Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 58: More Reports

Chapter 58: More Reports

"Sir, We have the medical report of the intruder with us! We also have a report on the materials found on the intruder's clothes!" A man said as soon as he entered the medical station and saw Buster. 

Buster looked at the man with a small tinge of annoyance and said, "We're in a medical station right now, How many times do I have to explain that being loud within a medical station is something that should not even be done? There are patients here, well only one patient but she just went through a concussion. Being loud in places like these are forbidden yet you still do it." Buster looked very annoyed. 

The man looked at Buster and said with a scared expression, "Sorry Sir I won't do it again" He looked back pointed towards a table. Another guard walked towards that table and put down a circular disk. The previous man then continued, "Sir, we also have a used syringe but for safety reasons, it's protected in the guard's locker. If you need it, we'll bring it here and if it's not needed, I shall take my leave." His voice was quieter than before, fearing Buster's anger. 

Buster shook his head, "You may leave, We'll look at the syringe later on. For now, we just needed the reports." The guard smiled and quickly left the building when he heard Buster. 

Buster looked towards the chip and walked to it. He pressed a button on the chip and brought it towards the three. Alex looked at the chip and said, "What is that?" He was curious about the circular chip that the guard brought them. It looked similar to the hologram chip that SIr Fire previously used but it had a different shape and was larger. 

Midnight looked at Alex and answered, "That chip is a medical hologram. It's very useful for medical reports because it shows the parts of the body in the report, incomplete 3d. So we can move it around and look at the injuries up close. It shows everything in 3d, and even the blobs so it's easier to understand and explain for the doctor." Alex nodded when he heard Midnight, he understood the use of the chip. 

Buster looked at the chip and pressed another small trigger. As he did, a small navigation UI popped up. The rest watched as Buster navigated through the UI to bring up the different results. It looked like he was just using a tough control but he was interacting with the 3d image projected in the air. 

After a few seconds of going through the report, Buster looked at Sir Fire and said, "Everything is clear. Nothing that's out of the ordinary. He died from poison, cyanide. A simple yet effective one. Before infiltrating the facility, he didn't have anything to eat or even drink. His systems were empty and by the looks of it, he was dehydrated. It seems like they had him with themselves for a few days before they put him up with Shin to try to get inside this facility" 

Buster took a deep breath and continued, "No signs of previous injuries before he came here, and nothing else that would look weird to me." Sir Fire looked at Buster and said, can you check his blood reports.

Buster nodded and said, "Like I said, nothing out of the ordinary. If I bring up his blood report, it's nothing special. His blood type is A+, pretty common. He doesn't have any disease of any sort. Except for the dehydration and near starvation, the guy was very healthy." Buster looked at Sir FIre, waiting for his reaction. 

Sir fire didn't comment on what Buster said. He looked at the doctor and said, "how's her blood report going?" The doctor, who was distracted by the report given by Buster quickly looked at the computer and said, "In a few dozen seconds, the report will be printed." 

The rest nodded and walked towards the Doctor's office, waiting for the blood report. Alex and midnight, both were very curious about what was happening. They both suspected the same thing as Buster and Sir fire, that the victims must have been controlled by something that was physically within the body but they didn't know for sure. All they had to do now was wait for Buster or Sir Fire to explain it to them.

Once the blood report was oriented, They all saw that the report showed the same thing. There was the same amount of parasite blobs within her blood. 

Buster and Sir Fire had a smile on their faces when they saw the parasite and looked towards Shin. "Shin, I'll need to ask something from you. Once we succeed, We believe that we can prevent any more victims like you." 

Shin, a bit confused by what the two were talking about nodded, "What do I do?" buster Looked at Sir Fire when he heard her reaction and said, "We'll have to prevent her from going outside as the effects might kick in and she might run away" Sir fire nodded and replied, "I know, Let's just quickly finish our tests, after that we no longer need to worry about anything." 

Buster smiled when he heard Sir Fire and looked towards Shin, "we need you to donate some blood to us. The parasite within your blood may be the key to the mind controller's secrets to mind controlling you, Axa, and many more unknown victims." 

Shin looked shocked when she heard Sir Fire, "What.. I have a parasite?"

Sir Fire nodded when he heard Shin, "You have a very weird parasitic blob that absorbs your energy. But If we find a way to kill it, we can prevent it from doing any harm to you. and if our theory is correct, you will also no longer be in control of anyone else. Until then, We... We will have to keep you locked up to prevent you from escaping if the mind control starts to come back."

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