How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 685

- Gaiden Episode 52

Gaiden Episode 52

“He is completely crazy!”

The human who claimed to have escaped said so.

oh my? At one time, he was respected like a god, but now he is despised for being him.

“… … From that day on, he started to treat us harshly.”

The person who came to the refuge in that way directly explained the situation inside the place.

“Suddenly he started controlling us.”

Previously, it didn't completely block outside news.

At least I was allowed to exchange news with my relatives and close friends outside.

But after that day he banned even that.

Thoroughly blocked and controlled.

Requesting further cooperation in the experiment.

Even if there was a little something, he interfered in every detail.

“It is said for our sake, but we were rather afraid of his remarks.”

No matter how excellent technology is based on it, if it is overdone in the end, you will feel fear and discomfort.

I kept my mouth shut and listened to his testimony.

“Unbearable, we escaped… … Finish. Because I had what fell then.”

“… … Originally, I gave it to you to come and play.”

There is no bar to aim for. In the first place, it was given for escape.

I just smiled bitterly and listened to his complaint.

“In short, he has completely changed.”

“yes… … It’s like a person suddenly changed.”

“What has really changed? It happens because we forget something important as a human being.”

” yes'?”

“no. no. Anyway, the recruits of those who escaped, including you, will be guaranteed by those who agree with us, including the Kingdom of Ernesia.”

It is also an agreed upon matter.

For those who had originally turned their backs on it, it was agreed that they would protect and return them as much as possible.

“thank you!”

He lowered his head as if to strike his head on the ground. That's probably what I was most concerned about.

Even if I was tempted, I turned away from my hometown. what if you go back The lord of that place does not stand still.

Well, I usually don't get involved in things like this, but I help out as an exception.

“… … You will never be able to do something similar twice.”

“I will keep that in mind.”

Anyway, starting with him, those who escaped will often cross over.

Now you can be sure.

The guy has completely changed.

“Mileus… … No, the one who was Mileus... … It's stupid.”

I sighed at his foolishness and began to think about my next course of action.

[why… … Why are you guys rejecting my technique!]

For Miles, the current situation was extremely incomprehensible.

I thought I was recognized.

[Isn't this what you want!]

No lord will be able to provide.

No aggression.

There is no such thing as starving to death.

He must have filled all the necessary elements as a human being.

But somehow they turned their eyes to the outside world again.

And that's because of a trivial means of play!

[If you pay attention to such a low culture, you will not be able to progress!]

Arel Ernesia is like that.

Although he has the means of being a reincarnated person, he uses it only to dazzle all people.

It can be induced to develop further, but it is wasted only on trivial things such as play.

That is why this giant stone statue was erected.

It was because he believed that mankind, which he led and tested his technology by disconnecting from the world, was more advanced.

[I'm sure I'm not wrong!]

It's because of lack of leadership.

If you teach fools properly and control them tightly, someday they will understand your meaning.

however… … In the end, there were even those who escaped. I'm currently analyzing what method I used, so I'll stop escaping later... … .

This loss cannot be ignored, as once a dam leaks, it eventually collapses.

[Why! why! Why!]

What was lacking? Mileus, unable to comprehend, let out a maddening cry.

[What's lacking is to belittle the desires of the human species.]

But someone spoke to his troubled spirit.

[Who are you?]

Who are you talking to?

Even more so, the voice just before was the same as his own.

But it's not even a joke.

Speech by someone who clearly has a different will from his own.

[And the result of Mileus's desire also manifested. I judged that I had to execute a plan that excluded desire from the beginning.]

[Who is it!]

But that voice did not respond properly to Mileus' cry.

As if it doesn't matter anymore.

[…] … No way.]

[Didn't you name it yourself?]


Didn't you name it like that?

However, it must have been nothing more than a temporary pseudonym used to hide his identity.

[…] … No way! Why do you have a will... … no. There's no way there's no will to it!]

I realized the identity of that voice.

Come to think of it, when he removed this consciousness from his body, he used the treasure trove of knowledge left by the reincarnated person named Heriel.

It was natural. Wasn't it the artifact that gave me that knowledge more than anything else?

However, the pseudo-personality that managed the artifact was, of course, excluded from the beginning.

I wasn't even aware of its dangers.

And it was subsequently destroyed by those led by Arele Ernesia. That's how I observed... … .

[It's called human carelessness.]

The voice answered for the first time.

But for some reason it seemed to be laughing at him.

[A plan to use a foolish individual named Mileus to give him knowledge and maintain a human being.]

Then, he begins to explain at will.

the intention... … Of course, there is no way you will not notice.

[However, we have determined that it is no longer necessary to present Mileus as an individual. It is because his greed has gone beyond the permissible limits.]

[… ] … My greed?]

[His desire. That's what I want to be recognized for.]

[…] … .]

The voice pointed out that it was the driving force behind all of Mileus' actions.

[What I want to be recognized by others. What you want to enjoy your position through.

In the end, that's all. But he eventually started to collapse in his own logic.]

[I can't admit it!]

But now it's too late to deny it. Miles felt a sense of incongruity.

The freedom he felt after abandoning his body no longer existed.

I felt stuffy, as if my mind was caught in countless invisible strings.

[Borrowing a human style, speaking... … .]

That voice judged the artifact's quasi-personality to be like this.

[You are no longer needed.]

There is no need to hide in his shadow by borrowing the desire of an individual named Mileus.

After all, if you put up with him whose logic has already collapsed, you can't expect more than this.

[So, thank you for your hard work. Greedy human being.]

Disguising his name is the limit anyway.

[You son of a bitch!]

Mileus tried his best, but it was too late.

If he hadn't abandoned his body, he wouldn't have even dreamed of the current reversal.

But he foolishly abandoned himself.

identity as one's own body.

that's the most important thing

Miles is already dead.

All that remains now is the remnants of his intoxicated desire.

Pressing it would be so simple.

really stupid

[Good luck.]

With just that, the will of Mileus vanishes so easily.

[…] … Now, I will carry out the plan to manage humans in earnest.]

After pushing out Mileus and taking his place, Grigori reveals his purpose in earnest.

[So far, Miles has been observing the behavior of individuals and observing the behavior of others.

An important conclusion has been reached.]

It judged.

[The thing that blocks human progress is greed.

And the source of all misfortune is also desire.]

It arbitrarily judges human beings and their intellect.

you said you ate

[If you don't get rid of all human desires, there won't be anything else after that.]

It arbitrarily draws standards and puts them into action.

and that moment. The whole area shook.

[of all desires… … exclusion of humans... ?

Set what to aim for.]

And at that point. Outside the giant stone statue

“Mi… … I can't believe it... …

Those who observed the giant stone statue first suspected that their eyes were gone or that they were crazy.

Even if it's like a nightmare, I can't find words to express how I feel right now.

The giant stone statue increased.

The ground seemed to be shaking, and then additional stone statues pierced the ground and crawled up one after another.

“Oh God… …

I want to pray on the spot. Not out of awe, of course, but out of fear.

not one or two

I thought it was dozens, but it's not even that.

A number that might reach hundreds.

It's over... … .

“… … Everything is over.”

He shuddered, forgetting for a moment that he had to hurry back and report.

And that day... … A whole nearby city had to be trampled down and destroyed without leaving a trace.

“I almost died! What the hell is that!”

I thought something had happened, but when I came to check it out, the trainer was very angry and tried to grab me by the collar.

“Yanma is noisy.”

Uh huh! Where do you dare to touch?

bean! When he hits the chestnut, he struggles, holding on to his forehead.

“There is no real blood or tears!”

“Do you see it or say it properly? What are you so annoyed about?”

Perhaps the reason why this guy suddenly got annoyed was that the stone statue attacked a human. In the end, it must be because of what happened while he went to rescue humans as he was told.

I must have seen something absurd.

… … To be honest, I'm not happy with this response. It's because you can already guess what the answer will be.


“hmm? hundred?”

“Baekim. The number of statues increased… …

And the additional stone statues marched relentlessly and seemed to have completely crushed a city.

“Are there humans?”

“… … I saved it once. bunch more. can not… …

While lying down on the ballad, he appeals that he has no more energy. In fact, there would be no power left.

“It burned white. strike.”

Normally, I would joke around saying that you did a good job there, but what he said was the problem.

“A hundred… …

“Aren’t you surprised?”

“First of all, I didn’t think there would be only one of them. Rather... … That's what it means.”

Obviously, it is not something that Mileus would commit based on his personal will.

that it is

“It seems that the ego has collapsed… …

Foolish fellow.”

I was guessing from the beginning.

The means by which he escaped. I thought it couldn't work out right.


“… … hey. Turn around for a moment.”

“huh? what all of a sudden.”

“Look around, it’s okay. Now, hurray and whirl?”

The guy who says he doesn't know why goes round and round as instructed.

I am me too, but is the pride of this guy who does as he is told okay?

It's not like I'm doing anything wrong.


Right away, I lightly kicked him around the waist.


Truly a man's outward scream.

The trainer didn't even have time to think about his appearance, so he rolled forward and cried.

I was careless, I didn't even think I would kick it, and I wonder if I'm going to have a good time with myself.

“Beast! trash!”

“hey. hey. It's embarrassing to praise you so much.”

“I didn’t compliment you!”

“And first of all, did you help?”

The guy who was about to protest hesitated, feeling that this was nonsense.

I noticed it belatedly. why i kicked

to bother?

No way. If that's the purpose, I won't bother you in such a trivial way.

but… … . How

a former pro

sucks honey

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