How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 568

Chapter 568. Conversation with an Uninvited Guest (4)

“But your attitude right now seems to be based on the premise that your side is superior to us.”


Rumelsitasa responded without hesitation.

“We are giving them a chance because we are better than others. It is only natural that those who excel lead those who do not. And if you join hands with us, you can develop comfortably.”

It's bullshit similar to what Hariel had claimed to me before.

Some of the envoys swallowed dry saliva at the words that were nothing short of tempting.

You may be thinking that it would be comfortable if you could receive their aid without having to mess with it.

“Be superior… … You make it easy.”

“Yes, of course.”

“under?… I couldn't help but

laugh at that shameless attitude.

The logic of arguing that someone might not be Hariel's colleague is the same.

“Those who excel lead those who do not. It's a natural flow. Aren't you like that too? A noble is a king... … They must be superior to the people you rule.”

It's not completely false.

It is necessary for a more capable and wiser person to represent and lead everyone.

Otherwise, the group will lose its direction.

I don't even deny that.

“And isn’t Prince Ernesia also a representative of those outstanding people?”

I didn't mean to point out that I was a reincarnated person.

In fact, there is no point in trying to drive them claiming to be a reincarnated person.

It's okay if you catch me saying I'm not.

meaningless play.

Instead, it seemed that they were trying to drive me to be a representative of outstanding human beings.

“Thanks to your existence alone, what kind of reign is the kingdom of Ernesia enjoying. Those of you who are here will know.”

everyone sees me

I feel various gazes such as envy or jealousy.

“What is the difference between the Kingdom of Ernesia and your country? Why is there such a difference?”

She asks as if she is genuinely curious.

It's deliberately putting an alienation.

That guy says the right thing, but in fact, isn't it what the most full of people say?

Even if this place collapses, we are the only ones who are not regretful.

That is true.

‘It's so persistent.'

It's been a really bad year.

“The gap can be narrowed by joining hands with us. Everyone is happy.”

What kind of pseudo-religion is this?

… … In fact, the human beings living in the city looked like fanatics clinging to it fanatically.

Are you tempted

“Or will you reject us and fall behind them forever?”

Foreign envoys are not able to object.

It is true that they are jealous of Ernesia Kingdom.

“I would also like to ask for understanding and persuasion from Prince Ernesia. Don't you think it right for them to enjoy the reign your country enjoys?”


But I just crossed my arms and let out a deep sigh.

“Dr. Arell Ernesia?”

“The claim was well received.”

I tapped the desk and made a deliberate noise.

“Certainly, it would be good for everyone to share. but… …

I questioned

“The question is, I wonder if what you bring is really progress.”

“… … What do you want to say?”

“To hold hands with you means to entrust everything. What do you mean there is progress?”

They just take what they feed them.

It will definitely be comfortable. deserves to be attracted

“I ask you one thing. What if you make a claim that is even a little bit wrong and we go against it?”

“If abandoned as it is, will the abandoned people be able to live at that time?”

If you throw away those who can't even stand on their own, they will die.

Entrusting everything to them is the same as entrusting all the rights of life and death to them.

After that, if they deviate even a little from their will, they will weed them out without hesitation.

I pointed out the danger around the corner.

you like peace

The moment you obey, you can be abandoned at any time.

Perhaps the other envoys are also wary of the danger, even if I don't have to point it out.

“Also, you said a while ago that other countries would not be able to catch up with Ernesia Kingdom. I wonder if that's really the case.”


“Are you unexpectedly catching up?”

When I said that lightly, what surprised me was the envoys from other countries.

Everyone haha! is making a face

No, why are you surprised?

“Recently, even within the Kingdom of Ernesia, some products developed in other countries are being distributed. There is quite a demand for it.”

Of course, it's the result of struggling to keep up with my products from Arnil.

It seems to be getting a good response in the market as well.

If you eat just one thing, you will get bored.

That's why people put their hands on what they gave.

Of course, the absurdity of opening another chicken restaurant next to it just because you opened a chicken house won't work.

At least if you struggle and show sincerity, you will get results.

That means they too can compete.

They don't have the heart to catch up easily, but they insist on pursuing them.

“Are you going to deny that too?”

When I, none other than myself, admit that there is a possibility, envoys from other countries are also puzzled.

Unexpectedly, you must have been surprised when I gave it a high rating.

People tend to be weak to praise.

“It's a family full of fantasies.”

“Their claim is an arrogant assumption.”

Maybe both are bullshit.

It's been a long time since I've been in the middle of a long time.

But I think it's right to see the potential and draw it out.

A dog that just takes everything you give it? I have no intention of letting him become a pig.

“Well, that's what I'm claiming.”

Once I took a step back.

Arguing here is inconclusive.

“If desired development is the goal, do you think it would be better for you to jump on the same stage and compete instead of making such an arrogant proposal?”

“… … Let’s remember it for now.”

Rumelsitasa responded surprisingly calmly.

It's that I don't have the heart to listen.

Until the end, the reincarnated people who were united around Harial had no intention of giving up their superiority.

we stare at each other

“It's late. I think it would be better to talk about it later.”

Since they must have already become tired from the argument, they recommend that they take a break today, and at the same time, the schedule for the day comes to an end.

The talks continued over the next few days.

Rumelsitasa, which revealed its true nature from the first day, constantly appealed to foreign envoys for their superiority and seduced them to rely on them.

And I keep tackling her in a nasty way.

It was a repetition of it.

The outcome of the talks was not clearly defined.

After all, that place was a greeting stage for reincarnated people to introduce themselves.

It will be from now on that they will be openly active.

And I, too, will begin to condemn them in earnest from now on.

The preparations have already been completed.

* * *

How many talks is this already?

It is difficult because there is no end in sight.

As soon as they sat down, envoys from other countries looked alternately at Rumelsita Temple and me, as if they had remembered the atmosphere so far.

Don't worry. I have no intention of catching horses today.

“… … So, first of all, I would like to bring up a story from my side first.”

As soon as the meeting started, I quietly requested to speak.

Everyone agrees and wants to hear my story.

However, Rumelsitasa did not show any kind attention as if they had noticed something.

yea you know

That I just won't be there.

“I think the Caduceus side will have to explain this.”

I deliberately gave off copies of the data to all envoys in other countries, showing a displeased mood.

ruler. Extra! Extra! Everyone should see it!

It's a law to rotate the good and return the bad.

Rumelsitasa also sees it and narrows her eyes.

Being a little concerned is more of a feeling of ‘Something to explode has exploded' rather than feeling embarrassed.

… … what happened Proceed as scheduled.

Thank you so much for introducing yourself.

But the profile seems a bit lacking? Do I have to write it correctly on my resume?

What is lacking, I will introduce for you.

Oh don't hesitate whoop whoop whoop.

“Have you read everything?”

The material I handed over for clarification.

It is very interesting to see the faces of foreign envoys who saw it.

Sometimes it becomes earth-colored, sometimes it gets tired of being blue, and sometimes it becomes red-hot.

Is it a human traffic light?

It deserves it.

What I handed over to them now.

It is the result of what I have been investigating these days.

A theorem on continental drift.

This is heartwarming information that has never been properly shown to anyone.

“… … Oh, that the continents are moving?”

“What kind of joke are you talking about?”

“I am not kidding. Of course I understand. You won't believe it. That's why I've done a thorough investigation and came to the conclusion.”

The fact that I was investigating something was probably noticed by other countries to some extent.

But you probably didn't think it would be this.

“In conclusion, I would like to say that the current continent is moving and gradually narrowing.”

“… … Um, I definitely can't believe it.”

“But if it's a matter like this, shouldn't you be talking about it somewhere else instead of here?”

They still can't seem to pick up their doubtful faces.

I totally don't think I'm lying.

But I don't think it's a topic worth bringing up here.

Rather, if this is an issue, you might think that it is an issue that needs to be shared more deeply in a different place.

I agree.

“However, we do not know if the cause of this phenomenon is related to them.”

I blinked and pointed at Rumelsitasa.

Until now, she hadn't said much, but now she accepted the sound of leisurely laughter.

“Are you saying it’s our fault?”

“Rather than that, I’m sure it was caused by that side.”

Of course, since I am confident, I will come out strong.

“For now, the suspicion is written there, so please refer to it.”

How can I explain why my mouth hurts?

Leyline flow. and its focus.

All doubts were written down in detail and thrown away.

“If there are any corrections, I will accept them.”

if there is, that is

I leisurely folded my arms and waited.

“… … I don't think there's any need for that.”

However, what Rumelsitasa chose was not a lame excuse.

I let out a languid sigh as if it was just annoying.

Her mood had changed slightly just now.

“Are you admitting it?”

“Is your side really involved in this phenomenon?”

The atmosphere of foreign envoys has changed and they question her, but she does not bother to answer.

Just patiently waiting for them to stop babbling.

For an instant, the atmosphere becomes sharp as if it were questioning her.

that's the original law

When it becomes clear that you have done one thing wrong, it is human relations to be mercilessly punished for it.

‘… … There is no commotion at all.'

It looks so peaceful that it doesn't even get scratched.

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