Hellmode ~A Hardcore Gamer Becomes Peerless in Another World with Retro Game Settings~

Chapter 166

Chapter 166

“I can see the land. I think I see Rosenheim.”

“Yeah, we’re right on schedule.”

I reply to Cecile’s voice.

It is now the evening of the 4th day, and we can safely see the land that seems to be the southern tip of Rosenheim.

Sophie is anxiously gazing at the southern tip of Rosenheim through the windowpanes attached to the Magic Ship.

This is because the information we had confirmed at the Royal Castle did not tell us whether Her Majesty is safe or not.

(Good thing, too. There’s no fire in the Nest City.)

The Nest City is the southernmost city of Rosenheim. If a fire has already started here and the smoke is rising, it means that Rosenheim has completely fallen into the hands of the Demon King’s army.

The Magic Ship will soon land at a depot in the Nest City.

When we landed at the landing site, I stepped off the Magic Ship with hundreds of elves.

The elven students began to run, looking around.

So it is true that elves are very protective of their families.

They are probably more worried about the safety of their family than about the war.

They are looking for their parents to see if they have come to the landing site.

However, although there are many elves here, there doesn’t seem to be anyone who looks like the parents of the elven students.

Elves are said to value family ties more than any other race. Perhaps that’s why they live longer and have fewer children than other races.

The size of Rosenheim is equivalent to about a third of the Central Continent, but the population of elves living here is said to be the same as the small Latash Kingdom.

(That’s a lot of cargo.)

The crates of cargo were crammed into the depot. There were so many that you’d think they’d collected all the cargo from all over Rosenheim.

An elf who appeared to be the commander of the elven army was giving instructions on how to organize the cargo.

If you look closely, you can see some wooden boxes that are partially burnt. They must have escaped the war.

A carriage approached from the side where we had gotten off, and an elf got out of the carriage and came over to us.

“Welcome back, Lady Sophiarone. The Council of Elders would like to see you, please come this way.”

“… Elders? Master Allen, the Council has summoned us, so let’s go.”

Sophie raised her eyebrows for a moment at the word ‘Elders’.

Sophie rephrased to me as the elf came down from the carriage and spoke to her.

We all get into the carriage following her.

“What about the students?”

We have left behind the elven students who came with us.

“No problem. I’ve already given them instructions on the meeting place.”

As the elf said this, everyone gasped as we passed through the arrival and departure areas.

The reason for our collective gasp being the scenery of the city from the window of the carriage.

“… Oh, my God.”

Cecile exclaimed.

The area had become like a field hospital.

The elves are desperately trying to heal the injured elves. A number of crying children’s voices echoed in the air.

(How far does it go? The city is full of wounded and refugees. There are over a million refugees alone.)

I am checking the entire Nest City from above using ten E-rank Bird summons.

In my mind, the war has already begun.

Now that the Demon King’s army has taken over 70% of the territory and is advancing further, I don’t know how much time is left for Rosenheim.

The more time we waste, the more damage we will suffer. We can’t waste any more time.

Probably a million elves have already died in this invasion.

Once I have a complete picture of the city, I will move directly to the front lines to check the situation.

The Nest City is quite large, as it is a key point in the south with a large bay. The Eagle catches sight of the streets filled with elves.

The city is full of injured and refugees, many of whom are injured, including those who are not in buildings but are being treated on the street, and those who are missing limbs.

(Some couldn’t recover anymore, some didn’t receive healing service since there were too many seriously injured people.)

The fact that there are so many seriously injured and wounded in Rosenheim, where many are said to be able to use Recovery Magic, seems to indicate the fierceness of the situation on the front lines.

Everyone in the carriage was shocked to see the battlefield so vividly.

As it was, the carriage stopped in front of a large wooden building in the middle of the city.

As Sophie got off the carriage, the area began to buzz. The people of the city seemed to have noticed the Princess’ return.

Some of them began to worship her with their hands. They realized the magnitude of Sophie’s presence, who is said to be the next Queen.

“Come on, Master Allen, this way. Formar, where are the Elders?”

“I’ll look into it right away.”

Sophie, knowing the devastation of the city, stoutly gave instructions to Formar. Sophie also seemed to share my thought that time is running out.

Formar returned soon.

He led the way, and we went into the back of the building.

“This way,” he said, and behind the open door sat a dozen wizened elves. {Wizened means shriveled or wrinkled with age}

“Oh, Lady Sophiarone. I’m glad you’re back.”

As we were ushered into what looked like a large conference room, one of the wizened elves shouted with delight.

But Sophie looked around the large conference room.

“Where is Her Majesty?”



“I’m sorry, Lady Sophierone. We asked her to evacuate as well.”

“So she’s still fighting on the front lines?”


Then Sophie was furious about the situation.

“Why are you here without Her Majesty the Queen?”

The wizened elves shuddered at the fierceness of her words.

“I’m sorry, too. Lady Sophiarone.”

(Is she angry that the Council evacuated while the Queen did not?)

Rosenheim has a Queen, but it also has a parliamentary system. The 12-member Council of Elders decides on matters pertaining to the administration of the state, but the Queen has the right to veto any decisions made by the Council.

In the absence of the Queen, Sophie was furious that there were all 12 Elders here without missing a single person. One of the Elders desperately tried to quiet Sophie down.

“So, what happened to Her Majesty?”

“Her Majesty is currently fighting in Tiamo.”

(I’ve heard of Tiamo. It’s one of the larger cities. Is that our current frontline?)

I remembered what I had learned in class about it being one of the larger cities north of Nest.

If 70% of the northern part of Rosenheim is occupied, it’s not hard to see why it’s the front line.

“So she’s still alive?”

“Oh… yes.”

The Elder slurred his words.

“What is it? Answer me.”

“According to our estimates, Tiamo only has a few days left.”

The Elders replied with regret. He said that the current frontline will fall in a few days.

In addition to the Elders of the Council, there are other elves here who are considered high-ranking commanders and Generals.

A map was spread out on a large table, and they seemed to be discussing what to do about the situation, which was about to be attacked and destroyed.

Sophie looked at the elf, who appeared to be a General from his armor, and asked if it was true that the city would fall in a few days.

The wounded General closed his eyes and lowered his head.

(Was this General also badly injured and forced to evacuate? Well, it looks like we don’t have much time, and Sophie said we can do whatever we want. I’m an outsider, but since I’ve been called in, I’ll intervene.)

“So the only people here are refugees who escaped the war and wounded soldiers who retreated from the battlefield. And that the city on the front lines will fall in a few days, and that the Queen in that city is in danger.”

I summarized the conversation and the situation in the city as confirmed by my E-rank Bird summons.


When I, who was watching from the side, spoke up, everyone looked at him.

“Who is he and what is he doing here?”

“He is the savior that the Spirit King Rosen prophesied. He has come to save Rosenheim.”

Sophie seemed to have finally calmed down when I entered the conversation.

“Such a boy is the Spirit King’s …”

The General, who had lost one of his arms, looked at me quizzically.

Allen doesn’t look strong after all.

Allen and his party arrived at Nest, a city in Rosenheim that had been invaded.

What awaited them were tens of thousands of wounded soldiers and refugees who could not fight.

(Well, now that I know what’s going on, I need to start taking action.)

“My name is Allen.”

As a matter of course, Allen introduced himself to the wounded General and the wizened elves.

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