Hollow Ascension

Chapter 13: Whispered Flames

Chapter 13: Whispered Flames

Kael melted back into the guildhall, his footsteps silent as he crossed the floor, leaving the heated arguments and debate behind. His mind raced, processing what he had just learned from the nobles upstairs. They were planning to "remove" the agitators—an opportunity and a threat that he needed to exploit carefully.

He wove through the crowd, his Stealth Ability still active, keeping him unnoticed by the arguing adventurers. The skill was already proving invaluable, allowing him to eavesdrop and move freely without drawing attention. Now, it was time to use that information to further sow discord within the guild.

He spotted Finn sitting at a table near the back of the hall, staring down into a mug with a troubled expression. The other bronze-ranked adventurers clustered around him, their voices tense as they discussed their next move. Kael approached, timing his appearance perfectly as he allowed the Stealth Ability to fade, making himself seen just before reaching their group.

"Hey," Kael greeted softly, slipping into the empty seat beside Finn. "You all look like you've got a lot on your minds."

Finn glanced at him, his eyes flickering with a mix of worry and anger. "We're trying to figure out how to approach this," he muttered, his gaze shifting to the other adventurers. "Garreth shut us down earlier, but we can't just back off now. Not after everything we've said."

Kael nodded, casting his eyes down as if deep in thought. He needed to play this carefully, to plant the right idea without revealing what he had overheard. "I agree," he said quietly. "But I think you should be careful how you proceed. I heard some rumors that the nobles might be planning to... take matters into their own hands."

The group tensed, eyes darting toward Kael. The scarred woman, who had been one of the most vocal during the earlier confrontation, narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice barely more than a whisper.

Kael met her gaze, feigning a troubled look. "They're worried about losing control. I overheard a couple of higher-ups talking about how they might 'remove' the troublemakers if things get too out of hand."

The word "remove" hung heavily in the air, its implications sinking in. The adventurers exchanged glances, uncertainty and fear flashing across their faces. Kael could see the conflict in their eyes—anger at the idea of being threatened, mixed with a growing sense of danger.

"So they'd just get rid of us?" Finn said, his voice tight. "Is that it? They'd silence us rather than address our grievances?"

Kael shrugged, his expression one of resignation. "That's how they operate. If they see you as a threat to their control, they'll do whatever it takes to maintain their power. But... that doesn't mean there isn't a way to turn this to our advantage."

The scarred woman frowned, leaning forward. "How?" she demanded. "What can we do against nobles who control everything?"

Kael hesitated for a moment, crafting his response. He needed to push them toward a course of action that would force the nobles into a reaction. It would be risky for the lower ranks but perfect for escalating the conflict to the breaking point he desired.

"If they're planning to remove us," he began slowly, "then we need to make it clear that doing so will have consequences. If we all stop taking missions, if we refuse to participate in the guild's operations, they'll have no choice but to confront us openly. And if that happens, the rest of the guild will see where the nobles' priorities really lie."

Silence followed his words, the group processing the implications. Kael watched their faces, noting the fear and determination mixing as they realized the potential of his suggestion. A strike, an open refusal to cooperate—this would corner the nobles into showing their true colors, creating a public conflict that could fracture the guild even further.

Finn rubbed his temples, his expression strained. "That's... risky. If we do this and it backfires, they'll crush us."

"It's risky," Kael agreed, nodding earnestly. "But if we don't take a stand, they'll just keep controlling everything from the shadows. This is our chance to force the issue, to make them act in the open where everyone can see."

The scarred woman took a deep breath, her eyes blazing with resolve. "Then we do it. We refuse to take any more missions until they meet with us. If they try to silence us, we make sure the whole guild knows exactly what's happening."

Kael suppressed a surge of triumph. Yes. This was exactly the kind of action that would provoke a response from the nobles, dragging the guild's internal strife into the light. In the ensuing chaos, he could maneuver, observing who sided with whom, and exploiting every fracture.

Finn glanced around the group, his jaw set. "Alright," he said grimly. "We'll spread the word. Let the others know that we're striking until the guild agrees to meet our demands."

The adventurers nodded, their expressions hardening. Kael watched them, his heart beating steadily as his plan unfolded before him. He had guided them to this point, nudging their anger and frustration toward a course of action that would force the guild's hand. Now, it was time to let events take their course.

"Be careful," Kael warned, keeping his voice low. "The nobles won't take this lightly. Watch your backs, and be ready for anything."

The scarred woman smirked, a glint of defiance in her eyes. "We know the risks," she replied. "But we're not going to let them keep pushing us around."

With that, the group dispersed, heading off to spread the word of their strike to other bronze and silver ranks. Kael watched them go, a faint, cold smile playing on his lips. This was the final push. Once the strike began, the nobles would be forced to act, revealing their hand in a way that would deepen the rifts within the guild.

[Stealth Ability: Deactivated]

The System's presence lingered in his mind, a silent observer to his maneuvering. He had moved unseen, gathered information, and now, he had planted the seeds that would bring the conflict to a head. Soon, the guild would be embroiled in turmoil, and amidst the chaos, Kael would continue his ascent.

He turned away from the table, slipping back into the crowd. The noise and bustle of the hall surrounded him, adventurers passing by without sparing him a glance. It was perfect; in their eyes, he was still the quiet, weak member, hardly worth noticing.

As he made his way toward the exit, he caught sight of Garreth Stoneclaw standing near the mission board, his expression dark and troubled. The guild master was speaking with a group of silver-ranked adventurers, his eyes darting occasionally toward the lower ranks clustered around the hall.

Kael paused, observing Garreth from a distance. The man was beginning to realize the gravity of the situation, that his control over the guild was slipping. But he still hadn't seen the full extent of what was coming. Kael intended to keep it that way until it was too late.

"This is just the beginning," Kael murmured to himself as he stepped out of the hall into the courtyard. "Let the storm rage. I'll be the one standing when it passes."

The courtyard was quieter than usual, the shadows lengthening as dusk approached. Kael walked across the open space, his mind already plotting his next moves. He needed to watch, to listen, and to be ready to act when the nobles made their move. The strike would force their hand, and in their reaction, they would reveal their vulnerabilities.

As he reached the edge of the courtyard, he glanced back at the guildhall, where the clamor of voices was growing louder, more heated. The unrest was spreading, the flames of dissent fanned by the promise of change. Soon, the conflict would erupt, and in the ensuing chaos, Kael would find the opportunity to shape the guild's future to his own design.

"The game is in motion," he thought, his eyes gleaming with cold determination. "And I intend to win."

With that, he turned and walked into the gathering dusk, the whispers of the System trailing in his mind as he moved, unseen and unnoticed, through the shadows.

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