His Dearest Wife

Chapter 686

Chapter 686

How could he have a girlfriend?

Seal Li Gou Chen, light hum a.

Ji Youran falls into a very terrible nightmare. She dreams that Ji Han disappears in her life.

Where did he go? Are you really dead?

Don't, don't die, don't leave her alone, she will be afraid.

However, she kept running in the dream, to find him.

Running all over the world, her legs are going to break, her blood is going to dry up, but she can't find him.

This nightmare deeply entangled her, she even called out in the dream sadly, "Ji Han Don't go Don't leave me Don't go... "

"Ah..." A despairing low cry, someone is patting her shoulder, season leisurely painful opened eyes, suddenly a strange middle-aged woman's face reflected in her eyes.

"Have you had a nightmare, miss?" Chu's mother looked at her painfully.

Ji Youran's head is cold sweat, and her eyes are still dyed with fear. Then, she nods.

At this time, her eyes just fell on the bed, and she saw the empty bed. Her heart was shocked. She opened her eyes and stood up, "where's Ji Han? Where is he going? Are you pushing me to surgery? "

Chu's mother frowned more strangely when she saw that she was shouting the man's name.

"Miss, I want to make it clear who you are, that gentleman."

"It's my boyfriend. Why do you ask? Where did he go? Where did you get him? Tell me quickly Ji Youran, in a hurry, directly admits her relationship with Ji Han. Then she anxiously grabs Chu's mother's arm and asks, "is he OK?"

Chu's mother's expression was more incredible. Then she reached out and pointed out the door: "that gentleman woke up two hours ago."

"Ah, wake up? Are you sure? What about other people? " Ji Youran is about to jump when he hears the surprise.

"Gone!" Chu's mother pointed to the door again. For a moment, she didn't seem to reflect: "as soon as he woke up, he immediately stood up and went out. I asked him where he was going, but he didn't tell me. I asked him to lie down and wait for the operation, and he ignored me."

"Gone? How did Ji Han leave? He won't go. You lied to me Ji Youran is going crazy. She can't accept the fact that Ji Han wakes up and leaves without paying attention to her.

"Little girl, I really don't have to cheat you. He really left. Don't you have his phone? You call him and ask him Chu's mother also made a fog.

The little girl said that the man was her boyfriend, but just now the man looked at her coldly.

Should not be this girl wishful thinking like that man.

Look at that man, he is really handsome and tall.

"I don't have his phone. When he's with me, he doesn't carry his cell phone with him..." Ji Youran immediately bowed his head and cried. His mood was so complicated that it was hard to speak.

"Oh, well, why don't you go out and look for it, maybe he hasn't gone far yet." Chu mother looked at her crying appearance, is also distressed, quickly advised her.

Ji Youran seemed to be suddenly awakened, so she gasped. She raised her legs and ran out of the ward. As she ran, she kept shouting, "Ji Han, Ji Han, where are you? Come out and see me. "

Seeing Ji Youran, a nurse who came over immediately said, "is your boyfriend awake? When you wake up, the doctor tells you to do it immediately. "

Ji Youran is now anxious to find Ji Han, ignoring the nurse's words.

The nurse yelled, "what's the matter? Wasn't it urgent yesterday? Why did you ask her not to speak? "

Ji Youran ran out of the ward in a panic and began to look for Ji Han in the whole hospital. She dressed her hair and searched every corner of the hospital like a madman. She asked everyone who might know, but Ji Han disappeared like a nightmare.

"No It's impossible. It's impossible. Ji Han won't leave me. "

"He won't!"

"Ji Han, where are you? Don't leave me, you come back... "

"I promise you, I will never joke with you again, I will never..."

Next to the garden, Ji Youran covers his face and cries like a child.

She looked all over the hospital and asked people at the door, but no one knew where Ji Han had gone.

She can't find him. She can't find him any more, can she?

"Why are you sitting here? Is your boyfriend awake? " Chu Yingying suddenly appeared behind her and asked her anxiously.

Ji Youran raised her head and saw Chu Yingying. She said blankly, "is he gone? He's gone. "

"Who's gone?"

"Cold season!"

"Your boyfriend's gone? Is he awake? "

"Help me, help me find him." Ji Youran pleads blankly.Chu Yingying quickly nodded: "OK, I'll help you find it. Don't cry. Follow me to the monitoring room."

"Yes, monitoring room. Why didn't I think of this? Let's go. Let's go." Ji Youran patted his head with hatred.

Chu Yingying is the mayor's daughter. Naturally, the hospital opened all kinds of green channels for her.

In the monitoring room!

Ji Youran watched the surveillance video and realized that Ji Han had left the hospital alone two hours ago. In the last shot, he stopped a taxi to leave.

Chu Ying Ying also has an incredible face: "how did your boyfriend leave like this? Doesn't he still need surgery? "

Next to a face of dust season leisurely also shocked speechless.

However, in the surveillance video, Ji ran really left.

Finally, she sat in the corridor of the hospital in despair, like a lifeless, abandoned doll, holding her face and calling a name, "Ji Han, why do you want to go? Why don't you wake me up and go with me? I want to go with you

"Miss Ji, you really don't know where he went? What about his family? " Chu Ying Ying is sitting beside her, looking at Ji You Ran's dejected appearance, also feel sad and anxious for her.

"I don't know. I don't know where his family is? I am his family Ji Youran murmured.

"Do you want to go home and have a look? Maybe he's home!"

"But he just..."

Ji Youran sobs. No one knows how hopeless she is now. She is Ji Han's only family. But when Ji Han wakes up and leaves, he doesn't wake her up. Does that mean something more terrible has happened?

Ji Han was a person who lost his memory. If he lost his memory again, how could he remember her?

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