His Contractual Mistress

Chapter 229 - Call Mom

Chapter 229 - Call Mom

Back at present, Hilda coughs to clear her throat, then she warned them. "Why are you girls jumping? You aren't little girls anymore."

But she especially sent this message to Hailey. Until now, this girl hadn't found out yet that she was pregnant. And so she couldn't directly scold her and advise what a pregnant woman should work on, eat, and not.

"You girls remember not to do such an activity once you get pregnant." When she said that, she simply glanced at Hailey. She knew that pregnancy has different circumstances, and she wants healthy grandchildren.

Hilda frowned when no one understands her indirect message. They only think that she was scolding them.

Sheena strode closer to her mom; then hugged her tightly. Sometimes, she misses her nagging voice.

They said, cherish your loved ones, whoever they are, before things are too late. Sometimes, we only remember them when they are gone forever, and we could not make it up to them again.

"What got into you?" Hilda remained in her rough tone, even though she was blushing.

"I just missed you, mom."

"Why are you turning into a drama queen now?"

"Mom, that was your title," said Sheena. She then giggled.

Hilda shrunk her pupils as she glared at her youngest daughter for teasing her this way. Anyway, Sheena always addressed her with this nickname because she always reprimanded her for being such a rebellious kid.

Indeed she is so hard-headed. Every time her mom nagged her the way she dressed or her overly capricious, her mom had a litany to chide her. And her mom was in a rage after she would say,

"Mom? Those were your days, during ancient times. It's 2020 now!"

"Sheena Marie Lopez Shen!"

"Mom, I love my name." She will snicker, then she would run outside where her brother is waiting to be her chaperone.

And the moment he sees her clothes, he is on their mom's side. So, she has to get changed at the end, where her mom doubles her nags. She has so many things to tell her, just like a Drama Queen.

Sheena sobs. Why is the past always a beautiful thing to remember?

But except for those times, life knocks her down. Oppositely, it was the most meaningful part of her life too.

She never regretted when she had Lena, her angel.

"Alright, enough drama. I'm leaving now. The maids will bring some tea and desserts soon."

"Aw, thanks, mom!" Sheena and Deana said at once.

"Thank you, aunt Hilda. You're the best!" Janise echoed.

"Thank you, Madam Shen." Then Hailey lastly thanked her.

"Madam Shen?" Both the sisters exclaimed, looking at their mom, as displeasure was written on their faces.

"Mom? Hailey is now part of our family. Why does she have to address you like she is your employee?"

Hilda rendered her silence. She couldn't counter her daughters' accusation. She would admit she didn't think about that yet. But now, her daughters who would have scolded her over again!

Hilda took a deep breath. She smiled and said, "It's up to Miss Davies how she'll address me."

Now Deanna and Sheena shift their gazes from Hailey to their mom, then back at Hailey.

"You both are too formal to each other!" they growl.

"Mom, you should be the one to initiate!" Sheena is bugging her continuously.

Hilda fell silent once again. It tempted her to roll her eyes and glare at her daughters, especially at Sheena, who is undoubtedly a nosy girl! But maybe Hailey would misunderstand this.

Looking at Hailey, Hilda opens her mouth to mutter the words she was forming in her head.

"Of course, she could call me mom if she would like to."

"You hear that, Hail? From tonight and onwards, you will call our mom… Mom!"

Hailey blushed. She pushed back the tears that threatened to burst from her eyes. Since her mom died when she was ten years old, she truly longed for a mom's love. But her dad never thought of getting married again.

So, she was happy to call Kelly's mother Mama or Bryan's mom.

But to call mom, the mother who conceives to the man she fell in love with, brought unexplainable warmth in her chest.

"Hail, don't be shy!" Janise wink at her.

She smiled and shook her head. "I… I am just feeling sentimental at the moment," she admitted.

"I understand," said Hilda. "Your mom died when you were ten, right?"

Hailey nodded. This time, her eyes welled up.

"I'm sorry. We tried our best to save her. But the impact of the two cars is great. It's too late when no ambulance and paramedic arrive in the area where the accident took place."

It was the first time Hailey heard the story from the person who witnessed when her mom got into an accident that caused her death.

By the moment Hilda embraced her, she hugged her back and cried on her shoulder.

Janise, Sheena, and Dean were also crying to hear the tragedy Hailey's mom was into. And witnessing such moments, they also joined Hilda and Hailey; now, they had a group hug and let tears flooded their eyes.

The maids who were delivering the tea and desserts heard it too; this sight moved even them. It's the first time they witnessed Madam Shen being warm to other people.

Even to her family, she wasn't intimate or sweet. She always wears a poker face or shows her superiority to the people around her. And they love this kind of change.

And they prayed that this would continue. And this happens when their young master, Vincent, brings his mistress.

Well, they already loved her even before she came to the mansion. Their sir Carl always speaks nicely about her. So they always look forward to this day coming when Madam Shen opens the mansion's door for her.

"Okay. The tea and desserts were here. Let's drink first." said Hilda. She gestured at the maids to place the tray on the coffee table, then serve Hailey herself.

"Thank you, mom Hilda." Hailey shyly thanked the woman.? She could still not believe that she and Hilda had this kind of connection.

Hilda smiled at her. She took her hand and rubbed her face. And what she told Hailey next wet her eyes once again.

"Your mom wanted to tell you, how much she loves you."

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