His Dearest Wife

Chapter 234

Chapter 234

Miss Lin sleeps in a daze, and she hears the sound of water coming from her ears. Subconsciously, she thinks, is it too hard for her to forget to close the tap in the bathroom?

But, really too sleepy, quilt too warm, let her not willing to get up.

Now it's winter, and she didn't turn on the air conditioner in the room, so the warmth of the quilt made her particularly attached.

Forget it, just let the water flow. Anyway, she's not bad for money

It's strange. How can the water flow more and more? Is the tap broken?

"How annoying Miss Lin really wanted to continue to sleep, but the sound of the water was so noisy that she couldn't sleep any more.

So she had to get out of bed and walk to the bathroom in the dark.

At the moment, Feng Yu, taking a bath in the bathroom, was startled by the sound of suddenly pushing the door.

Gray, see a touch of petite figure flashed in, without saying a word, he opened the water tap to turn off.

What's more, she didn't find a naked man in the narrow bathroom.

Of course, Miss Lin didn't find out, because she was a little short-sighted. Although she didn't need to wear glasses, in such a dark situation, she didn't pay special attention to whether there were redundant people around her.

After turning off the water, Lin suddenly felt as if she wanted to solve it, so she sat down on the toilet.

Sitting on the toilet, she felt sleepy and her head was shaking.


Why does her face seem to have touched something?

Warm, warm

"Ah..." Miss Lin screamed in horror.

We're going to grab that thing.

Then he heard a familiar male voice over his head: "fool, it's me!"

Miss Lin, the whole person was stunned, reflected, she quickly reached out to turn on the light.

He saw that Feng Yu had nothing all over him, and he still had a lotus in his hand, as if he was taking a bath.

"You When did you come in? " Miss Lin stares big beautiful eyes, sleepiness all ran out.

I'm scared to be a fool by this man.

"Just now!" However, Feng Yu was calm without any embarrassment.

It was difficult for Lin to accept this fact for a moment, until when she looked down, she saw something indescribable.

"Enough? If I've had enough, I'll go out first! " Feng Yu was still generous. After pulling a bath towel, he tied it to his waist.

Miss Lin's little face turned red quickly, and his two little hands quickly covered his eyes. He said, "Feng Yu, you give me the key back. I don't want you to come to my house so quietly."

"No The man's voice came from the bedroom.

After Lin Xiangxiang solved his urgent need, he washed his hands and came out to see the man taking a bottle of ice water from the refrigerator and standing lazily on the balcony drinking.

Miss Lin's eyes turned around him.

Although I have known that this man's figure is very good for a long time, but at the moment, there is still a kind of charm that makes people palpitating.

Every inch of muscles are perfect just right, the most exciting is that pair of long legs.

There is also the perfect eight abdominal muscles and clear Mermaid line. Lin's heart is palpitating.

She walked to his back with a light step, looked up at him with a small face and asked, "Feng Yu, do you mean you are not angry with me?"

"No!" Feng Yu's eyes lightly swept her and looked at the night not far away.

Miss Lin's look lost in an instant, and yelled: "if you don't forgive me, what else do you want to do?"

"I just want to tell you, don't entangle with Leng Yaochen any more." Feng Yu suddenly turned around and stared at her small face. His tone was domineering and angry.

Miss Lin nodded: "I can promise you, I never wanted to entangle with him."

"You should be smart in the future. Don't listen to him easily. He's very dark." Feng Yu came over and put it on her body. She gently raised her chin with her fingers, and her face was full of hot breath.

Lin Xiangxiang frowned and said, "you know he has a dark stomach, so you should believe that I was cheated by him this time."

"I'm angry because of the things you drew for him." Just now, in the bar, Feng Yu Guang glanced at the portraits and found that they were slightly wonderful. At first sight, they were painted with his heart, and his anger was ignited.

Miss Lin's mouth curved: "it turns out that you are so jealous. I dare not make you jealous next time."

"You know now?" Feng Yu twisted her little face.

"Of course, I didn't know it until now. Before, you didn't doubt that I had anything to do with Lu Chen." Lin Xiangxiang vomited his little tongue.

Feng Yu is infatuated with holding her small face. Bo Chen gently rubs against her small face: "fool, I don't pay attention to Lu Chen at all, but Leng Yaochen is different. He is the real enemy of love."Knowing that Feng Yu was worried about her entanglement with Leng Yaochen, Lin Xiangxiang comforted him: "don't worry, I won't mess with him. I have my own principles and can keep my bottom line."

Feng Yu gave a little smile. This small mouth is really comforting.

"The apology is not good enough. Let's apologize in another way." Feng Yu suddenly picked her up.

Miss Lin whispered, two hands instinctively entangled his neck.

The next moment, she was directly pressed on the bed by Feng Yu.

The end of provoking Feng Shao was beyond Lin's affordability.

I don't know how long it's been pressed by him. Lin Xiangxiang feels that all his enthusiasm has been drained by him.

And he, too tired to move, just took her to sleep.

One night seems long, but it is short.

When Lin woke up in the morning, the man around him had already left.

When she saw the time, it was more than ten o'clock.

It's over. She'll be late again.

Lin Xiangxiang takes out his cell phone and finds that his cell phone has been turned off. It must be Feng Yugan again.

She quickly got out of bed and turned on her mobile phone. Suddenly, the text messages rang one after another.

Lin Xiangxiang brushes her teeth and reads the text messages. She finds that they are all from Kanghe.

"Hello, director Kang, I'm really sorry. I I'm not feeling well. I overslept! " Miss Lin blushed and made up a lie.

"Miss, you hurry to come here. The dress you designed last time was torn apart by the staff. Tomorrow is the day to go on stage. I hope you can make up for it." Kanghe's tone is very anxious. In this situation, it's really a headache.

Lin miss a listen, immediately anxious voice: "director Kang, you don't worry, I'll come right away."

When Miss Lin rushed to the company, what was hanging in her office was the torn dress.

"No, how could you make such a split?" Miss Lin can't believe it. How can it be mended? It's useless at all.

Conor sat at her desk, her chin clenched, thinking.

"Miss, it seems, can only continue to transform." Time is too urgent. There is only half a day left.

Lin Xiangxiang stares at the damaged place and thinks for a while, "director Kang, I think it's OK to embroider two roses here by hand."

Kanghe nodded thoughtfully: "this idea is not bad, well, you design the pattern, I'll find the best embroiderer, and strive to get out in the morning tomorrow."


Two people work together, Miss Lin looked up some information about all kinds of roses, although she found a few very good flowers, but she did not want to be said to copy, had to rack their brains to come up with some of their own ideas.

When Kanghe found the embroidery worker, Lin Xiangxiang also sat by and watched the embroidery worker embroider the pattern he designed.

In the evening, the tear was covered by two distinct roses, and it had a special beauty.

After the dress was repaired, Lin began to think about another problem.

Why is the dress she designed torn for no reason?

We should know that the design department has designed hundreds of evening dresses for Zen feather's major stars. How did she win the competition?

Who's behind her?

Who would it be?

There are not many people she offends in Chanyu. One is Xia Hanxue, but she hasn't appeared in Chanyu for a long time. The other is Zhang Sisi.

"Could it be her?" Miss Lin always feel that this is a conspiracy, but, at the thought of being her best friend, her mood is inexplicably sad.

She has no intention to be an enemy, but she has no choice but to be upset by some people.

Once upon a time, she was so worried that she would be fooled and hurt by Leng Yaochen, so she went to protect her everywhere.

In the end, when she heard that Leng Yaochen liked her, she turned against her in an instant.

It's really chilling.

"Director Kang, do you know where this dress was torn?" Lin Xiangxiang walks into Kanghe's office and asks him.

Kanghe frowned and said, "I don't know. There are a lot of staff who have come into contact with this dress."

Lin sighed. Yes, there are still a lot of behind the scenes staff in Chanyu group. How can she find out by herself?

Besides, what about finding out? It can be said that it was an accident.

Tomorrow is Chanyu's annual celebration, and the entertainment industry has been boiling with this news for a long time.

Tomorrow will be a starry night.

But as a designer behind the scenes, Miss Lin can not seem to be infected with this festive atmosphere.Tomorrow, she will only help behind the scenes. As for those bright scenes in front of the stage, she can only review them in front of the screen after the celebration.

Will Feng Yu come?

It seems that he seldom comes here. Is he really so relieved to leave it to Leng Yaochen?

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