How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 712

- Episode 79 of Gaiden

Episode 79 of

Gaiden It is as Cressel pointed out.

Why did such a monster appear in this land? Of course, the cause exists separately.

“how! How can those savage bastards! The being I summoned! How the hell eh eh eh eh eh.”

There are people who tear their hair out and scream.

A man with a black robe and an ominous aura and stench.

People would call him this.

“… … Warlock.”


The warlock flinched at the sudden thin voice and turned around to find Hetia, who had been ruined in the previous battle, blocking the entrance, glaring at him.

“… … did you do it?”

Hetia glared coldly at the warlock as if she already knew the whole story.

The approximate logic was deduced by Cressel once.

And as he pointed out, there is a culprit here, so he wouldn't be wrong.

[Because that monstrous creature wasn't born from an ordinary natural phenomenon.]

And the cause lies here.

“… … four years.”

The witch mage glared at Hetia and narrowed her eyes. Concentrating black mana in the field of vision is probably using some kind of magic that scans the essence of the opponent.

“It’s unpleasant… …

“Right… … The Pessel Go guy touched it... … Are you a test subject?”

“… … What are you talking about?”

However, the warlock didn't seem to have much of an answer.

You've probably seen her somewhere.

Well, Hetia isn't too interested in things like that now.

In fact, Cressel had already speculated about Hetia's birth several times.

Although it was confusing, it was after I understood it to some extent.

But there is anger.

“remember. Are you wearing those black clothes too?”

“joy… … Regarding the dirty test subject.

… … But did you dare to interfere with my experiment?”

Rather, the black magician expressed hostility towards Hetia with a red flag.

[It's a nerve-wracking thing. It's an experiment... …

Well, he speaks at such a low level.]

For Cressel, who prides himself on being well versed in magic, these words inevitably come out with ridicule.

Even if it was an experiment, the monster probably came out by coincidence over and over again.

Maybe it's different from the original purpose.

[Certainly, even if it continues like this, there's no way a kid like that will be able to control it. Tsk.]

However, as if the black magician didn't even know that shame, he raised blood vessels on his forehead and exploded in useless anger.

“Something that does not even know the sublimity of the abyss is talking!”

“… … What do you know?”

Of course, Hetia wouldn't be interested in it.

“good night. This damage was replaced by the blood and heart of four years and other lesser things... …


The witch mage, who had been talking a lot, staggered and vomited a dark red mass.

Several arrows were lodged in his chest.

Even in this room, it flew accurately and aimed at his vital points.

“It fit.”

As Hetia waved her hand, the elves hiding nearby quietly nodded.

Of course, she couldn't have come alone.

At that time, Hetia properly told the other races what Cressel had heard, and they also willingly agreed to find the culprit.

“… … Warlock.”

“To think that someone with such an ominous aura is lurking around.”

“Anyway, you mean that guy?”

“I will not forgive you.”

All of the different races, without exception, cast an angry gaze at the warlock.

No matter how much he is, he can't help but be shaken.

What's more, that black magician, to borrow Cressel's words, is third-rate.

I will never be able to withstand their wrath.

“Kuh… … Something like this beast... …

“Hoo? You speak well.”

“Isn’t that guy barking needlessly more of a beast?”

Rather, as if it were interesting, the warriors of the different races let out vicious smiles and drew their weapons and approached the warlock.

“… … huh. After that, there is nothing I can do.”

It doesn't seem like there's anything you can do.

Hetia muttered that and secretly watched the man's words.

[Well, that's called causation... … . Foolish bastard.]

Cressel coldly muttered to himself as if he had no sympathy for the youngster.

That day, Hetia must have thoroughly looked at this.

What kind of words do those who have traditionally dabbled in evil deed see? … .

You must have seen it in the most special seats.

The detailed clean-up will be handled by the heads of each tribe.

After finishing her work, Hetia was able to get what she wanted from the Dwarf leader, Befindil, as promised.

“ruler. take it.”

An ID that proves your activities in the dwarven territory.

As long as you have this, you are free to come and go here.

“I definitely got it.”

Because her purpose from the beginning was a place where she could stay immediately.

“I’m going to ask you to confirm. Did you give it to the other guys too?”

“ah… … Did you hear?”

“Do not underestimate the role of the head of the race.”

Originally, all Hetia asked for was the right to live in the Dwarf stronghold, but what was unexpected was that other races gave the same thing after hearing the promise.

Proof of permission to enter their territory.

Now, even when Hetia goes to and from the territories of each race, no one can say anything.

‘The true intention is to subjugate them to their territory, but.'

In the forest of Centaur or Minotaur, or in the nest of Harpies, they will try to capture Hetia later.

Now is just a part of it.

“So what?”

“… … I'm going to wander around for a while.”

Hetia made a decision after thinking about it.

Originally, I wanted a safe place to stay, but I changed my mind somewhat.

“I want to go to all the places where there are other races.”

“… … Yeah, it wouldn't be bad if you go back and forth and give them their opinions.”

Because of this incident, it seemed that they were starting to think about how to choose how to unite with these other races.

I wanted to promise a cooperation system just in case, but there were no complaints.

And this wandering girl who doesn't belong anywhere yet may serve as a voice for their opinions.

And if the situation arises, you may wish to step forward and lead them.

“Well, think slowly about where you will stay. Personally, I would like to give you that advice.”

This is advice given as an adult, leaving the tribe behind.


Hetia nodded and rose from her seat.

“So where are you going first?”

“I'm thinking of going to the elves' forest first.”

“… … Come to think of it, they invited you too. It's a big deal for the savvy guys.”

Please be careful. Befindil gave such advice, and Hetia nodded and stepped back.

After Hetia left.

Befindil quietly picked up a piece of parchment and checked it.

A report by his son who took part in the battle.

“What did you just meddle with?


In fact, didn't that kid take control of all races by himself?

Equal command, not biased towards either side.

Would you have made the same decision if you had been there?

… … It would have been hard.

He must have made his remarks only with the safety of the Dwarves in mind.

I can't even think of giving equal instructions.

That's why I have to admit it.

“Come to think of it, in the past… … Did we say that we cooperated sometimes?”

Above all, it is said that the group of heterogeneous tribes at one time had a more intimate form, rather than being clearly divided as they are now.

Hetia seems to have expressed a nuance of wanting a more intimate form than in the past... … .

Will that kid really understand the meaning?

“what… … Whether it's just a child's wish or not, I don't know.”

Anyway, you'll know when the time comes. He decided first to remember the rambunctious kid.

Because that's all there is to it.

Even if something changes, it will still be a long way off.

I heard that from Hetia.

“Anyway, that happened… … In the end, the spear was made by carving the thing that was used then and the corpse of the monster.”

“Is it like a souvenir commemorating the victory?”

After some time has passed, it must have been left to honor her achievements.

After all, it is a thing of memory.

“Hmm… … Is it really like that?”

“Don’t touch me too much. Are you cherishing it?”

[Ha ha ha! Seeing that he said that, Hetia is quite old too... …


Apparently talking about age is taboo, so Hetia throws the cressel with all her might.

It flies well.

It must be their own way of communicating. It's not a relationship built overnight.

“Isn’t that why the present union was formed right after that?”

“hmm… … It took time after that.”

Hetia recounted her hardships in a bitter voice.

The hardships of wandering around the territory of different races. other things you've been through.

“At first it was noisy everywhere I went.”

I also experienced confrontation between each race. I didn't just watch from afar, I was directly involved in it.

Or, the opponent to fight was also a human being.

In particular, it seems that it is bittersweet for her to drive out people who are tired of human supremacy.

“It's ironic that we thought we needed solid cooperation, but it was because of those humans... …

Of course, it seems that Hetia made up her mind to unify the different races in earnest and act as their representative much later than that.

It seems that Hetia liked them and wanted them to live together more.

That's why I decided to integrate them myself.

[Come to think of it, it was around that time that Hetia pretended to be solemn with an unsuitable tone… … My handling got rough too. At first, I thought it was a strange time.]

“It's noisy. this fucking skeleton. In any case, the days were neither too short nor too long… … Much has been gained and much has been lost.”

[what. Do you miss that time now?]

“I didn't mean that. what… … Anyway, now is more important, so there is no time to look back on the past.”

“Hmm… … Is that... …

“What. don't you understand? Arell Ernesia?”

“No, of course, I have experienced it myself. what… … It must have been a long time ago.”

It's not that I don't have a similar experience, but if I recall, I'll have to bring out what was buried at the bottom of my memory. There's no reason to do that now.

I nodded moderately and gently touched the surface of the window.

“By the way, Arell Ernesia? Why do you keep fiddling with that window?”

“Just for some reason, this window… … Because it stands out.”

“Is it something like that?”

As if there was nothing strange about it, she didn't bother to ask.

It's just that one skeleton is silent while looking at me... … .

I sent a telegram to Cressel with my mouth shut.


(So, what do you want to ask, hyung?)

(Hetia doesn't seem to know much about that monster. Didn't you tell me after that?)

(There was no need to teach me.)

It wasn't that I encountered a species similar to that monster after that.

(... Then, of course, you recognized it.)

I stared at the window of courtesy and lost myself in thought.

A truly strange aura felt beyond this pure white luster.

but it's familiar

However, I thought it was an energy that I couldn't detect if I was here.

I thought it was an illusion, but after hearing Hetia's story. And seeing Cressel's awkward reaction, he was convinced.

Cressel seems to be trying hard not to mention the monster's identity.

(……It can’t exist in this world

……and even if it does exist, it’s a sacred creature that’s alien to it……)

Excessive sanctity is like deadly poison.

that's why i don't know

(It seems to be called variously depending on the world... but if I'll explain it to you, Mr.-san knows.)

(...a type of divine beast.) Both

simple monsters and beasts. A word that refers to an alien being that cannot be called an intelligent life.


The most sacred beasts in the world and the most heterogeneous beings.

They are so rare that even I can't say for sure that I know them all.

That's right, I can count on a handful of things I've seen, and I've been born and lived in their world by chance.

That's why I can't find out any more.

(Well, don't take it too seriously, hyung. At that time, it seems that the kid accidentally bought it.) It seems that there

was no special aftermath after that.

(……Then it doesn’t matter.)

(Unsurprisingly. I can’t imagine that older brother would show such an awkward attitude.)

It seems that Cressel doesn’t know much about divine beasts either. He must have minimal knowledge.

what happened

As he said, it's been quite a while, and it's a headache to overthink things.

I quietly returned the spear to the cradle and looked away. How

a former pro

sucks honey

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