How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 604

Episode 604. Beyond the Sky (2) Just like a baby, Arna smiles brightly at how happy her father is playing with her without knowing the world.

It seems like Arna was born just yesterday, but holding her in her arms feels quite heavy.

“There are a lot of troublesome things in Arna’s world. You too will understand little by little when you grow up someday. There are so many things in the world.”

” ah?”

As if he didn't know yet, he just touched and patted my face.

yeah it's better not to know

now and in the future.

If possible, it is much more beneficial to not know about these things.

The culprit that caused the current situation is Harial and the idiots who sympathize with him.

It was caused by ugly reincarnated people, so it would be the duty as a partner to take responsibility and put an end to it.

Because it is these children who truly live here.

“By the way, tomorrow will be quite noisy. I'm afraid he'll be surprised.”

“… … oh? It's good to worry about Arna, but why don't you start worrying about Arel?”

Pena seemed to have heard what I was saying and came to help with a word.

“I didn’t see you in the office, so I thought you were here.”

“I'm almost done with my work. I've done everything to review. What's the rest? Now, while I'm away, it's just Arna imprinting my face so that I won't forget? right?”

“???? Ugh.”

Pena smiled bitterly at me as I pressed my forehead against Arna's forehead as if it was absurd.

“so? what's the matter?”

I'm free but the other guys aren't.

There might be a problem, so if that's what you're here for, I'll go see you.

But Pena shook her head slowly.

“Everyone is doing well. I just wanted to talk because I had nothing to help with for a while.”

“Hmm, neither the master nor the hostess will set an example by being idle as a couple.”

“Who are you to say? More than that, it's not something Arel would say. right?”

When Pena beckoned, Arna waved her body and asked to get down and went to Pena.

And then he puts on a face that seems to be proud of something.

Are you more of a mother than a father? shaking.

wait and see

I'll reverse it right away when Arna starts talking properly.


” huh?”

“Why did you decide to go yourself this time?”

I couldn't answer for a while because it was suddenly buried like that, and I kept my mouth shut.

“I told you why. I must go and direct... …

“Isn’t that what it is?”

Pena pointed out sharply.

Yes. I don't have to personally get on board.

Even if you don't go to the battlefield yourself, you can always make excuses, and no one blames you for that.

It's probably not just Pena, but everyone knows it implicitly.

But don't you think I'll suddenly point out.

“You don’t like going?”

“Where in the world is there a person who would say he likes them? What’s more, that’s where you never know what might happen.”

Pena sighed lightly and said.

“Is there a reason you have to go?”

“This time, Arel is that car... what was it? I know you care where those weird people show up. Maybe everyone is noticing?”

“… … That's right.”

Because I actively led the work more than other times.

Until now, from the feeling that when something happened, I ended up reluctantly.

Now he started talking, saying, ‘To solve this, we have to deal with that guy.'

After all, if this were a normal war, I would have looked at the situation here before anything else.

Rather, it would be strange not to notice.

“You want to know why?”

I looked her in the eye and asked.

How will you answer?

would you like me to teach you? or not… … .

Pena seemed to think for a moment, then shook her head.

“If you don’t have to tell me, I won’t listen.”

“hmm… … okay? Maybe it's for a very important reason?”

“Then I won’t come any more… … It's kind of burdensome!”

Well, if it's like her to deliberately refuse like this.

Perhaps I noticed that it was out of consideration for my intentions, so I just smiled and nodded that I understood.

“Don’t worry. I'll be back soon this time. And then... … Let's talk after we get back.”

There is a lot to talk about and a lot to do after that.

Although human life is short, there is so much density.

“It's something to do... …

“What, there are many things? There are many places to go to play in the future. and um?

To put it bluntly, wouldn’t it be nice if Arna had a younger sister?”

“… … Doesn't it already exist?”

“… … What do you think of me, Mrs.

However, pretending to avoid looking at her as if she were shy would be my response.

“Ugh! Anyway, I'm waiting for you to come back. There really won't be any more big things after this.”

I can say this with confidence.

i come back

Shall I give up the wonderful house I have built here?

Even though it's a place I'll go through for a while in my future life, I have no intention of letting go easily.

because that's my way

So I definitely win.

Finally, the day came when everything was ready.

Like it or not, the fortunes of the people here will change today.

Yes, depending on who wins.

“… … haam? what. Is it morning already?”

And on the day of the decisive battle, I slowly stretched and looked at the sky.

It's unnecessarily clear.

Originally, on a day like this, you have to go on a picnic.

… … To think that I have to go to the face of a disgusting Wen-soo.

“After today, it doesn’t matter as long as we can play to our heart’s content.”

Yes, after today, no problem.

… … Although that day will probably be the longest day of my 101st life.

Preparation was fine.

All work was completed as scheduled, and the plan was reviewed several times.

“… … Am I really going to be like this?”

Pena looked up at the finished product and blurted out her words.

What is now placed in a large workshop for work.

it's a huge cannon

No matter how you look at it, it's a cannon.

However, there was no gunpowder here, and firearms using gunpowder like cannons were not made, so everyone, including Pena, reacted as if they were unfamiliar with what it was.

Inside the cannon was a similarly huge capsule-shaped lump of iron.

A total of five of them are arranged in parallel.

“Is there a warship in there?”

“that's right. The entire ship was wrapped in a large amount of cushioning material, and the outer shell was reinforced with a single plate of alloy made of titanium and dragon scales.”

And shoot it straight away.

That is the beginning and end of this departure plan.

Preparation was not simple.

It was also a fuss to urgently get a buffer material and an iron plate.

Above all, making that gun barrel was work.

Thanks to this, I had to tear down the entire workshop here.

“The calculations are perfect. If we shoot it like this, it will surely reach the sea.”

I've reviewed it several times, so there's nothing wrong with it.

And thousands of tons of iron are flying around, and it would be difficult to stop them.

Literally mass is a bully.

Anyway, the preparations are over, so now all we have to do is launch them.

And if you break that bastard's pot, it's over.

“ruler! Good job everyone!”

I clapped and encouraged the workers to congratulate everyone for their hard work.

“Of course, I have no intention of ending it with words.

Right now, I don't have time, so I'm just saying it directly, but after today, you will all definitely get a fair reward.”

The workers also quietly stop their hands and listen to me.

“Now, let’s get to the finish! Shoot this ship out! finish everything!

We'll meet tomorrow!”

When I briefly finished my words, everyone shouted and went to the end.

I'm ready to fight, but ready.

I shouldn't forget to ask everyone who will stay in Fahilia.

After personal preparation, I called everyone.

to ask for the last time.

“As soon as we launch the ships as scheduled, everyone thoroughly defends the city.”

It was because it was obvious that at that time, those armors that surrounded Pahilia would attack.

Attacking is important, but defense is also important.

And I'm going to leave that to everyone.

“I understand. That said, only Arel-sama is going... …

Asha carefully expressed her concern.

In this operation, only me, the sailors who will handle the ship, and about 30% of Yeongji-gun go out on the boat.

However, his aides are not included in this trip.

Until now, when I had no choice but to go to the battlefield, I took everyone with me as much as possible.

Because I didn't want to work. I stuck to the policy of bringing in all the talent I could pass on to what was possible.

However, this time was an exception.

“I can't help it. If everyone goes, who will protect this place?”

Things are different than other times.

Previously, there was no problem with security even if the minimum territory army was left, and Pahilia was not in a situation where it was directly threatened.

But now it is different.

Obviously, when the situation develops in earnest, those cans will also attack.

The invasion of Ernesia Kingdom will be intensified.

Other places will be engulfed in war.

That's why those who remain must protect this place.

“Arel, do you really have to ride yourself? Wouldn’t it be better not to go?”

Pena asks if she's worried again.

haha Even if it's me, if I see something like that, I want to stop it.

“It's a crazy plan to launch ships.

Of course I can't ride it. And on that battlefield, someone has to be in charge.”

Being in charge is not someone who gets out of the back and gives orders over a desk.

It is your duty to accompany and observe the dangerous scene.

“For the time being, when the ship is launched, Dia will be on board as well. It's just to help the ship land. As soon as the ship lands on the sea, Diado will go to the Magic Tower and help save Pahilia.”

“… … I will.”

Dia answered cautiously.

The reason why she dared to follow her was to join the Magic Tower.

Well, he was dissatisfied with not being able to help me, but in the end, he followed me because I persuaded him, ordered him, and taught him.

“don't worry. I also have enough reinforcements. Rather, I am worried about this place.”

Therefore, I also proposed a plan to abandon the city and evacuate if the situation really did not go well.

Even now, if you feel that defense is impossible, you have not hesitated to abandon the city and move everyone to the capital, and you have made an evacuation plan.

“don't worry. I will protect the city no matter what.”

Pena nodded quite confidently as if to be relieved.

“You don’t have to force yourself to keep it. If you think it won't work, move on to the evacuation plan. You can abandon the city.”

The city needs to be redone. But people can't. I seriously recommend this.

“So don’t worry. You've won at best, but if the house you're coming back to is broken, isn't it troublesome? don't worry. I'll keep you all well. yes?”

When Pena asks, everyone silently agrees.

“First of all, people from my hometown said they would help from the outside.”

“Aside from that, there is no need to worry about this place, as they said that the remaining troops from the kingdom will be used to help with the relief of Pahilia.”

It wasn't like I was playing around during the siege.

Teleport still works, but other means of contact were somehow secured.

There are also people who have expressed their intention to help this side when they barely reach the outside, so it's no problem.

everyone said so

This time, unlike other times, I will not be able to give advice myself.

After I head there, I can't afford to worry about anything else either.

But don't worry.

What I have given so far, what I have taught, and what I have made here like everyone else is not so soft.

So, you can leave the house to us.

“Then I will believe you. One day. After today, nothing more will happen.”

Instead of long words, everyone nodded while making eye contact.

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