden, but you'll get tired of it quickly.

So, we prepared several things. Whoop whoop.

“ruler. Even if you play to your heart's content... … hmm. I don't have to say anything.”

By the time I told you, the children were running inside and exploring here and there with curiosity.

You won't even need to explain.

“I’m glad you like it. thank god.”

While I was feeling happy, Pena sneaked up to me and pulled my doll's clothes.


“Now I am a penguin.”

Penguin pro. Not Arell.

“..what to say?”

“yes. This is Arel.”

I took off my mask because I thought it would be impossible to pretend.

“Didn’t you say you had a job?”

“Depshow at work.”

“… … uh? really? Really?”

of course.

I didn't lie To be clear, these are office hours.

You're doing a great job.

I only came to work to the point of worrying that there might be no one more sincere than me.


Pena is making an expression that feels like a question mark floating above her head, as if she didn't understand yet.

“It’s okay to work. It's a request from the other side.”

yes? When I sent my gaze with the feeling of doing it, Ceylons smiled and nodded.

“What happened? … … It seems you haven't explained anything before.

Mr. Arell.”

“Because I kept it a secret even from my little kid.”

Well, the only thing I knew beforehand was the Duke of Ceylon.

Shouldn't it be more surprising to children when there are fewer people who know about it?

That's the basis of a surprise.

After receiving the invitation, I immediately made him an offer.

I'll provide a play facility where the children can have more fun, so ask for help.

Of course, the old man who wants to do something for his granddaughter cannot refuse.

I was willing to receive cooperation from Ceylon and was able to complete the preparations in no time.

It was mainly supported in terms of funding.

It doesn't matter if I spend it alone, but it's not bad to take out other people's money as much as possible.

“You prepared well… …

“Because it is not difficult to create an amusement facility itself. With just a little bit of urging the technicians can get it ready.”

The most laborious thing was having the wizards prepare the magic that connects space.

“When you can play with Jago, you should definitely let him play.”

I don't look at anything. that's my policy

Above all, it would be much easier for those children to form friendships with more things to play.

People who can't play can't do other difficult things either. that's my theory.

so don't spare

“… … too much.”

“It’s okay, it’s not a waste.”

The playroom I used today is going to be turned into a facility in my estate when time passes.

‘That's why I built it on my estate.'

The lack of facilities for children was also a problem that bothered me a little.

Make good use of anything

“Anyway, that’s what happened because those kids like it now.”

It's not necessarily a good thing to have a habit of doing everything for you, but when you need it, you provide it.

“ruler? Kids can play with each other, and adults can talk to each other.”

Adults work and children play.

It must be taken for granted that it is a society that runs properly.

“Yeah, that would be natural.”

Saying that, among the children rushing to the play house, I saw a little boy with a slightly shadowy face.

Did you say Silin?

that's the kid

Silin was unaware of the existence of friends of a similar age.

It wasn't just that he was lonely for useless reasons such as simply having to go out with fellow students.

different from other children.

Children of the same age laugh and run around in full swing.

But I can't.

Unfortunately, it was because of the gazes around me that I came to understand the difference.

At least until she was five years old, she had no reason to think about what made her different from other children.

Her parents were kind, and her grandfather and grandmother always gave her affection without showing any resentment.

However, not everyone in the world can be a person like them.

“… … I'm different.”

In a slightly subdued voice that didn't feel like an accent, he muttered blankly.

Unfortunately, it was around the age of five that she became the passive person she is today. It was the first time I met the Bunga's child.

At first, I approached it first because it was nice to see you. I brushed off the lady-in-waiting who was somehow embarrassed and spoke to the child first.

but… … .

(Don't come! You can't even walk!)

(You're sick!)

(Adults say it, but you did bad things!)

Abrasive language that would not normally be allowed.

At the time, she didn't know why the kid said that.

I thought I was just a bad kid.

But after a while, I understood. A look like a child of that family... … .

No, the adults were sending a more terrible gaze.

That day, she cried and asked her grandfather for the first time.

Why is everyone looking at me with a mean eye?

For the first time in his life, Silin's grandfather was angry with the adults of the branch.

And after a few days, he taught me as if he had decided something.

He must have thought that teaching him would protect his mind rather than hiding it by calming him down.

But it won't be unscathed.

From that day on, she refrained from going out.

There is nothing to be afraid of in the mansion.

The family is still kind. Because the ladies-in-waiting who took care of her knew the situation, their attitude did not change.

If you are bored, just read a book. If you feel frustrated, take a walk in the garden. That's fine now that you can spin the wheel under your own power.

At least there are no such bad people here.

… … He lied to himself.

I know.

Other grown-ups might wonder what a nine-year-old child would know, but at least they notice something.

It's just that those who look at her with mean eyes are only whispering outside the mansion, not inside.

That's why she never wanted to look outside.

If you turn away, it won't hurt.

‘… … I thought it would be no different this time.'

When I heard the words of my grandfather who proposed this exchange meeting, I honestly did not like it.

I still have memories of that time.

Children from other families? If I call them, will they be different?

But it is also true that Grandpa is sorry. That's why I pretended to be resolute and accepted it.

And decided.

Whatever happens, let's forget about it. She was already prepared to be hurt.

And it's no different.

As expected, she gave up immediately when she saw children and adults holding negative views.

However, unexpectedly, there was a child who approached first.

Arna Ernesia.

I heard that she was the daughter of Areel Ernesia, but I didn't expect much.

Usually, children from famous families are more meticulous and calculating. In particular, if it was Allernesia's child, there would be no need to try to look good to him.

However, what was unexpected was that, unlike the other children, Arna was strangely caring.

He seems active and clumsy, but he always cares about someone.

Did you say that your half-brother was born a while ago? Maybe that's why there is a point of trying to pretend to be an adult with a feeling of forcibly growing up.

But above all, don't tease your opponent.

as well as himself... … That girl named Philvia was like that, and regardless of whether it was different or not, she approached without hesitation and begged me to cuddle and play.

There are not many children who can act like that innocently.

Even now, while the other children notice, only Arna and Philvia care about themselves.

“… … I am surprised.”

“huh? What are you talking about?”

I shook my head saying nothing.

It was the first time that she knew how happy it was to have someone talk to her, but even she was embarrassed to say it openly.

“Anyway, let’s play! Lots of fun things!”

“huh… … but… …

Aside from Arna's consideration, there must be restrictions on what she can do if she travels with her.

Now, it is difficult for her to even climb a small hill. Even if the ladies-in-waiting help, if they follow and help every time, other children cannot play freely.

“no. I'm okay.”

Shall I specify for now?

At that time, the person wearing the strange doll clothes approached and asked sneakily from behind.

“Oops… … Apparently, I want to play, but that chair looks a bit cumbersome.”

It is not a sympathy, but a tone that calmly puts and analyzes the facts as they are.

“Yes yes… …

Silin hesitated and nodded. He said he had something good and put something on the back of her neck and around her waist.

“uh? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!”

Suddenly, I felt a strange floating feeling.

As she struggled with her arms, she realized that her body was floating low.

The mysterious thing is that it moves forward as if the wind is pushing it naturally in the direction it wants to go.

It is a power that is more convenient than you think.

“Now you won’t need this.”

And the doll's clothes were removed appropriately as if Silin's wheelchair was not needed.

“What's this?”

“Magical Action Auxiliary Magic Tool.”

The doll clothes man explained briefly.

“It might be a little awkward, but if you have it, you will be able to play around without getting in the way. It's a gift in exchange for being close to my little boy.”

A tool that generates floating magic.

But it's not that simple. In order to respond to all sudden movements of children.

There's no way it's possible with just one magic formula.

It is a tool made by meticulously combining hundreds of spell patterns.

“huh! That's great!”

Arna didn't understand the principle, but pulled her with a big smile as if she was relieved that she could play now.

“My little boy… … no way.”

And the beastman Philvia tilted her head as if she noticed something as she remembered the words of the man in the doll's clothes, but soon she too was drawn to Arna as well.

“Come on, have fun. Children don't have such gloomy faces.”

And the doll clothes for such children... … Arell lightly waved his hand and let it go.

Children become friends while playing. As if to prove that, there is no awkward atmosphere, and they get along with each other forgetting their families and positions.

In that respect, it can be said that they are more intuitive than adults. Because there will never be a bondage of the evil world in the rules between those children.

If we can become close, it would be perfect for the children and the adults watching, but as always.

There is no one who has such extraordinary thoughts.

“uh? doesn't exist?”

Arna tilted her head.

does not exist?

where are the other kids? one two… …

yes there is Even if we are meeting for the first time today, if we play this much, we will remember it.

However, there was no way he could not have noticed that Silin was missing.

much more... … .

“… … Where did Silin go?”

If only the magic tool that the child depended on for all his actions a moment ago was left.

Of course you find it strange.

Arna looked around.

Yes. The world, as always, is not always good. How

a former pro

sucks honey

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